


Chapter Six



It wasn't a date.  It wasn't a date.

Was this a date?

Did I just cheat on Sehun?

I finished walking home from my so called "date" with that thought still fresh in my mind.  But it wasn't a date...So I didn't cheat on him.  Sehun was my one and only.  He'd never hurt me, and I'd never hurt him.  It's been that way since the seventh grade.  SInce the day he confessed to me, and I accepted his love with open arms as he did to me.

I'm not cheating on him.

I reassured myself as I walked through the fornt door of my house.  All of my thoughts were interrupted when I saw my mother at the dining room table with two other girls.  One of which I recognised from somw of my classes; the other I assumed to be her mother.

"Oh, Eun Mi," my mom beckoned me over, "I'm glad you're home."

"Remember when I said you needed more female friends?" she gestured to the younger girl, "This is my friend's daughter, Jin Soo.  I bet you two will get along just fine."

Jin Soo smiled to me and bowed her head.  She seemed nice, but from the looks of her, we were polar opposites.  She wore a soft pink cardigan and mini-skirt.  I highly doubt the two of us have anything in common.

"That's all very nice," I directed the topic of conversation elsewhere, "But it is getting pretty late, so I'm just going to get ready for bed..."

Without another word, I hurried up the stairs and down the hall, to the comfort of my own bedroom.  I threw myself onto my bed.  Glancing to the clock on my bedside table, I saw that it was only 5:00, much too early to sleep.  My annoyance was only added to when my mother entered my room and began to lecture me.

"Why were you so cold to Jin Soo?" she scolded me, "At least try to be nice to her.  Introduce her to those boys of yours.  They could probably use another friend, too."

"We don't need anybody but eachother," I protested, "And besides, there's no guarantee that they'll like her anyways."

"Just try," she said before leaving me to myself.



The following morning in first period, I sat with my group of friends as usual.  The six of us talked amongst ourselves before class started.  Our conversation came to an abrupt hault when no other than Jin Soo sat beside us.

"Can I help you?" Luhan turned to her, aggrivation bluntly expressed in his tone.

"Well, Eun Mi and I were told to be friends," she explained herself.

They all looked at me with raised eyebrows, then to eachother, then back at me. 

"You were told to be friends?" Tao chuckled.

"My mom thinks I need a 'female friend'," I grimaced, "She says it's healthy for me.  She also said she doesn't like me hanging out with so many boys because she doesn't know what we do inside my room all day."

"What is she implying?" Luhan raised an eyebrow.  It was then we noticed that Jin Soo was still sitting there, listening to our conversation.

"Don't you have any other friends?" Kai sneered.

"Well, yes, but not in this class," She shrugged, "Plus, you guys are popular."

"I will assign you to groups of three," The teacher spoke up, "Then it's up to you to decide what your projects will be."

"Luhan, Ji Min, and Hye In."

The two girls squealed in excitement.  Undoubtedly, they will spend the remainder of class drooling over Luhan, and he will endlessly pester them with what he considers flirting.

"Sehun, Min Seok, and ZiTao."

"DaeHyun, Mi Yeon, and Ji Young."

"Jongin, Eun Mi, and Jin Soo."

Of course.

The three of us grouped together.

"Okay, guys," Jin Soo began, "So I was thinking we could do our projects on-"

"Sounds good," Kai cut her off.  Him and I weren't exactly paying any attention.  We were busy doodling puppies in his notebook.

"This one is hungry," I giggled as I added an ice cream cone in the paw of one of Kai's dogs.

"Don't deface my artwork!" Kai pouted.

"It also has a mustache," I taunted him while adding facial hair to the dog.

"Well yours took a ," he luaghed, drawing a lump of crap beneathe my puppy.

"You're so immature," I dissolved into laughter.

"You brought this upon yourself."

"Are you even listening?" Jin Soo complained.

"Not really," Kai and I admitted in unison.

"Fine," she sighed, "Just keep on drawing your monkeys!"

"They're dogs..."

"Whatever," she scoffed.

"Luhan Oppa," we heard Hye In from a few tables over, "We should meet up at lunch.  You know, to work on our project."

"That's a good idea," Jin Soo agreed, "You guys should meet me in the library at lunch, too."

"You know they're not going to work on their project, right?" I snickered.

"There's a one hundred percent chance that they're only going to make out in a bathroom stall," Kai chuckled.

"Well I promise you that we will be working on our project," Jin Soo growled.

"Fine..." Kai groaned.


That day at lunch, Kai and I headed straight for the library.  There we found Jin Soo waiting for us at a table.

"As I was trying to say in class," she greeted us, "I think we should do our project on-"

"Great idea!" Kai interrupted her before running running off, "I'll go see if I could find any books on that!"

"I'll go help him," I laughed and followed him.

"I give up!" Jin Soo wailed.

When Kai saw me, he hid one row of books over.  I knocked a few books from the shelf and could see Kai speeding down the aisle.  We chased eachother up and down the aisles of books, occasionally knocking over more books and making strange faces to each other through the opening.

"Hey Chanyeol," I heard Jin Soo's voice.


I removed two books from the shelf and looked through.  On the otherside, I could see Jin Soo sitting at a desk.

"Oh...hi," Chanyeol stammered.

Does he spend every lunch in the library?

"Sit next to me," Jin Soo smiled.

"Ok?" He sat his books on the table and took the seat beside her.

"The people in my group for a science project are getting on my nerves."

"Who are they?" Chanyeol contributed to the conversation.

"Eun Mi and Kai," she groaned.  Chanyeol perked up at the sound of my name.

"Eun Mi?" a shy grin tugged at his lips.

"She thinks it's so cool that Kai misbehaves," she ranted.

"She thinks that's cool?"

I wanted to eavesdrop on observe more of their conversation, but Kai approached me.

