A Plan, A New Friend

Never My Plan

“So, have you gotten everything down?” The in-charge asked me after dismissing the rest of the maids.

“Yeah, I think.” I was contemplating on whether to add in an explanation before my thoughts were cut off from her annoying jabbers.

“Listen lady, I don't need amateurs for this job, it’s either you get it or you don't. So you better work harder to secure your position here, clear?” She said in a stern voice.

“Yes.” I replied softly before she left the room to do her patrols.

“Sorry, I was supposed to teach you everything by yesterday.” Jihyun lowered her head in shame, but I quickly lifted her head up.

“No need to be sorry. Even if you did teach me everything, I don't think I’ll be able to squeeze in all the information into my tiny brain.” I joked, causing her to laugh. “There, see. No need to be so uptight.”

“Hm you’re right, but we still have to work, so let’s go!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the maids’ room.

I was being introduced to the many rooms in the mansion and what their names were. Why did their house have to be so huge? It only makes my life difficult.

“And here is the Director’s son’s room. His name is Jongin.” Jihyun’s eyes peered over to the room with the rainbow-splashed door.

“That’s Jongin’s room? I thought he’d be more mature.” I laughed as I spun around, ready to leave the area.

“Who’s more mature?” When I turned around, I almost crashed into him.

“Can you not do that?” I shoved him away after realising how close we were.

“This is my house for your information, and you’re the maid who tends to my every need.” I opened your mouth and tried to come up with a comeback but I couldn't think of anything. “Cat got your tongue?”

“No, I just don't want to argue with someone of a lower level of intelligence than me.” I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

“What did you say?”

“I said, I don't want to-”

“Of course I heard what you said, I didn't really mean for you to repeat it dummy. Who has a lower level of intelligence now?” He pushed my head, causing me to go stumbling back.

“Whatever man, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.” I spun around, prepared to walk away.

“Actually, I have to something to discuss with you. Uh Jihyun can you leave us?” She nodded meekly before scurrying away.

“What is it that’s so important yet so discreet?” I can’t deny, his secretive actions had caught my interest. After all, I am what they call a nosy person.

“Oh Soomin, will you marry me?” I took a moment to digest his question, and when I did, I shot him a confused look.

“Uh what? No.” I rejected him immediately. Was he high or something? Who would ask a random stranger to marry him twice?

“It’s only in the papers, no feelings attached. We can divorce after I take over the company.” He explained, but it didn't manage to persuade me one bit.

“Hey, what do you take me for? Some tool that you can use then throw away after your use?” Now I was getting mad.

“I’ll pay you for it, I know you need the money to pay your mother’s debts.” He mentioned it with such confidence.

“How did you-”

“That’s what money can do. Now will you or not? I mean, it’s not like I can’t find anyone who’s unwilling to marry me, but it’s hard to find someone with a clean record who will not fall for me. Or will you?” He sent a smirk in my direction.

“Hey man, I will never ever fall for you.” I said with an affirmative voice.

“Good, then are we set?”

“I need time to think about it.” I mean sure, it was an excellent offer, but that was a major decision to make.

“I’m already offering you a great deal here, what more do you need to consider?” He took one step closer to me.

“Just give me time, okay?” I stepped back as I pushed him lightly away.

“No, I want my answer now. And I mean now.”

“Fine, but I’m only doing this for my parents. Also, don't call me Oh Soomin, call me Byun Soomin. I follow my adoptive father’s surname.”

“Figures. I’ll start preparing then, wedding’s in a month.”

“A month?! You’re not giving me any mental preparation.” My volume raised with every word that came out of my mouth.

“You’re not the only one suffering here, mind you.”

“One more thing, we don't do skinship, except in front of your parents maybe, if it’s required.”

“Please, who would want to do skinship with you?”

“I’ll have you know that I actually have a boyfriend.” I placed each of my hand on either side of my waist.

“You do? That just makes it a whole lot more interesting when you start falling for me.” He sent another smirk in my way. Seriously, this guy has to stop smirking.

“I’ve made my point clear that I will never fall for you!” I reached out to land a smack on his arm, but then decided against it.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” He strolled away arrogantly.


I broke the news to my boyfriend that night, and he was not very happy about it. I mean, who wouldn’t if you find out that the person you love was going to be engaged with someone else?

“It’s all part of the contract, Kyungsoo. It’s not like it’s out of love anyway. I have negotiated with him to allow me to continue dating you, just that we have to do it discreetly from now on.” I tried to prove that it would not be that bad.

“You didn't even ask for my consent.” Kyungsoo huffed, crossing his arms and turning away from me.

“The benefits are too tempting, it would really help to pay off my mother’s debts faster.” Reasoning was the last thing I could do.

“What about me? I can work to pay off her debts.” Cupping my face, he stared sincerely into my eyes.

“Baby, I don't want to trouble you when you’re not even one of us yet. You’ve helped tremendously, and I appreciate it. It’s just that this supposed “job” will help to pay them off faster.” I pressed my hands against his, enjoying the warmth he was providing.

“I don't have a good feeling about this.” He withdrew his hands away from my face.

“You never have a good feeling about anything.” I ruffled his hair before getting up from the couch to the kitchen to prepare dinner.


I stopped reporting for work the next day. Well, in a way, yes I did resign from the current maid job, but that was to let me report for my new job: Being Jongin’s wife. Or soon-to-be at least.

Walking past the gates, a few of the maids who once outranked me had to bow down to me. To be honest, I didn't like this kind of attention, especially when they’re not very willing to.

“Hey sweetheart, so you’ll start being my “soon-to-be wife” today, how do you feel?” He sent a blow-kiss flying in my direction.

“Horrible beyond words.” I shuddered at the thought of being his wife for the next god-knows-how-many years.

“It’s not that bad okay?”

“News flash: It is that bad.” I made an imaginary frame around me to mimic the news reporter in the television.

“Have you been given a tour around the house?” He changed the subject even before I finished “framing” myself.

“Yeah, yesterday.” I gave him a stink eye for interrupting me.

“Well, I’m not free today so my best bud here, Sehun, will do that instead.” As if on cue, a male slipped out of one of the rooms and stopped beside him.

“Hi, I’m Sehun.” He pronounced his name with a lisp.

“Hey, I’m Soomin.” I greeted him coolly.

“Okay, gotta go. Oh, and there’ll be a meeting at four in the afternoon with my dad, see you then. Have fun you two!” Jongin tapped both Sehun’s and my shoulder before scurrying off to god-knows-where.

“So you’re Soomin?”

“Um in case you didn't catch what I said, I did introduce myself as Soomin, yes.” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“I did catch what you said, but personally seeing you after hearing Kai’s complaints is pretty… I dunno.” He gave a shrug of his shoulders.

“Who’s Kai? And who’s been complaining about me?” I was confused by the sudden intake of information. I needed explanation.

“Kai is Jongin, it’s his nickname.”

“Fancy him creating such a nickname. It’s not even cool.” I shook my head in disapproval.

“Ya think?” He cracked up, causing me to laugh along.

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I actually have a chapter ready but I think now is not the right time to post anything, I seek your understanding. Thanks.


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Chapter 2: there is Jongin the soon to be husband, Kyungsoo the boyfriend, Sehun as the other... It is so overwhelming!
Chapter 1: Jongin is so randlm, hahaha
Doesn't think before he utter things ^^