Park Chanyeol



Chapter Two

 Park Chanyeol


Sehun rolled his car to a stop in front of Min Seok's house.  I hadn't been to his estate in quite some time.  I had almost forgot just how large it was.  The three stories stood tall, supported by various white columns.  The six of us filed out of our car seats and onto the front porch.  Min Seok opened the glass doors widely, welcoming us inside.  We kicked off our shoes, and the lights of the house switched on.  I slid across the tiled floors in my socks and crashed upon the leather sofa.  Sehun plopped down beside me, swinging his arm over my shoulder.

"Seokie!" He called out.

"Can you guys stop calling me Seokie," Min Seok groaned, "Can you just call me my name?  Or at least give me a nickname some what manly..."

"But you're not even manly," Luhan snickered.

"Shut up LuLu," Min Seok snapped.

"Let's call him Baozi!" Tao suggested.

"Like, the steam bun?"

"Yeah," Tao explained, "Doesn't he like one?"

"That's stupid," the Baozi grumbled.

"Then we'll call you Xiumin," Luhan proclaimed with a raised chin and proud grin.

"A Korean with a Chinese name?" Min Seok remarked, "You can't be serious..."

"Wow, Xiumin," I jokingly scoffed, "How racist can you be?"

"Just call me by my real name!" Min Seok whined.

"Whatever, Xiumin," we laughed.


"Anyways," Luhan ended the discussion, "Now for the real reason we came here."

With that, he marched into the kitchen.  The rest of us followed behind, knowing what he had implied.  

"Xiumin," Luhan traced his slender fingers along the lock that bound the glass doors of the cupboard, "Where's the key?"

"No way!" Xiumin protested, "Last time I got in so much trouble!  And you broke my ing T.V!"

"Come one," Luhan hung his head back in aggravation.  He pressed his hand against the glass.  Behind it, Xiumin's parents' collection of liquor was displayed in neat, vertical rows.

"No, no, no, no, no," Xiumin emphasized his displeasure by ting an -x- with his arms.  "I don't even have the keys anyways so..."

Sehun took hold of the iron ladle beside the stove.  He spun it in his hand as he strolled to Luhan's side.  With a single swing, Sehun shattered the glass barrier between him and the alcohol.  The glass shards crashed against the flooring.

"What the hell!" Xiumin jumped back, away from the glass.

He was fuming with anger, but the others, including myself, hooted and hollered with pleasure.

"You're no fun," Sehun chuckled as he slid a few bottles of Vodka out of the cabinet.

He popped off the top and took a huge swig of the bottle.  I reached for the bottle in hopes of getting a sip of my own.

"No," Sehun pointed to me with an accusing finger, "You can't get drunk!  You're a girl!  That will end very badly.  You'll wind up stripping out of your shirt or something."

"I'm not complaining~" Luhan poked my side.

I poked my tongue out at him, and Sehun punched his shoulder.  He pulled me into his chest and ruffled my hair.

"That's for my eyes only," he giggled.  He gulped down the remainder of the Vodka in the bottle.

"Damn it, Sehun," Luhan gawked, "Save some of that for the rest of us."

"Don't worry," Kai pulled another two bottles from the cupboard.  "There's plenty, a whole cabinet full!"

"You're not getting drunk either, Kai," I barked, "I'm gonna need somebody to help me look over their wasted asses!"

There was a glint of annoyance in his eyes, but confided with my demand, anyway.

"Fine," he rolled his eyes, "Whatever..."

"I'll be sober, too!" Xiumin asserted, shooting a glare toward Luhan, who only replied with a defying smirk.

Sehun gripped the hem of his shirt and began to pull it over his head.

I raised a single eye brow, "What are you doing?"

"Clothing is for the weak!" He howled.

"Great," Xiumin spoke, sarcasm etched into his voice, "It hasn't even been twenty minutes and Sehun's already drunk..."

"Yehet es!" The intoxicated boy cheered as he tossed me his shirt.  He sped out of the kitchen and threw himself on the sofa.  

"Now it's a party," Kai placed the other three bottles on the coffee table.

"So are we gonna play a game?" Tao sat himself on the couch.

"Let's not play a game, let's just get wrecked," Luhan raised a bottle above his head and flipped off the top.  He handed it to Xiumin.

"Go on," he encouraged the latter, who merely glared back.

"Chug it," I added, nudging Xiumin's back.

"No way," he argued.

"I'll race you," Luhan challenged his hyung as he opened the next bottle for himself.

