
Noona, Can You Call Me Oppa?

Jiyoung’s POV:

As I reached Jessica’s house, I stared at her mansion in amazement. This got to be the biggest house I’ve ever seen. As I pressed the door bell I anxiously fixed up my tie and straightened my shirt.

Oppa! You made it!” Jessica greeted with a bright smile as she opened the door. Her blonde hair was curled and laid perfectly on her shoulder. Her beautiful, pink evening dress came down just above her knee as it hugs her waist to show her perfect s-line.

So are you going to let me in or are you planning on keeping me out here in the cold?” I asked her jokingly.

She laughed and took my hand as she led me around her house. It was just as beautiful inside as it is outside. Before we entered what seems like the dining room that was filled with laughter, Jessica stopped and turned to look at me,

Oppa, please forgive me,” she told me sincerely.

Why?” I asked her curiously. But instead of answering my question, she pulled me into the room. As we entered the room, the laughter had stopped as all eyes were fixed on me. A familiar face had strucked me as his eyes we’re all over me intently.

Oppa, this is my father, mother, my sister Krystal, Mrs Kim and SHINee’s … Jonghyun” Jessica introduced me to her guest.

Everyone this is my boyfriend, Jiyoung” Jessica continued.

I looked over at her when she introduced me as her boyfriend. She looked back at me and smiled warmly; I couldn’t help but smile too. SHINee’s Jonghyun? Ah, I know him. He’s the bastard who cheated on Jessica and knocked up her sister. I glared at the younger boy disgustingly who only in return gave me a cold, icy glare.

Omo! Your Big Bang’s leader, G-dragon aren’t you!?” An older woman next to Jonghyun, whom I assume to be his mother, asked me.

I smiled and nodded at her, “Neh. I am Kwon Jiyoung, nice to meet you all”

Jiyoung-ssi! I’m a big fan of yours!” Krystal told me as she excitedly ran over to my side.

Kamsahamnida. And you’re from F(x)? I really enjoy listening to your songs.” I complimented her to be polite.

I settled down next to Jessica as we continued on with dinner. I showed them my charms by telling them funny stories or just jokes. The dining table was filled with laughter, even Jessica was joining in and warming up. But I couldn’t help but notice, Jonghyun’s frequent glare at me then back at Jessica. I smirked at him when I noticed him staring at me and he immediately looked away. Jonghyun-ssi, you make such an easier competitor. Why did Jessica fall for you in the first place?


Jonghyun’s POV:

My heart was torn when Jessica introduced Big Bang’s G-Dragon as her boyfriend. Was it true? I hope not, I hope she’s just putting on a show. I stared at him as he continued on with his lame jokes which caused everyone to laugh, even my Jessica.

As dinner came to an end, Jessica’s father asked me,

Jonghyun son, why are you so quiet tonight?”

I looked at him and apologized, “Mianhe sir. I’m just feeling a bit tired today” I lied.

He nodded at me then led my mother and Jiyoung-ssi to the living room. Jessica stayed behind to clean up as the rest of her family went to company the guests.

Jonghyun-ah, why don’t you stay and help your sister-in-law clean up?” Umma asked me.

I nodded and made my way back to the dining room. I was mesmerized by Jessica’s beautiful smile as she stacked up the plates on the table.

Need help?” I whispered softly but loud enough for her to hear.

Her smile soon disappeared as she realizes that it was me who asked and not her boyfriend.

If you want” she replied coldly.

We began putting all the utensils in the bucket stacked the plates in a pile. As I reached for the last plate my hand suddenly froze by the warm touch of Jessica’s hand, who also was reaching for the plate. She took back her hand and held onto it,

I’ll start the dishes first” she quickly said as she made her way back into the kitchen. My heart felt warm at our sudden skinship, I haven’t been this close to her since what had happened between us at the hospital. So I was determined to explain to her and tell her that I truly do not want to marry Krystal and that I did nothing with her that night.

I walked into the kitchen without making a noise and hugged Jessica from behind. “Jessica, I’ve missed you so much”


Jessica’s POV:

I rushed into the kitchen after my hand touched Jonghyun’s to cover my face. I was blushing and I knew my face was all red from the sudden touch.

