Chaps 4

Family? Friends? 'Love' ? [HIATUS]*


I called John and told him to bring over a big van that fits the boys including me. I waited for 5 minutes until i saw him with a big white van. He came out and bowed at me.

"You know, you don't need to bow at me. It's not as if i am a princess." I said while chuckling. He giggled and passed me the key. I quickly gave it back to him. He looked at me questioningly.

"You drive." I called the rest of the boys to hopped on. When we settled ourselves inside the van, they started bombarding me with a lot of questions.

"YAH! I only have one ear!" I yelled. They retreated from asking and took a nap instead. I sighed lightly and fished out my phone.

*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep* 

My phone kept on beeping indicating there's notification. I clicked on the icon and it turned out to be my Instagram account. Alot of people commented on how handsome and cute Jongin is and alot of people liked it. Old times..Old times.. Just as i was about to remember the memories, John disturbed my thoughts.

"Jae, we're here." I nodded and ushered them to go out of the van. I lead them towards a restaurant that looked really awesome and only wealthy people will come here.

"N-Noona, what are we doing here? Kidnap wealthy people? I think it's a bad -" I smacked Luhan's head.

"Pabo-ya, eventhough i'm cold and mean, i wouldn't kidnap others. Aish, chincha.. Anyways, i'm treating you guys today. C'mon." I went over to the counter.

"How may i help you?" The person at the counter asked. I showed him my ID and he quickly bowed and lead us towards a VIP place where's there's less noise.

"Welcome back, Kang Soorin-sii." He bowed. 

"Don't be so formal, Kibum.(Imagine that Key isn't in Shinee)" I patted his head. He smiled widely and left. 

"Well, order as much as you want. I'm paying." I smiled sweetly at them. In an instant, they quickly took the menu list and started ordering lots of food and drink. I chuckled lightly. They must've been hungry while guarding the place. I'm so thankful of having them in my life. When the food arrived, we ate silently/ Some of them made some jokes. We had a nice time together. It's been a long time since we have this bonding time together.

"Noona, about the letter -" 


All of us turned our head towards the direction of the noise. Just then, we heard a guy shouting.

"Do you know how much this dress cost?! It cost billions of dollars! Who's gonna pay for me?!" I looked at the particular person getting shouted at. Kibum. I quickly strode over to the 2 "gentlemen" and thank godness i was there, if not, Kibum might get punched right there. I held the man's hand, who was ready to punch Kibum.

"He might make a mistake but abusing the staff here is not allowed, sir." I said coldly. He scoffed and pulled his hand away from my grip.

"Oh, really? Do you know how much this cost?! A few thousand dollars." He pointed at one of the girls' dress. I looked at the girl. No way. Girls' Generation is here?! God, Tiffany's dress is ruined. 

"I'll take care of it. You don't need to worry." I said firmly.

"Oh, really? Just looking from the way you dress and your "group" over there, you look like someone who is poor." He spat. How dare he.. I punched him across the face, making him fall to the floor.

"Nobody, says anything bad about me. You don't know me, so i'd rather tell you to shut that dirty mouth of yours before i stitch that mouth of yours, idiot." I said coldly while glaring at him. He immediately flinched but regained his composure.

"Do you know who i am?" I shrugged my shoulder.

"I'm from SM Ent. The most popular company. You just abused a staff. Which is not allowed, too." He mimicked me. I scoffed.

"Well, do you know who i am? I'm the daughter of the Kang Corps." I said bitterly. Yeah right..I was disowned.. Pssh. 

"W-What?! Impossible." He said with a shaky voice.

"It is possible. Well, who's restaurant is this? The Kangs' Restaurant." I said arrogantly. He looked at me with disbelief as he bowed several times.

"Too late to apologise, Mr Idiot. Anyways, how much does the dress cost?" I asked while looking at him with disgust.

"$10000. You can pay?" He asked while smirking at me. I shrugged my shoulder and took out a cheque book from my purse. Man, i haven't use this for 4 years... I wrote the exact amount and gave it to him.

"Here." I walked back to my group and sat down.

"N-noona..You didn't tell me you are -" I cut off Luhan.

"Was, Luhan. I was the daughter of the Kang.." I looked down and to my surprise, i cried. Someone caressed my back. I peeped beside me and it's no other than Jongin.

"Gomawoyo." I smiled weakly. He smiled lightly. When everyone finished eating, i sent them back to the "HQ" . As i walked in, i saw a female figure standing near the alley. The ? A female, standing alone at the alley? Dangerous. Damn. I jogged slowly towards the alley and tapped the lady's shoulder. My heart was beating fast. Faster than usual. No way....



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MiyukiGoldstein #1
Make it as youxtaeyeon as the main couple please
Chapter 6: please update soon
jeansuntang #3
Please update!
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 5: can't wait another chapter
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 5: update soon author-ssi
Chapter 5: can't wait for the next chappie :)
update soon author
Chapter 5: update soon please
Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 3: update soon please
TheLoneWolf #10
Chapter 2: update soon please author-ssi