A Debt Repaid

Until the Sky Falls Down On Me


            All throughout the day, Young Do walked like a zombie through Jeguk High. All he thought about was Hea Woo, Hea Woo, Hea Woo...

            “Young Do!” Myung Soo followed him the whole day. “Young Do! Are you alright?”

            Young Do kept walking, his head drooping down.

            In the cafeteria, Young Do picked on his food, eating a grain of rice at a time.

            Then, he heard people laughing. He turned around and saw them again. His first love and his ex-friend.

            Eun Sang’s face glowed, and her smile was vibrant and spread from ear to ear. Kim Tan seemed brighter, more so than usual. It was happy. Before, it was like water, about to drip off his face.

            Young Do felt a pang of jealousy spear his heart. As they laughed, they got happier, but Young Do got sadder, and sadder, and sadder.

            The day passed like a snail to Young Do. This also happened to Hea Woo. She moped around school, recalling the almost-kiss.

            Hea Woo’s feelings were swinging like a wrecking ball. That jerk, she thought harshly, always putting me in debt. Then she sighed thoughtfully. But then again, he almost kissed me. That was nice.

            At the end of the day, Hea Woo took the bus home, and the moment she stepped into the house her younger brother, Song Kwang Sun jumped at her.

            “Unni, you want to go to the county fair together?” Kwang Sun smiled.

            Hea Woo shook her head. “I have homework.”

            Kwang Sun pouted, and poked out his lower lip. “But unni! Unni, unni, unni, unni…” Kwang Sun repeated the words over and over again, irritating Hea Woo.

            “Fine, let’s go.”

            Kwang Sun smiled, and walked with his Unni to the county fair around the corner.

            “Daebak! Cotton candy!” Kwang Sun pointed at a fluff of cotton candy in one of the stands. “Ahjussi! I’ll take one please.” Kwang Sun took out his wallet.

            The stand person turned around, smiling brightly at Kwang Sun and Hea Woo. “Alright.”

            Hea Woo’s eyes widened. “Oppa!” Hea Woo went to hug Bae Jung Hee in the stand. She buried her head in his shoulder, inhaling the scent of cotton candy on his uniform.

            Kwang Sun pretended to barf, paid, and walked away. “See you later unni!”

            “I’m not an ahjussi!” Jung Hee hollered at Kwang Sun as he ran towards the street. Jung Hee looked at Hea Woo, and poked her arm. She flinched.

            If Jung Hee noticed, he didn’t show it. “Hea Woo, let’s play some of the games! It’s my break, so let’s go.” Jung Hee took Hea Woo’s hurt arm and pulled her towards a dart game.

            Hea Woo decided to ignore the pain of the pressure on her arm and have fun. Jung Hee smiled as he threw his first dart, then his second, then his third.

            “I got it, Hea Woo! I got it,” Jung Hee lauded his work. The ahjussi in the tent gave them their prize.

            “To my beautiful Hea Woo,” Jung Hee bowed towards her, presenting the polar bear to her. Hea Woo grinned at the bear, clutching it to her face.

            “Hold on,” Jung Hee jumped. “I have to go to the bathroom.” Jung Hee scrambled towards the bathroom. Hea Woo laughed.

            Every time Hea Woo hung out with Jung Hee, she felt as if she was falling for him again. She stared the bear and smiled. She patted the head, ruffling its short white hairs.

            “Hea Woo!” She heard. She looked around, looking for the caller.

            Finally, she saw him down the aisle of tents. Young Do was carrying Kwang Sun on his back. It looked like Kwang Sun was covered in a very scary paint, but as Young do came closer she realized it wasn’t paint, it was blood.

            “Kwang Sun!” she cried, running towards Young Do. Everyone in the fair stopped and stared at them in shock, a few covered their mouths with their hands.

            “Someone call 911!” Hea Woo hissed at the crowd, startling them. “Kwang Sun,” she shook Kwang Sun, checking his neck for a pulse. “Song Kwang Sun!”

            Hea Woo felt a pulse, and heard Kwang Sun mumble, but he was still bleeding heavily.

            “What happened?” she asked Young Do, her eyes filled like buckets with worry and alarm.

            Young Do panted heavily. “I was going home when I saw a red car pass by, one that looked exactly like the one that almost hit you. It was heading straight for him; I couldn’t forewarn him immediately and the driver hit him, went around him and sped away.

            Hea Woo looked around for Jung Hee, but couldn’t find him in the crowd.

            Is he still in the bathroom? She thought harshly. He didn’t hear all the commotion going on?   

            Hea Woo heard distant sirens and led Choi Young Do to the flashing lights.

Choi Young Do and Song Hea Woo sat in the waiting room, their heads in their hands. Young Do recalled the moment where he saw Kwang Sun got hit.

            Choi Young Do smiled, heading towards the county fair. He had followed Kwang Sun and Hea Woo to the fair. But when he saw Hea Woo hug the guy, Young Do felt a pang of jealousy strike his heart again, the second time that day. But this strike pierced his heart deeper than when he was jealous of Kim Tan and Eun Sang. He didn’t know why, but he did.

            Hea Woo sighed, which brought Young Do back to reality.

            “Now I have to repay this,” Hea Woo sniffed. Young Do furrowed his eyebrows.


            Hea Woo sighed and took out a snow white fluffy polar bear. She extended her arm and gave the bear to him.

            “I’ll give you this for saving me,” Hea Woo muttered, not meeting his eyes. “I’ll repay the other debts later.

            Young Do thought for a second, and then smiled. “Komawo, Hea Woo.”


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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I'm working on the next chapter. Please wait! Saranghae...


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Notegirl99 #1
Chapter 10: Wow very cute!!! Please upsate soon!!
OMG ILY <33333
was that on purpose
Chapter 8: omg how do you update so efficiently I can't update my fanfics for my life OTL ;_;
Julinda #4
Please update soon! I love your story :)