Jung Sooyeon. He’s your brother in law, get a hold of yourself” I mumbled under my breath.

As I the tap to start cleaning the dishes I was startled as someone hugged me from the behind.

Jessica, I’ve missed you so much”

It was him. He’s voice was still sweet and I could hear his rapid breaths. My heart beat was rapidly beating too.

Jjong, don’t be like this. You’re going to marry my sister” I told him as I closed my eyes to release the tears that wanted to come out earlier.

Let me go” I told him but he only hugged me tighter.

When was the last time you called me Jjong, Jessica? I don’t want her, I want you Jung Sooyeon” He told me. I could feel his tears dropping onto my shoulder as he began to cry.

Are you… really dating him?” He was referring to Jiyoung oppa. I pushed his hands away and looked at him,

He has a name. And what is it to you?” I asked him harshly.

Jessica, stop lying to yourself. You don’t love him” He accused me.

And how would you know?”

Because I know you still love me” He whispered softly. Yeah, I love you… only you, I thought to myself.

Get over yourself Jonghyun-ssi. You’re getting married to my sister”

I turned around and continued with the dishes, pretending that I was ignoring him. But I was not; I was giving my full attention to all the noises he was making. I could hear his quiet weeps, his sniffles and my loud heart beat that was crying for him.

Why don’t you believe me?” He asked me after he re-collected himself.

But I ignored his question; I don’t want to hear anymore of his nonsense. Because I have convinced myself, that whatever comes out of his mouths are all filthy lies.

Jessica, please just listen to me!” he cried out.

I was planning to ignore him once more but he pulled my hand to turn me around. I dropped the plate that was in my hand at the impulsive touch once more.

Now look what you have done!” I yelled at him as I gave him one of my icy glare.

I dropped down to the floor to pick up the broken glasses.

My heart is as broken as this plate” I said quietly.

Jonghyun must’ve have heard me. He quietly got down to where I was and began picking up the broken pieces,

Then let me pick it up and put it back together” He whispered quietly into my ear.

I jerked as his hot breath lingered around me, as a consequence for not paying attention to what I was doing, I began bleeding as I accidently cut myself from the sharp edges of the plate.

I stood up as I examined my finger, tears began to show as the pain in my finger and heart became unbearable.

Sica, are you okay?” Jonghyun asked me with full concern in his voice, he took my finger and examined it carefully. I took my hand away and looked at him,

Please just go away from me. I don’t think I can take it anymore. Every time I hear, see or think about you my heart aches. And it’s becoming excruciating.”

He looked at me with tears filling his puppy eyes, “Sica, I – “

Jiyoung oppa came in just in time before Jonghyun could finish his sentence.

I didn’t mean to disturb you, I just heard some noises and… Jessica! You’re bleeding” Jiyoung oppa ran over to me as he took my hand.

He wiped my tears away then band-aid my bleeding finger after washing it caringly.

Sica, does it hurt?” He asked.

I looked at Jonghyun,

Neh it does. And so does my heart. Please take me away oppa” I answered GD oppa’s question.

Jiyoung oppa leaned in and kissed my forehead, “Let’s go”

He wrapped his arm around my waist and carefully led me outside, leaving Jonghyun in the kitchen crying. I looked back at Jonghyun, Goodbye Jonghyun. This will be the last time I’ll hurt you. Forever. I’m letting you go, be happy with Krystal.

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Chapter 47: this is exiting!!!
PianoSica #2
Chapter 46: What happened to the sequel?
Me when I first read the title:
"No! You'll always be a dongsaeng!"
iheartJongSica #4
Chapter 46: What happen to the sequel? Pls continue! I wanna have a happy ending!!!!!!
sicabias #5
@littlebusta: I had no clue with where I was going with it so I deleted it ):
littlebusta #6
just curious, but what happened to the sequal?
Why?? T__T<br />
Why do they have to have such a bad ending. I was soo hoping they would end up together. After everything they've been though. They have to go through something like that on the day of their wedding. It has such a terribly y ending for them, almost makes me wonder if they really were ment for each other :|<br />
But its also soo good. I crave for more. This fic is awesome ^^
Annalise93 #8
You should make a sequel to this story .... It's so good <3
Great Story