
Noona, Can You Call Me Oppa?

Taeyeon’s POV:

The glass of milk slipped out of my hand and smashed onto the floor as the news of Yuri being abducted came out of Sunny’s mouth. I quickly raised my hands to cover my mouth, as the tears rolled down my shocked face. My heart stopped beating; my sister is now in danger. What do I do?

Taeyeon unnie, what do we do?” Tiffany asked through her tears

I didn’t know how to reply, I glanced over to my sisters. Tiffany, Sunny and Hyoyeon were looking at me with teary yet questioning eyes while Sooyoung and Yoona was comforting Seohyun, who was crying violently.

I… I… we have to call manager oppa first” I finally gave them an answer.

After the conversation with oppa, who told us that he will be over at our dorm as soon as possible, we sat on the couch praying and hoping that Yuri will be okay.

The dorm was filled with dead silence until Tiffany spoke up,

Should we call Jessica unnie back? And let her know that Yuri is –“

She didn’t finish of her sentence as tears began to fall once again.

Aniyo Miyoung-ah, let your sister rest for today. We’ll tell her tomorrow, just let her enjoy her time with Jonghyun tonight. I don’t want to disturb them.” I told her.

But unnie, she has the right to know. Jessica unnie and Yuri unnie is really close, we shouldn’t be hiding this from her” Yoona said.

We are not hiding it from her, she’s going to find out tomorrow” I replied back to her matter-of-factly

But unnie –“ Yoona continued to whine

No more buts, let just leave it at that. Arasso?”

No, it is not okay! Jessica is part of this family, how come she doesn’t get to know about this? And why do we have to suffer this dreadful moment while she’s having fun with her loved ones? I’m not being selfish; it’s just that we’re a family. And as a family we suffer together and Jessica unnie would want to hear the news about Yuri unnie now!”

Yoona’s words were left tingling and wondering in my mind. She is correct; Jessica deserves and need to know about this.

Mianhe Yoona, I’m sorry for just now. I’ll go make the call to Jessica now”


Jessica’s POV:

It was late at night or should I say very early in the morning but I could not go to sleep. I’m usually the one to be the first to sleep and the last to wake up, but for some reason I was feeling uneasy. Maybe the weather was just hot, I don’t know.

I checked my phone and decided to text Jjong to see if he was awake.

To: Jonghyun

Jjong, are you awake?

From: Sica

It has been five minutes since I sent him that text and yet there was no reply. I quietly got off my bed and tiptoed out of my room, downstairs and to the guest room that Jonghyun was staying in.

As I slightly opened the door and peeked inside, my mouth opened as wide as it can go. Right inside was a topless Jonghyun and my sister, wearing Jjong’s top, sprawled all over his bare chest. I pushed the door open and let out my dolphin scream.

Yah Kim Jonghyun! How are you going to explain this to me?” I yelled at him as he started to realize what had happened. He looked over at Krystal who was smirking at him and looked down at his own body. It must’ve finally hit him when he looked at me with his puppy eyes.

Sica, it’s not what you think it is. I swear I did nothing with her” He tried to explain to me.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks, I couldn’t take it anymore as I planted myself down on the floor. Mom and dad were awoken from my scream and came running downstairs to see if everything was okay.

Sica pumpkin, what’s wrong?” Daddy asked me. I couldn’t speak nor think of what to do next. I didn’t want to breathe either, but I pointed to Jonghyun and Krystal and daddy’s gaze followed my finger.

You! And I thought you were a reasonable young man. And you Krystal, you are a disgrace to this family” Mom scolded them as she saw what had happened.

Please believe me, nothing happened. I would never do this to Jessica I swear.” Jonghyun pleaded as he looked at me with teary eyes.

My heart hurts” I stated as clutched onto my chest.

Jess” Jonghyun yelled out my name as he ran to where I was and pulled me into his chest.

No get away from me” I tried to pull out of his embrace but was interrupted by an incoming call.

I checked my phone and it was Taeyeon unnie, why would she be calling me at this time of the day?

Taeyeon unnie, what’s the matter?” I said into the receiver

Sica-ah, you better come back to the dorm quickly. It’s Yuri…”

Unnie, what’s wrong with Yuri-ah?”

She’s been abducted?”

Bwoh!? Abducted!? Arasso, I’ll be there soon”

I looked at Jonghyun and stood up

Abducted?” he asked me and I nodded in reply to his answer. I ran out of the house as quick as I can. I don’t care if I was wearing my pajamas or how many people were staring at me; I needed to be there for my sisters and for Yuri. Yuri, please keep strong. I’ll be there for you soon.


