That Day



Chapter One

That Day


"Are we going to the mall tomorrow?" Luhan turned his back to the board in front of the class room to face me.

"We've gone every Saturday since the beginning of this year," Tao scoffed, "Of course we're going!  It's, like, tradition."

Sehun leaned into the conversation, "Just, all of you, be there by five, arasso?"

I nodded slowly, taking a mental note.  I turned to Sehun with creased brows, a sudden thought in my mind, "Since when are you in this class?"

"Science is a bore and I wanted to hang out with you guys," he explained, "It's no fair that the five of you all have the same class and I'm all alone."

"Yeah!" Be quiet back there and stop having a conversation during my lesson!" The teacher scolded us with an accusing finger.

"Stop having a lesson during our conversation," Kai quipped, causing an uproar of laughter among the students.

The teacher merely rolled her eyes and continued with her lesson.  We disregarded her and went on with our discussion as she recorded different geometric formulas and seemingly random numbers on the board for the class to copy in their notebooks.



I sat at the park bench by the entrance of the mall, waiting for the boys.  That day, I had arrived rather early.  My thumbs worked at the keyboard of my phone as I created a text message for Kai.  Send.


Eun Mi: Hey

Kai: I'll be at the mall soon^^

Eun Mi: I'm waiting//hurry!

Kai: I actually need to tell you something...

Eun Mi: ?

Kai: I should tell you in person~


I had began typing a response when I heard someone calling my name.  I jolted my head to the side, swinging my long brown hair over my shoulder.

"Eun Mi-ah!" Sehun repeated, flailing his arms about to catch my attention.

It wasn't a surprise that Sehun was the first to show up out of the remaining five boys.  After all, he typically was the first to arrive after me, but something was different.  That day, he came running to me.  I stood and started toward him.  I laughed to myself, he looked like an idiot with that abnormally large smile spread over his normally stoic face.  But seeing him like this causing my heart to pleasantly twitch and throb.  Sehun advanced toward me with a quickened pace, and without even a simple greeting, he took hold of me by the small of my back.  With his other hand, he drew my face closer to his.  My eyes doubled in size as he pressed his soft, pink lips against mine.  He pulled away slowly, his hand still gently gripping the back of my neck, holding me close.

I gawked at him, struck by his sudden actions.  "What the hell was that?" My words were nearly a whisper.  My heart pounded quickly, threatening to beat out of my chest.  Despite my state of overwhelming confusion, I had wanted this for so long.

"Your mine now," he pulled one half of his mouth into a devilish grin.  Amazing.  He wasn't even blushing.  He'd always been bold and confident, a bit arrogant even, but not the slightest trace of hesitancy, doubt, or embarrassment could be seen upon him.

The corners of my lips curled into a smile as my cheeks brightened.  He pecked my lips with his once more.

"So are you two together now or something?" Min Seok had chortled beside us, standing only a few feet away.

Way to ruin the moment.... I shot him a piercing glare.

 He turned around to walk away, "Well I know when I'm not wanted."

Sehun took my hand in his, the skinship sent a wavering sensation of electricity over every inch of my body, melting my heart.  He took a step closer to Min Seok.

"No, no," Sehun nervously raked his fingers through his tousled black hair, "Let's just wait here for the others."

He chanced me a look through the corner of his eye.  The brief eye contact caused the both of us to blush and look to the ground.  So now he's blushing, it's cute...This is the side of Sehun that I saw and fell in love with.  Many found his cold eyes to be intimidating, but I saw warmth in his gaze.  I saw a beaming joy in his glowing brown orbs every time I looked his way, and it was more than enough to make me fall for him.  And though I loved the bad- Sehun that everyone feared, I saw past it.

"Hey!" Kai brightly smiled as he joined the rest of us.

"Oh, Kai," I cocked my head to the side, "You needed to tell me something?"

 The grin on his face faded into a seemingly lost expression.  Like a puppy who had just been kicked.  "Uh-" he stammered, "Uh-no, I'm sorry.  It's stupid.  Forget-Forget I said anything..."

At the time, I was to dazed to really notice just how disheartened Kai had been.  That day, all that mattered was Sehun's hand in mine, that mesmerizing kiss, and the seemingly magical beat of my heart.

That day was in seventh grade.

That day, Sehun and I shared our first kiss.

That day, Sehun claimed me as his.


I chuckled a bit, reminiscing about the days of the past.  But there I was, five years later, at the same exact place, on the same exact bench, waiting for the same exact people.

"Hey," Sehun flashed me a wink as he sat beside me.  He handed me an ice cream cone and one of his own, "Vanilla, your favorite."

I smiled slightly and took a small nip from the top of the ice cream swirl.

"No fair!" Tao wailed, running from the other four boys to the bench, "I want ice cream too!"