"I really hate you guys..." Xiumin groaned, grudgingly accepting his fate.

"Three," Tao started, "Two.......One.....Go!"

The two boys tilted their bottles upward, chugging the alcohol down their throats.  Just seconds before Luhan finished off his drink, Xiumin whooped in victory, having drank the full bottle first.  I patted his back to congratulate him.

"Good job!" An intoxicated Sehun praised the winner, squishing Xiumin's cheeks between his two hands.

The younger boy giggled as if he was a school girl as he turned to Luhan.  "LuLu!" Sehun yawped, clamping his arms around the blonde, "I want to play outside!"

"That soundss--like..fuN!" Luhan slurred his words.

"But your half ," Kai scoffed at Sehun, who ignored his argument.

The three drunken boys merrily frolicked in the middle of the road as if it were a playground.  The empty street echoed with their giddy laughter.  I watched them make fool's of themselves from my seat on Xiumin's front porch step.  The louder they screamed, the harder I laughed.

"Come on guys," Kai practically begged, "Get back inside."

They disregarded his pleas and continued to prance about.  I rolled on the ground, my abdomen burning from laughter.

"This isn't funny," Kai pulled me to my feet, "They're gonna get themselves arrested again."

"Okay, okay," I regained my composure, "Let's go get them."

But as I made my way into the road, something caught my eye.  Down the street, stood a tall figure, slowly making his way toward us.  He was but a silhouette in the dim light of the street lamps, but it was apparent that he was built with broad shoulders.

Who would be out this late?  It's nearly midnight.

As the man came closer, the image of his face became clear.  I was able to recognize him.  Park Chanyeol.  That name was engraved into the nameplate of his school uniform.  He's a fourth year student at NorthStar.  I've seen him in the halls before.  He never seemed to carry himself, though.  It always seemed as if he merely drifted along with the hordes of restless students.

Aside from that, I'd never really noticed him, nor have I ever heard gossip of his name.  After all, he hadn't exactly made a name for himself.  Throughout his four years of high school, he's been intent on his studies and hovered beneath the crowd, unnoticed.


"Come on, Sehunnie~" I gripped my hands around his wrist tightly, "We have to go inside."

"I want to play!" He wailed, breaking free of my hold on him rather easily.

"We can play inside," I compromised.


Against my orders, they continued as they pleased: running, screaming, and mocking about like mad men.  Somehow, they found amusement by simply chasing each other in a wide circle.  Chanyeol attempted to pass us by with out any contact, but when Xiumin caught sight of the tall boy, he wanted just the opposite.  Xiumin approached him.  He stood in front him with his hands on his hips and a slightly humorous glare.  The  look on Chanyeol's face expressed his every thought.  

"I don't have time for this," he mumbled under his breath.  He clutched the strap of his back pack and tried to step around Xiumin, "Excuse me."

"What are you doing out this late," Xiumin interrupted him.

"I was at school," seeing Xiumin's blank, confused look, he continued, "I was studying..."

"On a Saturday?" Luhan placed his hand on Chanyeol's back pack.

"Well exams are coming up and I-"

"Shh," Luhan pressed his fingers against Chanyeol's pursed lips, "Don't speak..."

Chanyeol pulled Luhan's hand away from his face.  "I'm gonna go now," he spoke slowly and pointed forward.

"You can't go yet," Sehun forcefully pulled him backward by his school bag.

I watched the scene from the side, laughing to myself as they teased the towering boy.

"Yah!" Chanyeol boomed as he was stripped of his back pack.

Sehun emptied Chanyeol's bag, sprawling its contents across the road.  The others roared with laughter.  Sehun kicked his binder across the street.  A flock of papers sputtered in the air as the binder plummeted back to the ground.

"Make it rain!" Luhan hollered as he tossed a few more papers.

Chanyeol crouched down and began to gather his belongings.  As he reached for one of his note books, Sehun swung his leg forward, crashing his foot into Chanyeol's stomach.  The boy groaned and toppled over in pain.  As if routine, Xiumin held down both of Chanyeol's arms, and despite the size difference, he overpowered Chanyeol, who struggled to fight back.  Luhan kneeled over him with his legs on either side of Chanyeol's torso.  He clutched the defenseless boy's collar and drew back his fist.  His knuckles came into harsh contact with Chanyeol's jaw.

