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“It was F**K*NG HORRIBLE!” He yelled as his father.

“Great, just the meeting were great” That what Luhan actually said. The yelling only happens in his mind. He don’t want to upset his father more, besides, he have to make sure he got everything under his name before he could do that.

“Good, then we will be holding your engagement ceremony next week, this Wednesday we will go their house and discuss about it. Come with us” Mr Lu walk forward facing Luhan and pat his son shoulder before leaving Luhan there. Luhan just nodded and close his eyes thinking how he was in a deep mess. What if that nerdy girl tells what I do at the meetings? Luhan massage his forehead.


Xiumin House

Xiumin were in her room when her mother knock the door asking permission to come in. Xiumin open the door for revealing her mother with a tray consist of a glass of milk and cookies. She smiles at her mother. She takes the tray from her mother’s hand and put it onto  the table and take one piece of cookies and put it inside . Her mother sits on her while she takes the chair and sits on it facing her mother.

“So, how was the meeting” Her mother asked.

“Well, it kind’s awkward but everything when fine.” She lies to her mother. She doesn’t want her to feel upset. Besides, it is not right to talk bad about the person you just met and she sure maybe Luhan has problem that day. That’s why, he acting like that. Maybe, that’s what her mind want to believe but her heart says otherwise.

 “Well, if you say so, but if feel uncomfortable or you didn’t feel anything towards him. I talk to Mr Lu and we can cancel the engagement.” Her mother persuades Xiumin. But Xiumin just shakes her head.

“Okay, if that what you want.” Xiumin mother pat her head before walking out from her room. After her mom left, Xiumin no longer smiles. She sigh again thinking of her future with Luhan.


Luhan bedroom

“Why she hates me, I’ll never have anti fan before. I cannot believe her at all. I mean, I’m Kris. No one supposed to hate me.” Kris still arguing about how Kyungsoo the only one who doesn’t like him and so on. Luhan massage his temple.

“For god sake Kris, can we focus to my problem right now? I’m sure mine more bigger than you’re freaking anti fan. I’m supposed to marry that nerd girl.” Luhan shout a little bit making Kris quiet at the other line.

“She is not that bad” Kris quietly said that.

Luhan just scoffed at Kris.

“Not that bad, why don’t you marry her then?” Luhan sarcastically stated.

“Well, I will if my father is the one who try to take my name from his will” Kris fight back.

“Help me” Kris chuckle hearing his friend say that. Oh no, Luhan jus

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JusMin0399 #1
Chapter 28: Author-nim please update
ucihaaya #2
Chapter 28: Pembaharuan tolong. Aku begitu suka ceritamu
Omg! I'm excited to read this! Imma start now
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 28: Update if you can :D
lucyxoxo #5
Chapter 28: Please continue this story... This story is very interesting... Can't wait for your update
Chapter 28: Waiting this until now.... :(
I'm still waiting for this story. I hope you'll find the inspiration very soon. fighting!
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 27: Omggg i miss xiuhan so read it -_____-
Please update soon author-nim ><
pantone99 #9
Chapter 28: Ah I miss this story, I know it has been a long time but I'd really love it if you updated it T__T