"Buy your own ing ice cream," Sehun blankly retorted as he the melting ice cream that dripped from the cone.

"B-But," Tao pouted, "I'm hungry..."

"Then let's go eat," Min Seok suggested.



"This isn't as good as ice cream," Tao mumbled as he poked the chicken on his plate with his chopsticks.

Luhan scooped up a handful of his rice and tossed it at Tao, "Just shut up and enjoy the food that I paid for."  

"Food is to eat, LuLu, not to play with," Min Seok scowled.

"Don't call me LuLu," Luhan threw yet another wasted handful of rice at his hyung.

Min Seok fought back with his own food.  Unfortunately, Seokie's accuracy is not the best.  His jjajjangmyun launched into my hair.  I twisted my lips, contemplating my attack.  I took a bundle of his noodles and plastered them a top his head. 

"You little-" Min Seok growled.

He took his entire plate in his hand and clutched the collar of my shirt, pulling it to create an opening.  He dumped the contents of the plate down my shirt.  I let out a shriek and jumped back, squirming around in hopes of getting his noodles out of my cleavage.  I could feel the unpleasant texture of his food against my skin.

"Don't touch her like that!" Sehun barked, throwing the plastic plate itself at Min Seok.

Soon enough, all of us had erupted into a wave of laughter.  Using various tables and chairs through out the food court as shelter, I hid from the soaring shrapnel of vegetables and chicken, every once in while risking showing myself to open fire on my enemies.  Our laughter and squealing echoed across the mall.  The disappointed, furious glares of the passing ahjummas and ahjussis amounted to nothing compared to he fun.

"Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!" A mall custodian hurried onto our battle field.   "What do you think you're doing!  Who do you think cleans up after you rotten delinquents!?!?"

Luhan snickered before throwing the food in his hand at the janitor.  The rugged man clenched his jaw, infuriated.  "Get out of here before I call security!" He raged.

His threat meant nothing to us, but he had already ruined the fun.  The boys slapped each other's backs and bickered about who had actually  one the war (that would be me by the way) as they grouped in the men's restroom.

In the ladies' room, I plucked the rice and noodles out of my vibrant blue hair.  I twirled it around my finger and laughed, remembering the day I dyed it last year.


I rushed to Sehun's house in a panic.  Just a few minutes prior, he had sent me an urgent text message, telling me that I needed to come to him as soon as possible.  I tossed my bike on his front lawn and jumped on his door mat.  I pressed my finger against the door bell and impatiently waited for him to come to the door.  I watched as the door knob turned slowly.  Not Sehun, but his mother, pulled open the door.

"Excuse me," I shoved past her into the house.  I heard her scoff behind me.   I guess she has never really been particularly fond of me, but the feeling is mutual...

Before I had the chance to take another step, Sehun gripped my wrist tightly, dragging me along with him.

"Where are we going," I broke free of his grasp but continued to follow him.

He lead me into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind us, clicking the lock.

"Sehun?" I spoke his name slowly.

"Look what I got for you," a cunning smirk spread across his lips as he reached for the blue hair dye off of the counter.

"Hell no!" I had protested.

"Come on, colorful hair is cool," he ran his fingers through his eccentric rainbow locks, "Just look at mine."

"It makes you look like a ," I sneered, turning to leave.

He turned me by my shoulder to face him.  He pulled my body closer to his, practically nose to nose.  I could feel his warm breathe against my skin.

"Just do it," he harshly whispered, "please?"

"You know you're , right?" I rolled my eyes and got one last look of my natrual brown hair in the mirror, "Go ahead..."

He slid his hands into the latex gloves and spurted the ominous blue liquid from the canister into his hand.  He then began massaging it into my scalp.  Every strand of my hair, now blue as the daytime sky.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and proceeded to rid my hair of each grain of rice.



"What now?" Luhan shrugged and took another sip of his bubble tea.

"The arcade?" Tao beamed.

"For once you actually said something smart!" Min Seok laughed, patting Tao on the head.  The younger boy swatted the latter's hand away.

We followed Tao to the arcade.  I was awe struck by the long stretching rows of claw machines.  I strolled down the aisle between two of the rows, surveying the prizes behind the glass cases.  I rest my hands against the machine, staring longingly at one particular prize I had my eyes set on.   A plush penguin.

"Do you want it?" Sehun approached me.

"Yeah," I sighed, "But I only have bills.  Do you see a change machine anywhere?"

"I got it," he smiled, inserting a coin into the slot.

With that, the game flashed its colorful lights.  I watched anxiously as Sehun maneuvered the joy stick and finally pressed the red button.  The claw lowered itself and latched onto the penguin's body.  The penguin was dragged to the box at the near corner of the machine and released.

I cheered in delight.  I wrapped my arms around Sehun's neck and planted a kiss on his cheek; he, despite my joy, stared ahead valiantly.