"You want to go back to lunch?" he suggested.

I nodded and followed him to our regular lunch table, but it wasn't long before the school bell called us to our next classes. 


I waited by the door to my math class for Chanyeol.  When he arrived, I took him by the wrist and began to drag him down the hallway.  Before I could take another step, Chanyeol stopped in his tracks.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought you wanted to skip class?" I smirked.

He didn't reply, but I could feel my cheeks burning as he slid his hand into mine.  I tried not to be affected by the skinship, but I didn't take my hand away.  At the end of the hallway, there was a janitor's closet.  Opening the door, I pulled Chanyeol inside and latched the door shut behind us.

"Why are we in a closet?" he laughed softly.

"You don't want to caught, do you?" I smiled.

"But it smells like bleach in here," he complained, scrunching up his nose.

I folded my legs as I sat on the floors.  He did the same in front me.

"How often do you skip class, anyways?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Let's just say, I haven't attended a full English class this year," I grinned.

"What could you possibly be doing if not in class?" he gawked at me.

"Sometimes my friends and I hang out in the hallways," I tapped my chin as if I was deep in thought, "And other times Sehun and I hide together in a janitor's closet."

"Have you skipped before?" I narrowed my eyes with a smile.

"Well my science teacher let's me go to the library to study," he shrugged.

I couldn't help but laugh, "That doesn't count."


Chanyeol and I sat in that closet and spoke for what must have been roughly twenty minutes.  He got to know me, and I got to know him.  I'd never met someone quite like him-quite so...good.  He doesn't recall ever disobeying an order, that is, before he met me.

"You have a peculiar effect on me," he avoided my eyes by staring down at his hands.

"How so?"

"For one thing," he started, "You make me want to throw everything out the window and just scream."

"Is that a good thing?" I laughed.

"It's a wonderful thing," he beamed, "You make me feel so free.  I've never felt this free before."

For a few seconds, the two of us into eachother's eyes.  His eyes were smiling and so sincere.  He leaned closer to me.  He closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly.  He was so close.  I could feel his warm breath on my lips.  So close.  My heart raced and soared.  This feeling was all too familiar, yet somehow, it seemed so foreign.  He puckered his lips, and I could feel his nose graze mine.

So close.

I firmly pressed my hands against his chest, preventing him from coming any closer.  "Stop," I murmured curtly.  I stared up at him.

A bright red hue rose past his cheeks and to the tips of his ears.  "Oh, I'm so sorry," he stammered as he sat back down, "I thought you---I thought we..I've never kissed a girl-and we-I just...I'm sorry....."

I hurried to my feet.  "I can't," I paniced.  I closed the door behind myself, leaving Chanyeol alone in the closet.  I gripped the straps of my bag and rushed to class.


"Skipping class again, are we?" Ms. Yoo glowered, "I'll see you in detention after school."

I ignored her belittlement and plopped into my desk.  I repeated that single word in my head.  Stop. Stop.  Stop.  I knew what that feeling was, but it hurts me to admit it.  That feeling was love.

Through the rest of class, Chanyeol didn't return.  I would have expected him to come into class silently, bow as an apology to the teacher, and take notes.  But he never showed.

At long last, the school bell chimed.  As I rose to exit the classroom, someone gripped my wrist a bit too tightly for my liking.  I turned to see that Jin Soo was scowling at me.  She tugged my arm so that we were shoulder to shoulder.

"I saw you running off with Chanyeol," my eyes widened as she whispered those words to me, "I don't think Sehun would be pleased."

", you wouldn't," I spat at her, ripping my arm out of her grasp.

She wiggled her finger at me.  "No, no, no," she smirked, "From now on, you do as I say.  My first request, let me into your little circle of friends."

I found it rather hard to resist the urge to punch her, and under any other circumstances, I would have.  But I knew she would only run off and break Sehun's heart.

"Fine," I grumbled under my breath.

"Lee Eun Mi!!!" The teacher barked, "Vandalism?  Really?  Make that two days of detention!"

What?  I went to the door and glanced into the hallway.  I, and all the other students, stood, baffled, by the large scribbles of black sharpie along each locker.

"That wasn't me," I defended myself.

"Don't even try lying to me," she hissed.

"She's not lying," Chanyeol appeared beside us, "It was me."   Ms.Yoo and I looked to him, both struck with disbelief.  Chanyeol only hung his head low in shame, but something told me he wasn't lying nor did he regret a thing.

"Chanyeol," Ms. Yoo placed her hand on his shoulder, "you're too kind.  But don't take the blame for Eun Mi."

"But it was me," he pressed.  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a thick, black sharpie.  Our jaws dropped.

"Then I have no other choice but to give you detention," Ms. Yoo frowned.


I walked alongside Chanyeol as I headed for my next class.  "Why would you do that?" I gestured to the lockers.

"I can be bad, too," he smiled weakly.

"But you're not," I looked up to him.

"People can change," he replied simply.


author's note:


Hey guys, sorry it took so long.  I really only used three days of the three weeks I was gone.  I'm just a tad bit lazy. ('A' )  But, hey, three weeks is much shorter than some people take to update their stories!  I'm subscribed to this one story that hasn't been updated in, like, seven months.  !(=_=).......Of course, that author has college studies to keep up with, I had three weeks of free time....but thats beside the point!  (T.T)  The point is, I finally updated and you should comment, upvote, and subscribe if you haven't (^-^)  Also, look forward to the next chapter, I'm hoping to get in some Sehun fluff (^.^)!!!!!

credits to yeolwho05
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Hello guys! I finally have my computer! I will post the next chapter by the end of tomorrow and I'm currently working on the next one!


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nobias #1
Chapter 4: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Chapter 4: Aww Chanyeol !
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