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Luhan stirred from his sleep and he patted the space next to him where Xiumin usually sleep but only to find it’s empty. He opens his eyes and then changes his position to sitting. He stretches his arm and yawn before looking for his wife but his wife is nowhere to be found.  He gets up, snatch the towel and walk into the bathroom to take a bath. After that, he changes to his working outfit before walk down stair to look for his wife.

 A delicious smell and sizzle sound greet him making him smile, he should know that his wife were in the kitchen cooking breakfast as usual. He can see Xiumin slimming back side while she is frying some bacon in the pan. Guess he will be having American Breakfast for today. He walks carefully and slowly to his wife not making any sound. When he were behind Xiumin, he then circle both of his arm around Xiumin’s waist and pulled her back closer to his chest.

“Good morning baby” Luhan greet Xiumin before kissing her cheek.

Xiumin flinch when she felt someone hugged her from behind and she almost drops plate she was holding. She sigh in relieve when she recognize her husband voice.


“You always scared me like this. I almost had heart attack, Luhan ssi” Xiumin talk but her hand still continue to put the bacon onto the plate along with some sausage and sunny side up.

“And you always leave me alone in the bed. Don’t you know how lonely I was getting there, Minhee ssi?” Luhan kiss her shoulder lightly. Xiumin furrow her eye brow and turn her head a little so that she can see Luhan face.

“Why are you calling me Minhee ssi, you never call that before” Luhan chuckle when hear Xiumin ask that with sulking tone.

“Then, why are you calling me Luhan ssi, I clearly told you to just called me Luhan. Even though I will love it if you called me Oppa. I mean it has been like seven month since we got married. But you still call me Luhan ssi. Just you know, I’m returning the favor Minhee ssi.” Luhan nuzzle his nose to Xiumin cheek playfully.

“I’m sorry, I will call you Luhan after this” Xiumin smile at Luhan. The Luhan word get to her, they have been married for about seven month.


Xiumin smile when she remembers about each moment they have been throught for the past seven month. In another three months, they will have their first anniversary. Wow the time sure walk so fast. It’s feel like yesterday when Luhan confess to her that night and Xiumin bravely giving her all to Luhan. Xiumin felt her cheek burning when she thinks about their first night together. How Luhan keep whispering sweet word in her ear making her melts and how he compliments her saying she is so beautiful. She also remembers Luhan shocked face when she wear Kyungsoo’s gift. Suddenly she felt hot remembering about that, so she shakes her head but but  feeling won’t go away and Luhan kissing her nape and shoulder definitely are not helping.


“Stop it” Xiumin protest and managed to say it loud with being immersed with Luhan. But Luhan still do not stop his action.

“You don’t want me to stop last night” Luhan whispered in her ear making her flustered and more embarrassed.


Xiumin pushed Luhan away befor thing got out of hand. She takes Luhan’s hand and lead him to the table and make him sit on the chair while she brought their breakfast. Luhan chuckle in delight when he see Xiumin cheek and ear are red. He loves to tease his wife and see her shy act when he did that. Xiumin pour the coffee into the cup and put it in front of Luhan before she also sit on another chair beside Luhan. Suddenly she remembers about something.


“Ah,today Yixing will start working at your company right?” Luhan who is smiling all the time suddenly frown when he hear Xiumin question. Great way to ruin the mood.


Luhan did not know why his father hires Yixing when he clearly can work at his father company in China.  Luhan also did not believe Yixing reason when he said that he want to learn at work under people first before he manage his father’s company. Sure Luhan father feel proud with his nephew but not Luhan. Luhan slightly scared that Yixing only work at their company so that he can be close to Xiumin.


“Yes he is. Why did you ask about him?” Luhan ask with jealous tone. He think that Xiumin should not ask about any other guy in front him. He doesn’t know why he become possessive about his wife.

“Just asking, he is my friend. Of course I need to know” Xiumin retort back oblivious to Luhan jealousy.


“Tskk, friend. Sure Yixing does not feel the same way.” Luhan say in his mind, he then put the bacon in his mouth angrily.

“If he starts today, can you invite him for lunch today. I mean we can celebrate his first day and he also said that he missed my cooking.” Luhan stopped eating and stared at Xiumin who is spreading some butter on the toast. Did she just ask him to invite Yixing over lunch, no way in hell he would do that. He is the only one who can taste Xiumin cooking well except for his family and Kyungsoo. But not Yixing.

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JusMin0399 #1
Chapter 28: Author-nim please update
ucihaaya #2
Chapter 28: Pembaharuan tolong. Aku begitu suka ceritamu
Omg! I'm excited to read this! Imma start now
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 28: Update if you can :D
lucyxoxo #5
Chapter 28: Please continue this story... This story is very interesting... Can't wait for your update
Chapter 28: Waiting this until now.... :(
I'm still waiting for this story. I hope you'll find the inspiration very soon. fighting!
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 27: Omggg i miss xiuhan so read it -_____-
Please update soon author-nim ><
pantone99 #9
Chapter 28: Ah I miss this story, I know it has been a long time but I'd really love it if you updated it T__T