"Thank you!" I praised him, "I'll name it PinJoo!"

"Who said it was for you?" Sehun stuck out his tongue.  He bent over to claim the penguin from the opening.


"Nope," he posessively clung to the plushy, "PinJoo is mine."

"You !" I yelped, lunging toward him, "Give me the ing penguin!"

"Never!" He hunched over as I pounded my fists against his back.

From across the way, my behaviour caught Min Seok's attention.  He made his way over to Sehun and I as I still attempted to beat the penguin out of his grip.

"Why?" Min Seok tried to interpret the situation.

"She's trying to steal PinJoo!" Sehun laughed.

I hooked my arms underneath his for my best attempt at a death hold.  He rose to stand straight  I was left dangling slightly from his back.

"He's lying!" I spat, "That's my penguin!"

"I paid for it!"

"I saw it first!"

"I won it!"

We shot arguments back and forth.

"Guys!" Min Seok blurted, "How about who ever wins at a round of dance dance revolution wins custody?"

Sehun and I looked at each other, nodding once in agreement.  He marched to the dance machine, still logging me on his back.  He dropped me onto the dance pad, which was complete with arrows in every direction.

"Don't worry," Min Seok encouraged me, "Sehun at this game."

I looked to Sehun, expecting some sort of come back, but all he had in response was a shameful nod.

For three minutes, I struggled to keep up with the complex combinations of arrows displayed on the screen.  I was basically tripping over my own two feet.  Our scores were compared, and with regret, I grudgingly admit that Sehun's was fifty points greater than mine.

"What?" I yawped, turning to Min Seok, "You said he !" 

"He does ," chortled Min Seok, "you're just worse."

"PinJoo is mine!" Sehun cheered.

"I don't even want the stupid penguin," I crossed my arms over my chest and blew the fringe of blue hair away from my eyes.

Sehun hooked his chin over my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, pulling my body against his. I  could feel his lips on my ear as he whispered, "He's my ing penguin."

With a brute force, I shot my elbow backward, into Sehun's rib cage.  He huffed in pain.  I smirked victoriously, satisfied with myself.

"HELL YEAH!" I heard an eruption of cheers from the other side of the arcade.

I looked beyond the dance machine to see an overjoyed Kai punching the air and a furious Luhan punching the game, slamming the plastic gun back into its holster.

"I let you win," he burst.

"What ever," Kai shrugged and turned away nonchalantly.  Luhan stood by the game, his face red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

"Hey guys," Min Seok rest his arm over my shoulder as he spoke to us all, "Do you wanna crash at my house tonight.  My parents are gone for the weekend."

"Sure, let me just tell my mom real quick," Tao pulled out his phone and the others followed.

"Aren't you gonna ask your parents?" Luhan looked to me.

"I already know they're gonna say no anyways," I rolled my eyes, "Why bother asking?"

"So you're not coming?" Tao twisted his lips.

"No, I'm coming," I nodded.


The six of us strode into the parking lot of the mall.  Sehun fished his car keys out of his pocket.   With the touch of a button, his car sprung to life.  The headlights blinked to the click of the locks.

"There's only five seats," Luhan noticed.

"Eun Mi can sit in your lap, and I'll drive," Min Seok suggested as he reached for the keys in Sehun's hand.

"No way!" Sehun snatched the keys out of Min Seok's reach, "Do you have any idea how much this car cost?"

"Alright then," Min Seok smirked, "Eun Mi can sit in my lap."

"Or better yet," Sehun chimed with a sarcastic smile, "you can ride in the trunk."

"Kai," Luhan jumped into the debate, "You can sit in Tao's lap."

"What? No!" Kai quabbled defensively, "You sit in Tao's lap!"

"No!" Luhan pressed.

"Then sit on Min Seok's lap," Kai stammered.

Min Seok shrugged, "I'm fine with that."

"But-" Luhan jeered, "But I-"

"Just get in the damn car," Kai shoved past us.

Luhan sat in Min Seok's lap in the passenger's seat through the car ride.  All the while, he pouted like a little girl with his arms folded and his cheeks flushed pink, mumbling curses to himself.


author's note:


Here it is!  Behold Chapter One!!!  When I wrote this, I thought Sehun and Eun Mi's relationship was cute and playful, but my friend who read over this thought he was a .  This chapter was long, Thank God!  That's what I was going for.  It was nine pages, front and back, written on paper.  Hopefully the next chapter will be just as long.  I'm looking forward to chapter two.  It's gonna be fun! (^·^)

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Well, bye!

credits to yeolwho05
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Hello guys! I finally have my computer! I will post the next chapter by the end of tomorrow and I'm currently working on the next one!


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nobias #1
Chapter 4: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
Chapter 4: Aww Chanyeol !
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