
I Want My Life Back!

Chapter 2: Secret 

The ringing of the bell interrupts the kiss between me and… well I actually don’t know his name….
The kiss sadly has to come to an end and the boy holds both of my hands. I can feel my cheeks turning a bright pink. 
"I'll see you after last hour," He says and chuckles when he sees me blushing. 
"Okay," I quietly say and shyly smile at him.
"See you later Saeyoung-ah," he winks and begins to walk away while looking back at me.
"See you later..." I drift off at the end as I don't know his name. I hold my cheekes and try to stop the blushing. Okay so maybe I can pretend to be Saeyoung? I mean she went to America to study there so she wont be back. I mean it is the last year of high school anyways. And that boy is so handsome! I squeal as the scene replays in my mind. But, maybe its wrong to take her boyfriend. I mean he would be cheating if we date. Ugh but still. I think to myself about the pros and cons of this whole situation as I make my way to Chemistry.
I make it to the classroom and there are a few minutes of class left before the bell is supposed to ring so the students are up and about goofing around. I notice a girl sitting at her desk working on homework and I walk up to her.
"Hi," I say and smile at her. She looks up at me after finishing a problem and her eyes widen.
"O-oh S-s-saeyoung, your back from A-am-merica," the girl stammers.
"Uh yeah after a year. I just wanted to say that I like your shoes," I smile and point at her cute shoes.
"Oh," the girl says in a confused tone. "Uh...thank you?" The girl says but sounds more like a question.
"No problem," I say and smile at her before walking to the group of girls from earlier who are staring at me with wide eyes and dropped jaws.
"What?" I ask with a clueless expression on my face.
"Why were you talking to Hyosung? You always make fun of her! You hate her!" Jieun exclaims.
Saeyoung is a bully? 
"Oh well I mean I gotta give her a break," I say and look over at her direction.
"Okay...whatever you say..." Mieun says while looking at me weirdly.
After going through my last three classes staring at the clock, the last bell finally rings singaling the end of the school day. Without a moments hesitation I, who have been sitting at the edge of my seat waiting for the bell to ring, rush towards the door and am the first to leave the classroom. I speed walk through the hallways towards my locker wanting to get there as fast as I can to see him again. To my surprise there he is beating me to it. He's looking at his phone as he leans on my locker with his back. He looks so handsome and cool like that. I slowly walk up to him and his head looks up from his phone towards my direction when he hears me approaching him.
"Hey noona," He says before pulling me in for a kiss. I'm his noona?! My eyes widen as the kiss is going on and I begin to cough. He pulls away and worridly tries to help me.
"Noona! Noona are you al-alright?!" He stammers as he hits my back trying to help me to stop coughing. I begin to shake my head while trying to stop my coughing fit. I'm his noona?! I don't want to be his noona! I've told myself that before that I'm not going to date someone younger than me. But wait! The other Saeyoung is his noona maybe I'm not. My coughing lessens and the boy's worried look assuages. We both take a deep breathe before he asks, "Noona what happened? Did I do something wrong?" He asks me with concern in his look.
I shake my head no and put my hand on the boy's shoulder. "No, no your fine. You didn't do anything wrong. I just randomaly got a coughing fit," I say tring to relieve the boy which he does. He stands and waits as I put away some books before shutting my locker, ready to head out. 
The first couple minutes are spent in awkward silence before he speaks up.
"I've missed you so much Saeyoung-ah. How has it been in America?" He asks curiously and as I begin to answer I feel his arm rest around my neck.
"Oh's been good. It was hard learning the language though," I lie and nodd my head as if thinking about how it has been in America. I havent even been to America.
A puzzled look comes across his face. "What? What do you mean? You speak fluent English?" He questions me. Oh crap...busted. I take a few minutes to come up with an explanation before saying, "Yeah, I do speak fluent English. I meant it was hard learning another language, Spanish, for one of my classes," I say and cover up my other lie. I watch as he absorbes the information before nodding in understandment. I sigh in relief and we continue on walking to the parking lot.
The walk is spent in a few minutes of awkward silence. Ocassionaly we would take glances at eachother secretly, though we both knew that we were staring at each other.
The silence is broken when a boy passing by says, "Bye Luhan!"
'So Luhan is his name. I like that name,' I think to myself and smile as I am lost in thought thinking about Luhan.
"Bye Lay!" Luhan replies and waves goodbye to his freind.
"Luhan how long have we've date?" I ask him while looking up at him.
"You've forgoten?" Luhan says and pouts looking sad. 
"NO! No no no! I haven't forgetten, I just wanted to see if you've remembered," I say trying to make the sitaution better and for Luhan to not be sad.
He chuckles before saying, "I know. I was just kidding. We've dated for about two years now," He says while looking into space as if the answer is written there. I nodd my head in agreement.
We ar now outside in the parking lot beside my car. I open the car door and put in my bag and toss the umbrella inside too. I turn around and am instantly greeted by Luhan's lips. "I'll email you later," Luhan says before starting off towards his car.
"Okay," I say queitly still a little lovestruck from the kiss. When I recover I realize what just happened and yell after Luhan, "Luhan, don't email me! I've changed my email!"
"Okay! What is it then?" Luhan, who is in the second row of parked cars, yells while cupping his hands to his mouth.
"It's [email protected]!" I yell trying for him to clearly hear me.
"Alright!" Luhan yells back before smiling and getting into his car. I smile back and get into my car myself. I take a deep breath once inside. Boy has this been one heck of a day.
It's the next day and I've arrived to my English class. Nobody, not even the teacher, is present in the room, but Mr. Do's breifcase is sitting on his desk. I check my phone and see that I am ten minutes early and that school hasent even started yet.
I find a seat towards the front of the room and sit down and a few minutes later a boy walks in. He is very tall and looks like a badboy. I notice him to be the boy who did not cheer for me yesterday when everybody recognized me as being Saeyoung who's returned from America. He notices my presence and gives me the same glare full of hatred just like yesterday. He takes a seat in the first row three seats down from me. I try to ignore him but I could feel him staring at me. Once I've had enough I look over at him and catch him looking at me with the death glare.
"Why do you keep looking at me?!" I snap at him.
His face remains expressionless as he answers, "I know your secret."
Hi guys! :)
Should Saeyoung be Luhan's noona? XD
Comment please. ^^ 
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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 7: all heart will be broken
Chapter 6: ooooooohhhh. so exciting.
Chapter 5: I'm reallyyy anticipating your updates! They're great! Who's that boy gonna be? >.< Cant wait!
Update some more please! But you don't have to rush... ^^
potato12345 #4
Chapter 3: HEY awesome job on this story so far^^I would LOVE Luhan as my bf especially w/that last scene^^^ Update more often though!!>U<
kimirina #5
Chapter 2: Whos that guy?
kimirina #6
Chapter 1: Imsooo waiting for your update!