Jonghyun’s POV:

Everything was happening so quickly, one moment I was being yelled at by Jessica, the next I realized I was in bed without a shirt next to Krystal and now Yuri has been abducted.

Jessica got onto her feet and ran out of the house. I left her heartbroken once again and the least I can do now is to comfort her from the news of Yuri. I stood up from the position I was in and was about to chase after Jessica when I felt two strong pair of arms on my shoulder.

Where do you think you’re going?” Jessica’s appa asked me.

Sir, I’m going to chase the girl I love and be there for her” I said confidently as I shoved his arms away and ran after her. I quickly got into my car and drove towards the direction Jessica was heading,

Jessica, get in!” I motioned for her to get into the car. She hesitated and didn’t know what to do.

Quick, we’re wasting time. We’ll get back to the girls much faster by a car”

She got in the car as my words finally sank into her. As we sat in silence, I took a few glances at her. Her eyes were red with tears continuously flowing down her flawless yet pale cheeks. Her nose was runny and her hair was in a mess. She is still beautiful despite the situation she’s in and yet I can’t comfort her as I have already done enough damage to her. Jessica Jung, I’m sorry for not being a perfect boyfriend.


Seohyun’s POV:

Taeyeon unnie had just ended her call with Jessica unnie,

Jessica said she’s coming over right away” Taeyeon unnie told us as she made her way over to Yoona unnie and hugged her.

My tears had now subdued but my fears for Yuri unnie were still out there. I thought about all of my past memories with Yuri unnie and all the stupid fights that we would get into,Yuri unnie, please come back to us soon. I closed my eyes and prayed to God but was soon startled by the vigorous knocks on the door.

It was Jessica unnie, Jonghyun oppa and manager oppa. Sica unnie’s eyes were all red and puffy, Jonghyun oppa’s face had guilt written all over it, but why? And manager oppa had a very worried expression. I’ve never seen him this worried before.

Sunny unnie began to explain about the conversation with the abductors to manager and how they wanted money and told us not to contact the police.

Alright girls, I’m going to make a call to CEO hyung and see how much money we can gather, Jonghyun I think it’s best for you to contact your members especially Minho and inform them what is going on. I think it’s best for them to know. And girls, take a rest. You’ve been through a lot and you need the energy to keep fighting and to get Yuri back safely. Arasso?” manager oppa said.

Neh” we all replied and with that manager oppa left and promised to come back in the next few hours to check up on us.


Minho’s POV:

I tossed and rolled around in bed as the uneasy feeling took over me. I must’ve made a racket of noises as Onew hyung began to rise from his bed.

Minho-ah, just go to sleep already” he scolded me.

Arasso hyung, it’s just that, I can’t seem to go to sleep”

Hyung sighed and all the members woke up as we received an incoming call from the home phone.

Yoboseyo?” Onew hyung said into the phone sleepily.

Bwoh?! Is that so? … We’ll be over there soon”

Hyung what is it?” Key asked

Yeah, where do we have to go?” Taemin added.

I looked at Onew hyung as he looked back at me,

Minho-ah, Yuri has been abducted. And we need to go over to SNSD’s dorm now. Jonghyun is over there waiting for us”

My heart sank, it stopped beating and I stopped breathing for a split second. Yuri? Abducted? No, that can’t be right. Yuri is safe right? Tears formed in my eyes as I finally understood that Yuri is in danger. It’s my entire fault Yuri, if I was a bit more understanding and didn’t leave you by yourself, you wouldn’t have gotten yourself into a situation like this. I’m so sorry, I love you Kwon Yuri. Please keep safe, I’ll rescue you soon.

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Chapter 47: this is exiting!!!
PianoSica #2
Chapter 46: What happened to the sequel?
Me when I first read the title:
"No! You'll always be a dongsaeng!"
iheartJongSica #4
Chapter 46: What happen to the sequel? Pls continue! I wanna have a happy ending!!!!!!
sicabias #5
@littlebusta: I had no clue with where I was going with it so I deleted it ):
littlebusta #6
just curious, but what happened to the sequal?
Why?? T__T<br />
Why do they have to have such a bad ending. I was soo hoping they would end up together. After everything they've been though. They have to go through something like that on the day of their wedding. It has such a terribly y ending for them, almost makes me wonder if they really were ment for each other :|<br />
But its also soo good. I crave for more. This fic is awesome ^^
Annalise93 #8
You should make a sequel to this story .... It's so good <3
Great Story