
I Want My Life Back!
Chapter 3: Kris
"I know your secret."
His words echo through my mind but get louder each time. He must know about who I actually am, but does he really?
"I don't know what your talking about," I respond cooly and naturally.
"Oh cut the crap Saeyoung," He snaps back and shrivels up his face. "I know what you have been doing and I'm not going to let you hurt him like that," he leans forward in his seat as if trying to intimidate me even more physically then mentally.
Just as I was about to respond I am saved by the group of students walking into the classroom. I slowly close my gawking mouth without taking my eyes off of him. The next few seconds before the bell are spent with the two of us glaring at one another in intimidation. 
Class ends and I rush out of the classroom in a hurry. I dreaded the thought of sitting in the classroom another second with that guy. I could tell that he would come talk to me about it again and I just couldn't. With my lunchbag in hand I speed walk towards the cafeteria. I spot my friends at our usualy table in the middle of the room laughing and talking to one another. "Hey guys," I say casually. I'm becoming more used to this life and everyone.
"Hey Saeyoung," all the faces at the table smile up at me. I sit down at the last empty seat taht was waiting for me and begin to silently eat my food. I must look paranoid as I constantly turn my head in all directions. I have actually gone paranoid! After what that guy had to say, maybe more people know that I'm not Saeyoung. Then my whole life at this school will be ruined and I'll be remembered as the life stealing liar. I shudder at the thought. I quietly continue to eat my food for the next few minutes still lost in thought.
"Oh look, Kris decided to eat lunch in the cafeteria," Mieun says and nodds her head over to the right corner of the lunchroom where the entry door is located. I turn my head to the direction she is pointing to and soon the food I have been chewing on is now on the floor. While violently coughing I turn around and try to hide my face and ask, "Who is he?!"
Jieun watches me as if watching something wierd on the science channel. "Uh...that's Wu Yifan," Jieun trails of throughout her whole sentence.
"Yeah, but everyone calls him Kris. He looks like the school bad boy with his cold gaze and by the vibe he gives off," Minah pipes up.
"Yeah but he's actually so sweet and kind and really funny, " Mieun says seeming as if she's in love with him.
"Yeah but like how do you not know him? You've known him since the ninth grade when he moved her from China," Jieun questions me.
"I just forgot?" I say and hunch up my shoulders while shrugging. 
"Yeah and remember he's one of Luhan's close friends," Mieun says. I turn around and see Kris sitting next to Luhan at his table. Sure enough they are friends. And sure enough Kris will tell Luhan who I really am.
"Yeah, I remeber in the ninth grade when you had that huge crush on Luhan and Kris found out and set you two up during the school dance that was so sweet of him," Minah says then goes lost in thought about Kris.
"Yeah and look he set up the cutest couple at this school!" Jieun exlcaims. I half smile and turn back around and immediatly lock eyes with Kris. An erie feeling comes upon me. I turn my head back around.
"So yeah Kris, isn't the bad boy at this school, Oh Sehun is," Mieun states.
"Yeah, I don't think you know who he is since he was new the beginning of last year. Like a couple months before you moved he came to our school," Minah adds.
"But stay away from him Saeyoung! He's bad news!" Jieun warns making me truly believe every word she says. It dosen't matter anyways. I don't know who he is and haven't seen or heard from him yet.
The last bell rings singalling the end of the school day and the beginning of rest. I find my self in front of my locker alone. I pout sadly as I open the door to my locker. After lunch I had been looking forward towards this time. Without enthusiasm I slowly pack my bag. Out of surprise I gasp as two hands cover my eyes blocking the whole scene out.
"Missed me?" I hear Luhan's voice from behind ending with him chuckling. I trun around and see a bright smiling Luhan before me.
"Umm...yes!" I exclaima and wrap my arms around his neck as I give him a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and burries his head in my hair. 
"Sorry for keeping you waiting jagiya," I hear Luhan whisper in my ear. This boy is so sweet and considerate.
"No it's fine, don't be sorry. I understand if you had something to do," I say as I pul away from our hug.
"Yeah, Kris had to talk to me about something after class," Luhan says seriuosly. I look down at the floor as my heart sinks down into my stomach.
"U-uh, w-what did he t-tell you?" I stammer the words out quietly. Afraid to look up at him I keep my head glued to the floor.
"Oh nothing really, he just asked me if I wanted to hang out with the guys after school tomorrow.
I look up at him and sigh in relief. My worries assuage for now.
"So do you want to go to the mall?" Luhan asks as he puts his arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah, I would love that," I smile shly and we continue down the hall. Everytime he talks to me I blush and get all shy. No guy at my old school was able to make me feel like this. They were all jerks, but Luhan is different.
We're at the mall walking around and talking about what has happened today when we pass a photo booth.
"Oh Luhan! I want to take some pictures!" I say and jump up and down before the booth. Luhan just stands and furrows his eyebrows.
"Please Oppa!" I say and pull his arm towards the booth while pouting.
Luhan chuckles at my excitedness before saying, "Your so cute with your aegyo. Of course we can take some pictures!" He says and ruffles my hair. I smile brightly and pull him through the curtain into the photo booth.
"You realized you called me Oppa right Noona?" Luhan says cheekly after we are seated.
"Oh sorry Luhan," I say and blush in embarrassedment. I can feel my cheeks turning red.
"It's fine I like it, call me Oppa more often," Luhan says and smirks before we both burst out laughing.
"Okay Oppa," I say again while blushing.
We put in the money into the machine and soon we begin to take pictures. The first comes out with us both laughing. The second with the both of us doing aegyo. The third with us both smiling causally at the picture but Luhan sneakily does the bunny ears behind my back. The forth one was when I caught him doing the bunny ears and tackle him playfully. The fifth is me and him ending the playful tackling with a kiss.
The machine sends out two copies of our photo strip, one for me and one for Luhan.
"That was fun!" Luhan exlcaims as he fixes his fair from the tackling.
I giggle, "It sure was." Hand in hand we continue walking around the mall.
Hi guys! :D
Sehun will be introduced in the next chapter or maybe chapter 5. ^^
Comment if you want. :D I love reading comments!^^
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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 7: all heart will be broken
Chapter 6: ooooooohhhh. so exciting.
Chapter 5: I'm reallyyy anticipating your updates! They're great! Who's that boy gonna be? >.< Cant wait!
Update some more please! But you don't have to rush... ^^
potato12345 #4
Chapter 3: HEY awesome job on this story so far^^I would LOVE Luhan as my bf especially w/that last scene^^^ Update more often though!!>U<
kimirina #5
Chapter 2: Whos that guy?
kimirina #6
Chapter 1: Imsooo waiting for your update!