Meet The Parents

Never My Plan

"So, I think that's it." Sehun brought me to the front of the gates.

"Aw already? We were having so much fun." I pouted, earning an amused laugh from him.

"Yeah, I have other things to attend to. By the way, what's your surname again?"

"Byun. Byun Soomin." I decided to use my adoptive father’s surname, like I always had.

"Hm okay. Bye then!" He waved at me, to which I returned the gesture with a huge smile plastered on my face. I could actually enjoy this if Sehun was here often.

"Bye!" I stayed behind to snoop around the rooms some more. Besides, I still had time, like an hour, thirty-seven minutes and twelve seconds to be exact, to kill before the dreaded meeting with Jongin's parents.

"Jihyun-ah!" I screamed out her name when I saw her rushing to some other part of the house.

"Oh yes, agassi?" I scrunched up my face at the word that came out of Jihyun’s mouth. I didn't think it suited me in any way.

"Don't call me that! Call me Soomin."

"But..." She lowered her head and stared at the ground.

"We're still the same age right?"


"And we started off with the same job right?"

"Okay then..."

“Now will you stay and chat with me?”

“I’m sorry, I have work to do. I should be leaving.” With that, she speed-walked away without even looking back.

Oh great, I’m all alone again. In this huge mansion. In this unfamiliar huge mansion. Might as well…

“Hey sweetheart.” My thoughts were cut off by a certain obnoxious voice.

“Can you honestly stop scaring me like that?” I said, exasperated.

“Can you honestly not be so scared like that?” Jongin imitated my voice and my hand actions, but in a much more annoying way.

“I don't even wanna talk to you anymore.” I shoved him lightly to the side.

“Well, you will eventually. Anyways, where’s Sehun?” He turned his head to both his sides.

“He went somewhere to do something.”

“Wow, that’s awfully useful.” He commented sarcastically.

“Why thank you.” I did a little curtsy bow, causing him to roll his eyes. “Why are you so early anyway?”

“I finished my stuff early, so I came back. Why are you so interested huh?” He raised an eyebrow at me, wiggling them slightly.

“I’m not interested, I’m just curious.”

“And why are you curious?”

“When I’m curious, I’m just curious, why would I need an explanation for that?” I shot him a weird look.

“We still have another hour to go before the meeting, what do you say we do?” He continued following me when I attempted to walk away.

“I suggest you leave me alone and go hang out with your other friends.”

“Wow, don't need to be so fierce, I just wanna get to know you more.”

“Our relationship only goes as far as the contract, so there’s no need for that.”

“We could be friends, if you don't mind.”

I contemplated for a bit, there’s no harm in being friends, right?

“Fine, friends it is.”

“Meanwhile as our relationship only goes as far as friends, I still get to call you pet names.”

“Why do you want to call me pet names so much?”

“Cos I just wanna see your funny reaction every time.”

“You sadist.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Anyways, my dad’s home early so we can actually meet him now.”

“Why didn't you say so earlier?”

“Wanted to talk to you for a bit.”

“There’s not much to say between us.”

“Meh, you’re fun to tease.”

He led me to one of the meeting rooms on the first floor, and went in first. Rude bastard, he didn't even hold the door for me!

"You're late." His father spoke calmly with his back facing us.

"No dad, you're early. The original plan was to meet at 4pm." Jongin threw himself on the couch, then propped himself with a cushion.

"But then I arranged it to 3pm."

"Too bad."

"Jongin, I hope you understand the purpose of the marriage."

"Yes, yes, I know. It's to stop me from creating all those scandals that are so detrimental to the company and if I settle down, the press won't focus so much on me in the near future. Okay, I get it."

"Why couldn't you choose someone of a higher status?"

“Why should I? She's okay."

"Fine then, since you're so persistent. Jongin, I'm not getting any younger, you will have to inherit the company sooner or later."

"Which is why I'm marrying her?" Jongin said in a sarcastic tone.

"To be very frank with you, I have set a few requirements and only when you complete those requirements will you be able eligible for the inheritance of Kimmy Industries."

"What? What kind of requirements?"

"First, you have to obtain a degree in your studies. Second, you have to major in business. Third, you have to be faithful to your wife for at least two years and she has to be the same to you, any scandals and the timer resets. Also, you will inherit the company and half my assets at the end of two years. The rest of my assets will only be given to you when you have a child of your own."

"A child? That's not very hard." He sent a smirk in my direction, to which I glared at him.

"Quite, but your current highest level of education is only a diploma."

"Then I'll go to a university," he said with his eyes closed, "after I enjoy myself for a bit."

"When are you going to treat your life seriously?"

"When I feel like it."


“Why are you always so rude to your dad?” I asked when the whole meeting was over and his father out of sight.

“I don't know, I’ve always been like this.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“You have to learn some respect, young man.”

“Hey, the last time I checked, our relationship only goes as far as the terms in the contract. After two years when I get my inheritance, we will be like strangers again.”

“So all this is for the inheritance? Wow, how cheap can you be?” I scoffed.

“Mind your own business lady.” He growled before exiting the room.


“Stop being so worried, Kyungsoo! He said it really clearly that our marriage is something for him to get his inheritance two year later.”

“So it’ll last for two years?!” Kyungsoo exclaimed, almost choking on his water.

“Yeah, but nothing will happen, I swear.”

“But what if he decides to make a move on you? Like maybe dope your drink and do something he shouldn't?”

“You’re worrying too much.” I took a seat beside him and lightly pinched his nose.

“I still don't understand why you accepted it, I could help with your mom’s debts too.” He pouted.

“Yes, but this will settle the debts much faster, so we don't have much of a choice.”

“But what if you start falling for him instead?” A worried expression replaced the pouty one he had on his face.

“Why would I? I have my personal cook right here and I won’t leave him for anything.”

“You sure?”

“Of course I’m sure.”

“Then does your dad know about this?”

I froze when I realised that I made this decision without informing my father. Oh god, he would be so mad.

“Oh shoot, I forgot all about him!”

“Then call him now!”

I quickly fished out my phone from my bag and punched in the numbers to my father’s home telephone. It didn't take long for him to pick up the call.

“Um appa, what if I told you that I was getting married?” I rushed through my words and uttered out everything in one breath.

“What? To whom?!” I swear I could practically feel his anger radiating from the phone.

“Er, Kim Jongin of Kimmy Industries?” I said nervously.

“That flirty bastard? No way. How did you even meet him?”


Hey guise, I’m sorry for not updating for so long (and for the crappy update), I was caught up with some things and with the recent incident with Exo, I just didn’t feel like updating. To read my thoughts on it, click here (at your own risk). I hope you guise would understand, thanks.


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I actually have a chapter ready but I think now is not the right time to post anything, I seek your understanding. Thanks.


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Chapter 2: there is Jongin the soon to be husband, Kyungsoo the boyfriend, Sehun as the other... It is so overwhelming!
Chapter 1: Jongin is so randlm, hahaha
Doesn't think before he utter things ^^