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Xiumin open her eye and take her phone on the desk, it’s already 6 am. She wakes up and stretches her body. She was doing it quietly so that she would not disturb her husband who is sleeping next to her who keep hugging her waist. She looks at Luhan sleeping face, she smile when remember how she agreed to move to Luhan room two weeks ago.



Xiumin cannot help but keep glancing at Luhan sad expression and keep pouting when she said nothing and continue to eat her food in silence like nothing happen after Luhan ask her to move to his room. It’s not like Xiumin hate the idea of sleeping together in the same room with his husband, rather than that she was to shocked to say anything because Luhan is the one who putting barrier between them when they first got married and now he is the one who want break it. So she was confuse and she afraid all of these thing might not be true. But to see Luhan so disappointed, Xiumin feel so guilty about it.

After finished their dinner, Luhan drive the car heading home without saying anything to her at all. She also does not know what to say to Luhan and to be honest she kind a embarrassed to admit that she want to sleep next to Luhan. I mean how she should say it, “yes Luhan, of course I want to sleep with you”. She is not like Kyungsoo, someone is brutally honest.

When they arrive, Luhan walk straight to his room leave Xiumin at the living room. That’s when she decided to be brave. She first take a bath in her room, wearing her pajama and walk up stair to Luhan room taking her favourite pillow with her. She takes a deep breath before knocking on Luhan door. She knocks again after there is no answer from Luhan. It’s take a while when Luhan open the door with his messy hair and sleepy face, but his eyes widen when he saw Xiumin standing there hugging her pillow and smile at him.

“What are you doing here?” Luhan ask Xiumin confuse because he thought that Xiumin already reject his idea of sleeping together.

“ I…agree…” That’s all Xiumin said but it’s already made Luhan so happy so he move aside for Xiumin to come in. Xiumin step in and wait for Luhan to close the door.

Luhan lead her to the bed and he laying on the bed first and patting the empty place next to him. Xiumin nervously sit on the bed before change her position to lie back holding tightly to her pillow. She is facing Luhan but sleep closer to the edge and tries to close her eyes. She can hear Luhan chuckles before she was taken into Luhan embraced.

“You are going to fall soon if you sleep too far from me. Don’t worry, I just want us to sleep together, nothing more until you are ready” Luhan whispered to her and the kiss her temple,with that she felt at ease. She put her head on Luhan chest and soon she sleeps feeling warm with Luhan hug and the pillow is nowhere to be found.



Xiumin take the towel from the closet and walk to the bathroom, she also take her clothes with her. She strip in front of the mirror and look at her reflection on the mirror and she feel ugly. Even though she and Luhan has been sleeping together for about 2 weeks but they still does not have some intimate moment, and she is so thankful Luhan is really understanding but sometime she can feel the way Luhan stared at her like a prey, the way he kissed her nape when she pretend to be sleeping, the way he caresses her body. Obviously Luhan is frustrated, she also wants to give her all to Luhan but she is afraid once Luhan see her body, he will be disappointed. Until now, she is still changes her outfit inside the bathroom, lucky for her Luhan did not question her action. Her thought being interrupt when someone knock the door

 “Baby, what are you doing for so long, come on we going to be late, I also need to use the bathroom” Luhan shout at Xiumin, Xiumin just smile at the nickname Luhan always called her. Today they are going to have picnin with Kris and Kyungsoo, but somehow Lay is also going to be there because Kyungsoo invited him. Xiumin did not tell Luhan about it yet. She afraid Luhan would cancel their gathering once he know about it. She going to pretend that she does not that Lay following once they reach there. After 30 minutes,Xiumin walk out from the bathroom wearing the dress her mother in law give to her. Luhan was astonished to see his beautiful wife, he can’t take his eyes off from her. He also notice that Xiumin hair grew longer but the he frown.

“Why are you not wearing your glasses?” Luhan ask pointed at her glasses on the desk. Xiumin blink her eyes.

“Oh, I’m wearing contact lens now, I bought it with Kyungsoo. Why, you don’t like it?” Xiumin show Luhan the contact len with widening her eyes. Of course Luhan

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JusMin0399 #1
Chapter 28: Author-nim please update
ucihaaya #2
Chapter 28: Pembaharuan tolong. Aku begitu suka ceritamu
Omg! I'm excited to read this! Imma start now
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 28: Update if you can :D
lucyxoxo #5
Chapter 28: Please continue this story... This story is very interesting... Can't wait for your update
Chapter 28: Waiting this until now.... :(
I'm still waiting for this story. I hope you'll find the inspiration very soon. fighting!
chaeyong88 #8
Chapter 27: Omggg i miss xiuhan so read it -_____-
Please update soon author-nim ><
pantone99 #9
Chapter 28: Ah I miss this story, I know it has been a long time but I'd really love it if you updated it T__T