The Good Years

Say Something

Days passed, that quickly turned into months, soon enough two years had gone by. A lot happened in those years. She had met his family, and he met hers. Jongin's family adored her, thinking she was good for him. As for her family, they have always been hard to please, and just like she expected, they we're not pleased with him. But she loved him more and more each day, no matter what they say to her.  She also began losing interest in filmmaking but continued the course nonetheless, thinking that it was just a minor setback, because she really hoped that the old her who knew exactly where she should go and the things she was supposed to want hasn't disappeared completely. 

Jongin on the other hand was still happy with filmmaking, but he also wanted a few new things in life. Like moving out of the dorms and getting an apartment near the university. And soon enough he was throwing obvious hints at her about his plans on getting a job so he could afford an apartment for the two of them. She was more than happy about moving in with him. She then decided to look for a job herself to help him with the bills. Balancing studying and a job was hard but they got by, because they had each other to go home to after a long hard day.

As the days passed, though they may not realize it, their dreams that only involved their selves were already gone and everything was about "them" already. Nothing was ever an "I' it was now always a "we".  One never without the other was the way to describe the first two years of their relationship. 


The third year in their relationship was where all the big changes began. They both finally graduated film-school. She tried looking for a job that involved filmmaking but luck was not on her side, until one day a friend of hers invites her to an art exhibit. There she finds her old interest in painting come back to her. Soon enough she finds a small place on lease near their apartment and turns it to her mini studio. He was very supportive of her, because he knew that as a child this was something she wanted, her parents again, did not approve of it. Saying such was a dying business if not completely dead. They even pointed out that she'd never make money out of painting. So she shoved that dream away to do something that would impress them and that was filmmaking because both of her parents were involved in the film industry and made quite a name for themselves.


As for Jongin, he left his part time job and went to look for a real job as soon as he got his college degree. He found one in a small ad-company, to which he stayed there for eight months until he finally decided, with the help of her encouragement, to open his own website and make short inspiring films. But finding his big break was so hard, he would get a a thousand views here and there, but that wasn't enough to attract big companies to advertise on his website.

Sure he cannot find his big break just yet and she was just starting to piece her real dreams back together, but they were both doing just fine. They were still living in that small apartment and still drove that crappy old SUV Jongin bought from a friend a year ago and yet they were happy. 



Four years into the relationship and they were still madly in love, but not without unavoidable fights here and there.

Some of her works were now being recognized and bought in the internet, but it was nothing big really because she still cannot find sponsors to help showcase her works to the public and not just the internet. Nonetheless she was still very thankful for what she had. What they had. 

He was also doing okay with the website, his works were no doubt very well made. He had now quite a following among his loyal viewers. Slowly people were noticing his genius. Most people who have followed his works since day one would tell him that he deserved more attention and credit. He truly did.

On the 4th of October that year, he finally received a call from a big motion picture company, saying they wanted him to come and work for them. Thinking such opportunity was hard to come by, he took it, and closed his website down to focus more on his new job. And indeed he was right about taking the opportunity, because this would later land him the success he wanted and deserved. He of course, had little experience in working for real production companies so he had to start his way at the bottom and slowly make it to the top. He started with helping out with casting new talents for various films,  then with helping in editing scripts, until he got a shot at submitting his own script for a film-commercial to which became his stepping stone to finally producing music videos and commercials alike. Slowly he was making a name for himself in the film business too.



With just a year after his mainstream success he was able to get a much bigger apartment and a better car. He also insisted on getting her a bigger studio but she refused saying she wanted to buy one with her own money, to which he took offense that lead to a few hurtful words from both parties. That was their first ever big fight. Usually their misunderstandings just lasted a day or two, but this one lasted for two weeks; they slept on the same bed but they did not talk, let alone face each other. They ate at the same table but they barely acknowledge each other's presence. It was hard for both of them, but pride was slowly eating them away. 



Five years, five long years they dated and now that everything in Jongin's career is set, and her family finally accepts him as he has proven himself worthy of their daughter, he wanted more out of life. He now wanted a family of his own. And that was it, the moment he decided to buy her a beautiful ring, was the moment he finally truly stopped racing through life and decided he wanted it to go by slowly because to him, the moment she says the words "I do." will be the start of his good years. And who wants the good ones to come and go so fast, right?




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Updated chapt. 2! Enjoy!


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Nichkhunieee #1
Chapter 2: I couldn't bear to read it: ( it seems so calm peaceful and HAPPY: / I'm afraid of the disaster that will happen :'( I'll probably cry my heart out!!!
Nichkhunieee #2
Chapter 1: Awwww the starting is so damn sweet: ) I really enjoyed this chapter!!! I'm looking forward to your other updates!!!!! FIGHTING!!!!!