He spat blood to the side.  Luhan mercilessly pounded Chanyeol's face, laughing as if it was the most entertaining on this Earth.  Sehun continuously kicked his stomach, launching his foot into Chanyeol's ribcage.  I could only watch as Chanyeol stopped whipping around his legs, accepting the abuse.  All he could do was cringe, grunt, and scream each time the boys struck him.

Poor kid...

Tao ran into the street beside Sehun.  From where I was standing, I couldn't hear his words, but Sehun's eyes brightened and the four boys dashed back into Xiumin's house.  A beaten and bruised Chanyeol still writhed in the middle of the road.

He pulled himself to his feet.  He limped as he worked to collect his school supplies.  Hanging my head low, I joined him.  I gathered his many notebooks and papers in my arms and handed them to him.  He stared me up and down.  He only scoffed and knelt down to pick up his remaining books.

"Sorry about them..." I stammered. 

He rose to his full height.  His thick-framed glasses had been cracked against the pavement.  Blood dripped from his nose and now swollen lips.  I felt a pang of guilt in the pit of my stomache.  He looked so pitiful as he stared back at me with his sad, puppy eyes, one of which was hidden behind a throbbing, purple bruise.

He turned his back to me and continued on his way.

"Sorry..." I mumbled once more.


With a heavy sigh, I returned to the house.  But, upon walking through the front door, I found Sehun and Luhan sitting on a mattress at  top of the staircase.

 Oh God....

Tao and Xiumin, together, shoved the mattress.  It was sent gliding over each step.  Luhan and Sehun squealed in delight as the ride came to an end.

"My turn!" Xiumin shouted as he dragged the mattress back up the staircase.  

"I wanna go, too!" I cheered, speeding up the flight of stairs.

"Come with me!" Xiumin clamped his arms over my shoulders and tossed me onto the mattress.

He clung to my side and screamed as the the mattress slipped down the stairs.  The mattress crashed against the railings of the stair case, knocking them out of the fixture.  I held tightly to Xiumin, bracing myself for impact.  The mattress flipped over the side of the stair case where the railings we hit once were.  Xiumin and I landed atop the mattress with thud.

"Maybe that wasn't the best idea," I moaned, sore from the landing.

I pulled myself to my feet and adjusted my black varsity jacket.  Sehun hurried to my side.

"Omomo!" He gasped, "Are you hurt, baby?"

He lent me a bone-crushing hug.  Xiumin crawled off of the mattress and hugged leg.  I laughed at the two idiots.

"Noona! That was scary!" He wailed.

"I'm not your noona," I giggled.

"Don't hug her!" Sehun kicked Xiumin off of me, "She's mine~"

He planted a rather sloppy kiss against my cheek.  After wiping off his saliva, I took his hand and guided him to the sofa.

"It's bed time," I cooed, lying him down on the cushions.

"But I'm not tired!" He whined.

"Kai's already asleep," I gestured to a resting Kai atop the mattress.

Xiumin invited himself to sleep beside Kai on the mattress.  I couldn't help but laugh at the way Kai squirmed in his sleep, which was rather bothersome to Xiumin.  Tao peacefully crashed into a coma like sleep on top of the coffee table.

"You're the only one awake, Sehun," I narrowed my eyes.

"Just get over here and spoon me," he turned himself to his side.

I tucked his body into mine, wrapping my arms around his waist to hold him close.  I absorbed his warmth.  I nestled my head against him.  His breathing slowed, and I found comfort in the steady rise and fall of his back.

How is it that this boy, who looks so angelic in his sleep, had been so cruel to an innocent person just minutes prior.  It's strange, though.  It had never bothered me that Sehun was responsible for the harm of countless others before, but this was different.  He had always had at least a semi-logical reason for his actions.  This time it was purely for the fun of it.  I was overwhelming myself with the thought; it was probably due to his intoxication.

I guess others had a reason to fear him, but some how, all I saw in him was the boy who wanted to be the little spoon...


author's note:


Here it is!  Chapter Two! And incase you couldn't tell, I'm not that good and writing action...But what fun it was to write, but it was always really awkward when my friend read it...  She just teased me for writing a fanfiction.  She also said that she was expecting .  (O.o)  Doesn't it that that's her impression of us KPop fans, erts with an Asian ....tsk, tsk... Well thank you for reading.  And, uh, yeah...

credits to yeolwho05
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Hello guys! I finally have my computer! I will post the next chapter by the end of tomorrow and I'm currently working on the next one!


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nobias #1
Chapter 4: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Chapter 4: Aww Chanyeol !
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