Part 1

He is the one



Sungjong groaned when he felt the Sun shining at his face. He quickly covered himself with his blanket, hoping the Sun would go away. It was like the Sun is grinning brightly at him, greeting his morning like it would every other days if it's not raining.


As if the Sun wasn't enough, Sungjong's alarm clock rang loudly. The ring was so loud that it was as if the cracken was released. Not to mention Sungjong had misplaced the clock underneath his pillow because of his sleepiness the other night.


He could've been deaf if he didn't abruptly get up and threw the alarm clock out of the window in anger. He didn't even care anymore that the glass window broke.


All he cares is there's no disturbance whatsoever in his glory morning.


/(e n e)/ d i s t u r b a n c e;


Speaking of disturbance, everyone knows the popular school's heartthrob. Who else if it's not Kim Myungsoo? But it's not like he belongs in a clique. He hangs out with everyone. Just not any women accept maybe his mom.


Myungsoo was about to park his car at his usual spot (he wrote his name there just in case) and before he knew it, he almost ran over his best friend. The said best friend managed to skip away just in time, heaving a sigh of relief after. "Yah Lee Sungyeol," Myungsoo walked out of the car right after, shooting a glare at the taller boy. "You could've been dead!" he raged.


Sungyeol laughed and ruffled Myungsoo's hair. "Wah the infamous Myungie oppa cares about me. I'm touched," he smiled toothily.


Don't misunderstand here. Myungsoo doesn't disturb anyone. Sungyeol does.


"Ayy Park Chanyeol!" Sungyeol boomed when he saw another taller boy clumsily walking into the building.


"Ayyy Mr. Lee," Chanyeol automatically replied with a wide grin, waving enthusiastically. He made his way towards Sungyeol and they did a quick brofist-handshake, honoring their 'bro code'.


Myungsoo rolled his eyes and locked his car after. He went away, leaving the pair by themselves. It's not like he's needed there. Sungyeol is much more social than he is especially since Sungjong is actively involved in the school's basketball team.


But truthfully Myungsoo felt a little upset that his best friend would leave him alone. Annoyed, he kicked a pebble all the way into the school building, mumbling inaudible curses such as 'stupid Lee Sungyeol, pft just wait and see until I get more friends than you.'


He stopped in the middle of his walk, glaring at the piece of pebble he had been abusing that morning. Finding it useless, he put more strength into his kicking, not realizing how the pebble hit someone's head.


< / g a p e s > ;



"Lee Sungjong, would you please hurry up?" the president of the drama club, Sunggyu almost shouted. He rubbed his temples, tapping his foot impatiently.


The latter kept dropping his things, furrowing his brows every single time he went to pick them up. "Arasso hyung," he forcefully spoke out while mentally cursing the elder. With arms full carrying a box, Sungjong tried to bend down to pick up a prop that fell out from the box. "Aish," he grumbled in annoyance. Luck wasn't on his side when he felt something hard but tiny hit is head.


It was already a stressful morning, (especially since Mr. Kim Sunggyu didn't even offer to help) and now someone just kicked a pebble on his head.


Sungjong's grip on the box immediately tightened and he shut his eyes, gathering his temper. "Yah! Who do you think you are kickingㅡ" he yelled but stopped midway when he realized who the culprit is. "ㅡat," he softly continued, almost inaudible.


The ever-so-famous Kim Myungsoo just stood there with his mouth agape. A kid just yelled at him. The kid from his class. Someone actually had the guts to yell at him. But of course, nobody liked to be yelled at. Especially if the person is younger than you are and you didn't make any mistake. Blame Lee Sungyeol for ruining his morning mood.


"What? It's not my fault," he innocently shrugged, staring soullessly at the slender boy.


On the other hand, Kim Sunggyu smacked his hand on his forehead before voluntarily picked up the fallen prop and throwing it back in the box. Finally he did something helpful. Sunggyu then carried the box and silently walked away. Sungjong could be really violent when he wanted to.


Sungjong wanted to fight back, but it's the Kim Myungsoo we're talking about here. Everyone becomes a nervous wreck in front of him. He's just that good looking. So Sungjong inhaled deeply and turned his heels, jogging back to Sunggyu.


Myungsoo scoffed. "Weird."


M r .  P o p u l a r  o//n//o


Nobody needs to be told twice who Myungsoo is. Despite having small group of friends, Myungsoo is actually really popular thanks to his looks. He thanks his parents' genetics and chromosomes a lot before he goes to bed. "My face is precious," he had told Sungyeol once with a smirk. No, he's not narcissistic, he's just being truthful. At the same time grateful because he's blessed with an oh-so handsome visual.


At least, that's what most of the biased girls in his school imagine.


"Can you believe it? Myungsoo just smiled at me."


"No way, he was totally smiling at me."


The girls at Sungjong's table gushed during recess. Sungjong rolled his eyes and munched angrily on his sandwich. It was always about Myungsoo. It was like there was no one else in the school that mattered more than him. Sungjong preferred Howon, the school's prefect. He was a lot nicer than Myungsoo in his opinion. Heck, his smile is a lot more charming. Sungjong let out a dreamy sigh. If anyone knows about his stupid super gay thoughts on Howon, he'd be the joke of the year.


The girls became quiet all of a sudden and all eyes turned to Sungjong. "What?" he asked, jaw agape as he was about to munch on his sandwich.

The girl sitting next to him, Bomi cleared and pointed towards a direction. Sungjong turned his head towards the direction and he could've sworn a slice of ham fell out of the sandwich at the sight. There stood Kim Myungsoo beside Sungjong and he stamped a sticky note on the dumbfounded boy before walking away.


The note read as follows;

"Sorry I made you mad"


And one girl choked on her spit.


Hi, everyone! Neomu neomu kamsahaeyo for commenting and subscribing to this story :D

/throw namu hearts/ hehe... :)

Here is the part 1. The next part... maybe I will post it a little bit late since my friend does'nt give the copy to me yet...

So, hope you guys will patiently waiting for it! :D

Enjoy the story!

Oh yes! Mind the mistakes :) Hihi... and please comment <3


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Chapter 4: Cute >.< can't imagine myungsoo as a princess XD imagine him with pink dress and a wig XD
Chapter 4: Awwww! Such a cutee story :)
Princess MYUNGSOO & Prince SUNGJONG !!
Chapter 4: Aw they're so cute! Love this! Good Job! <3
Chapter 4: I love your friend's Story <3 So pretty
Chapter 4: I love your friend's. Story <3
Chapter 4: I love your friend's. Story <3
Chapter 4: u should have made sungjong the princess but Myungsoo oppa eing the princess really make me roll on he floor hahaha
Chapter 4: Awwww the ending so sweet. I like it so much <3