Tiny Footsteps

I Want Your Hot Love and Emotion, Endlessly

This is just an intro so don't be concerned if it sounds like you are reading another story!  It will also be short for introductory purposes.  Enjoy ~

Tiny footsteps clamored gently down the stairs in hopes of remaining quiet.  A pair of feet belonged to an adolescent and one from a toddler.  A few seconds behind, a doll-like puppy pranced down the steps to follow the boys.  Both were slim in stature with jet black hair and chocolate brown eyes.  They giggled slightly at the sudden adventure as they ran towards the family room.  The older boy lifted his baby brother onto the couch before adding the puppy as well.

“Stay here unless you want mommy and daddy to wake up.  Hold on to Sarang, ok?”  The oldest asked and the little one nodded with his thumb in his mouth.

Jae, the adolescent, made his way to the TV strictly across the couch.  His fingers ached to find the prized videos he saw his father stash away the night before.  The videos were inside a box with big black letters on the side reading, “Our story”.  Carefully pulling open the cabinet beneath the TV, Jae pulled out the box.  It was quite heavy, according to Jae who struggled a bit before finally landing on his with thud.

With his breath a little shaky, he looked back towards the couch.  His baby brother wasn’t the type to disobey, but he did wonder a lot.  But with the toddler in his pajamas and the white puppy staring back him, he continued his work.  There were about ten CDs within the box, numbered from one to ten.  With ease, he slid the first CD out and whipped it out of its case.

Now the last objective was to work the DVD player.  He has seen his dad use it many times, mostly for Jae’s and Kyung’s amusement.  “This can’t be too hard” said Jae as he contemplated his next move.  He pressed what he hoped was the insert button and it was.  After placing it inside, everything seemed to process on its own so Jae picked up the remote and pounced onto the seat next to Kyung and Sarang.

The screen buzzed to life with numerous colors and images which both could not understand.  After stabilizing, the image of his father appeared, young and renewed.

“Appa” the toddler reacted with the only word he knew.  It was amazing how baby Kyung could still see his older father in his younger self.  The tape seemed to buzz in and out as it was an old CD.

“Can you please stop filming?” asked a voice irritably.  The voice was from the TV, but the face could not be recognized.

“Yoongi hyung, stop being a dark cloud above our heads.  Just because some girl called you Sugar today doesn’t make you feminine” another voice reasoned and the rest snickered.

“It’s okay guys, everyone here has had their fair share of silly names” a deep voice resounded nearby.

The focus on the film shifted to another young teen that smiled and did a peace sign.

“Yeah, remember Pink Princess?”  one loudly shouted.

That same teen frowned and walked away.

“Wow, this must be appa’s past as a teenager” Jae thought as he desired to watch all of it.  He wanted to become like his father so he made it a goal to watch all of the videos.







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Chapter 4: I loved it!!! :) You should update again later on! :3 Update soon.
Chapter 4: Are those pregnancy test for me aww jimin you didn't have too I'm so flustered now!!!
Chapter 3: Neh its solo cuteeeeee red lipstick and soap hahahha that is hilarious!!! I love your story!
YellowClover #4
nice story! :D
Chapter 3: OMG!!!! I love it so much already! X3 X) !!!!! I can't wait for the next update. :3 I love it so far hope you update soon lol just soon. I'm jk! :) But thanks for updating! <3
Chapter 2: WAH!!!! Omg I'm starting to like it more!!! My feels!!!! Whats a 4D ???? Sorry, you must be like omg you for reals, but yeah what is a 4D? By the way love your story makes me smile everytime!!! You should use this song for your story it goes with it so fuken much! Sorry for my language but yeah here it is I also used it for the story! :) ----> http://listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=6C5rltPpvN8 copy it in another link by the way its already repeated. :)
Chapter 2: Neh~ update soon I'll be waiting hihi lol fighting!
Chapter 1: I like it Update soon! :)