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“What did you just do?” Xiumin shout at Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo put both of her hand on her ear when she hears Xiumin shouts. A few customers in the café turn to them. Xiumin then bow and apologize for her mistake to the customers.

“What did you just do, are you crazy?” Xiumin whispered this time.

Kyungsoo pout before answering.

“I’m just angry okay, how could he say that, so when he said to prove it that’s why I kiss that cocky giant” Kyungsoo just sad because she thought Xiumin would praise her after she defend her for Luhan.

Xiumin take a deep breath, this is partially her fault. She doesn’t need to tell Kyungsoo. But she just so upset that night and need someone to share it with. She knows sometimes Kyungsoo always do something without thinking first.

“Okay, you kiss him and you prove it to him that he is wrong.” Kyungsoo nodded at that.

“Then, how it is going to make any different, he would still hates me.” Xiumin hurtfully stated.

Kyungsoo think hardly and suddenly she cried loudly like a five years old kid. This time the customer glares at them. Xiumin doesn’t know what to do so she when to Kyungsoo and hug her tightly. Kyungsoo cried are muffled in Xiumin shoulder. Xiumin caresses her back up and down to soothe her.

“I’ll just give my first kiss to that giant for nothing” Kyungsoo sobs into Xiumin shoulder. Xiumin just did not know what to say so she just keeps hugging Kyungsoo.


Kris apartment

Kris keeps touching his lips and he hissed. He goes to his bathroom and look at the mirror. He then discovered a cut on the right corner of his lips. There’s a little blood on it. He now thinks about what Kyungsoo did to him. Of course, he had kissed before but this time was different. He doesn’t know why when Kyungsoo kiss him his heartbeats fast than usual. He got goose bump and feel weird. He never felt like this before. Then, he smiles at the mirror.



Xiumin are walking back home after finished her shift. She put her earphones and listens to the song from her phone. Suddenly, she bumps into someone and fell. She takes off her earphones ready to apologize but froze when she saw Luhan standing in front of him with frown face. She gets up and stand face to face with Luhan. Both of them stare at each other before Luhan decide to speak.

“My mother wants me to pick you up. We are going to buy for our engagement ring.”

Xiumin just nodded and follow Luhan to his car. On the way, no one speaks and Xiumin just look at the scenery on her window. She knows that Luhan doesn’t want to speak with her. But then she hears Luhan clear his throat so she look on her right at Luhan.

“Look, whatever stunt that you and your friend are going to do, please stop. Just remember one thing. I will never like you.” Xiumin didn’t say anything at look at the scenery again. Luhan words hurt her again and right now she is fighting with her feeling so that she won’t cry.

They arrive at the shop, Luhan walk in first follow by Xiumin. She can see how Luhan is smiling so fake so she did the same. Mrs Lu waves at them. When they reach there, Mrs Lu stands up and hugs Xiumin. Xiumin confuse but hugs back. Luhan just stood there dumbfounded. Usually, his mother will hug him first so he felt kind a jealous.

“I already pick your engagement ring, try it and see if the size is right” Mrs Lu then put the finger to Xiumin ring. The ring definitely fit Xiumin. Luhan didn’t bother to try causes he know he not going to wear it. Then, Mrs Lu show Xiumin the dress she pick for Xiumin which she save on her tablet. Xiumin eyes were mesmerized by the beauty of the dress. She also feel uncomfortable if the dress is not fit for her.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Mrs Lu looked at Xiumin face.

Xiumin nodded and give back the tablet to Mrs Lu. Then Mrs Lu take her handbag and pull something from it.

“This necklace is from my great grandmother, it was passed to me when I get married. Since I di

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JusMin0399 #1
Chapter 28: Author-nim please update
ucihaaya #2
Chapter 28: Pembaharuan tolong. Aku begitu suka ceritamu
Omg! I'm excited to read this! Imma start now
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 28: Update if you can :D
lucyxoxo #5
Chapter 28: Please continue this story... This story is very interesting... Can't wait for your update
Chapter 28: Waiting this until now.... :(
I'm still waiting for this story. I hope you'll find the inspiration very soon. fighting!
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 27: Omggg i miss xiuhan so read it -_____-
Please update soon author-nim ><
pantone99 #9
Chapter 28: Ah I miss this story, I know it has been a long time but I'd really love it if you updated it T__T