Part 2

He is the one


"Quick rehearsal," Sunggyu clapped his hands, gathering the drama club members. 

Sungjong fiddled with the stickie note from the earlier morning and he sighed. He could never figure out what Myungsoo is like.

Sunggyu poked his head out of the crowd of members and he mischievously grinned at the sight of the dazed Sungjong. He knows well that Sungjong has a little gay crush on Howon and he really wished that Sungjong would be open about it. But Sungjong is not at all fond of rejection.

"Sungjong-ah," Sunggyu snapped his fingers continously. "Do you want to try the male lead?" he asked, a little too sweetly for the normal Sunggyu.

"Seriously?" Sungjong shot up from his daze with a gape. 

"Mm. Yeah. Howon, you could be the knight," Sunggyu patted the built prefect's shoulder with an eyesmile. He didn't even let the male respond before pointing towards a random person, "Princessy." 

The said princess totally wasn't ready. Especially since the princess is a male. His gender wasn't ready either. 

"Me?" Dongwoo asked, stopping himself from bouncing around (and bothering the guy next to him).

Sunggyu's eye twitched but he has pride. And his pride is too hard to be ignored. So Sunggyu nodded, "Yeah you. Princess..."

"Really? Who's my prince?" Dongwoo asked in excitement, already starting to bounce around again. He looked around and saw his knight in shining armor Howon. Immediately, he tackle-hugged the built male with a grin plastered on his dino-like face. 

"Aigoo my prince. Let us gallop on our white horse together towards the sunset and bask underneath the colorful rainbows."

Sunggyu couldn't get any more annoyed. "Yah Jang Dongwoo, your prince is Lee Sungjong," the leader narrowed his eyes to 0.6cm. It's the accurate measurement for his small eyes when he's angry. Once, there was a teacher who measured his eyes based on his facial expression. The teacher is a weird person alright.

"Lee Sungjong?" a voice interrupted. Sunggyu whipped his head towards the direction of the voice and mentally cursed himself for doing so. Nam Woohyun.

"But Sungjong is more princess material," Woohyun scrunched his nose in distaste. "Tsk Kim Sunggyu. I'm dissapointed in you. You can't just randomly point at someone and cast them," he continued, adding fuel to the fire.

Instead of bursting into a string of curses like a volcano eruption, Sunggyu smiled and his eyes are 0.1cm in full measurement. "Nam Woohyun-sshi, you surely know a lot about princes. Please demonstrate, Prince Woohyun," Sunggyu sarcastically remarked.

Woohyun grinned and Sunggyu mentally stabbed himself for saying such a ridiculous thing. The younger boy approached the president and with a mischievous smirk on his face, he neared himself closer to Sunggyu. Sunggyu could feel his cheeks warm up but Woohyun knelt in front of him, taking Sunggyu's hand in his. He planted a soft kiss on the hamster-like president's hand after and with a charming smile, he tilted his head to the side. "Wasn't I prince-like?" Woohyun grinned, showing off his pearly whites and healthy pink gums.

Sunggyu's soul disappeared but Sungjong really wished that someday someone would do the same thing to him.

On the other hand, in the basketball club, it's an entirely different matter. Myungsoo is like the typical nerdy girlfriend who'd seat at the bleachers and do his homework while he watches his boyfriend Sungyeol play. But their relationship is not like that at all. Myungsoo made an excuse to not be involved in club activities so he was pretty lucky. Everything is quite possible if you're good looking and people will fall for your tricks.

"Myungsoo-yah! Pass me the towel," Sungyeol hollered from the court, flipping his sweaty bangs to the side. Instead of throwing the towel like the usual chic Myungsoo would do, he got up and handed the towel to his friend by himself. "Whoa, our prince is behaving like a butler today," Sungyeol joked, draping the towel over his neck.

"Shut up. I'm going for a walk," Myungsoo chicly responded (as usual) and made his way out of the court. Once he's outside, he inhaled deeply, inhaling the scent of fresh air. That was until he noticed a familiar voice coming from the hall. Myungsoo peeked through the entrance door and saw someone familiar.  Lee Sungjong.

A quick smirk formed on his face. He secretly had fun flustering the boy to be honest. So without hesitation, Myungsoo stealthily entered the hall. He raised a brow when Sunggyu and Sungjong seemed to be discussing something at a far corner; far from the other club members.

Blessing his all-blacks attire, Myungsoo covered half of his face with his shirt, managing to come closer by hiding in the shadows. Lately he seemed to be developing an interest in disturbing Sungjong.

Sungjong's brows were ceased but Sunggyu's face was redder than usual.

"Hyung I don't want to be the prince. Woohyun hyung should've been the prince," Myungsoo heard Sungjong's silent whines.

Sunggyu frowned, "But don't you like Howon? It's a good chance to get closer to him." 

"Hyung, you're just making excuses. I know you don't want to share Woohyun hyung with anyone," Sungjong teased, the serious expression still plastered on his face.

"W-what? No! What does that have to do with anything?" Sunggyu rubbed his temples, looking down and looking anywhere but Sungjong.

Myungsoo furrowed his brow. So Sungjong likes Howon and Sunggyu has a thing for Woohyun?

For some reason, Myungsoo felt a pang on his chest.

"Chill. You don't have to know everything about everyone," Myungsoo mumbled to himself as he walked out. He thought that maybe the pain he felt was because Sungyeol didn't tell him any news about Woohyun and Sunggyu. But what about Howon and Sungjong? Are they a pair? Myungsoo felt annoyed all of a sudden and he didn't know why at all.

"Hey you," Woohyun tapped on his shoulder from behind. 

Myungsoo peered over his shoulder and raised a brow, "Yes?"

"We're lacking extras," Woohyun bit his lip before resuming with his best charming smile. "You're good looking. We could use you in our performance," he said and draped his arm over Myungsoo's shoulder.

Myungsoo didn't even get the chance to respond when a script was shoved to him.



Hi, everyone! Here is the part 2. I hope you guys like it :3

Oh, yes! My friend said neomu neomu kamsahaeyo for the comments and the subcribes. :)

Sorry that I post this chapter late since we're busy /bow/

Okay, then :) Enjoy the story! The last chapter also will be a little bit late.

Hope you guys will patiently waiting :3

/whispers/ the Sunggyu's eyes measurement is from weekly idol. Hihi... He really have a cute eyes. ^^

Okay guys! - Mind the mistakes, okay? :)

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Chapter 4: Cute >.< can't imagine myungsoo as a princess XD imagine him with pink dress and a wig XD
Chapter 4: Awwww! Such a cutee story :)
Princess MYUNGSOO & Prince SUNGJONG !!
Chapter 4: Aw they're so cute! Love this! Good Job! <3
Chapter 4: I love your friend's Story <3 So pretty
Chapter 4: I love your friend's. Story <3
Chapter 4: I love your friend's. Story <3
Chapter 4: u should have made sungjong the princess but Myungsoo oppa eing the princess really make me roll on he floor hahaha
Chapter 4: Awwww the ending so sweet. I like it so much <3