Something in Common

Chocolates & Dates


Unlike her friends, Innah didn’t have any big plans for Valentine’s day. It was a busy day for her family and she was helping out. She was packing chocolates nonstop until late in the afternoon.

After finishing up with the chocolates, her mother gave her leave to spend the rest of the day with her friends. Unfortunately, all her friends were busy today.

That meant that she alone for today. The thought made her a little sad, not because of having no date but having no one to spend it with. Innah let out a heavy breath and decided to take out her pet poodle, Sydney. It was the only thing she could think of other than lock herself in her room. Besides, her dog hasn’t walked much this week. It was a busy week for them.

She changed her clothes to a blue dress with white polka dots with a red headband and doll shoes. It didn’t matter if she was going out alone. Her singlehood would not be a reason for her not to enjoy a wonderful day. In front of the mirror, she assessed herself.

She looked cute, just the way she wanted to be.

Satisfied on how she looked in front of her mirror, Innah skipped down back to the living room where her energetic poodle was waiting.

Her dog barked excitedly, jumping like a rabbit with its tail wagging with enthusiasm.

Sydney’s glee was infectious and in no time had Innah smiling.

She knelt affectionately rubbed the back of her ears. “It’s just you and me today Sydney.”

The dog replied to her with a bark and a on her cheek.

Innah chuckled and leashed her dog. They went to a park where there was enough space for her dog to play without the danger of getting stepped on.

It wasn’t an unusual for her dog to be mistaken as a rag. The dog’s black coat and White beard, Innah’s pet dog was definitely unusual.

The park was livelier today. Vendors roamed around the park selling items perfect for couples in there dates. Ice cream stands and cotton candy stands were busy as more people were buying from them.

Other than the couples crowding the place, there were a couple of families and dog owners roaming around.

Her dog was jumping all over the place when she spotted other dogs. Her tail wagged like a well-oiled machine moving sideways continuously. Sydney was an easily excitable poodle when around animals of the same species. It was adorable in Innah’s opinion.

They walked in the cemented walkway and just enjoyed the heat of the sun. Having her dog as a companion was a nice thing. There were no complications. No awkward moments. Pure content.

That was what she was thinking when Sydney started jumping and barking, disturbing the other people around them.    

“Sydney.” She called her poodle’s attention but her pet wasn’t listening.

Her dog was pulling on the leash even though her owner was physically stronger than her. Innah got worried at her dog’s heightened excited and looked over the direction where her dog was suddenly interested in going.

A few meters away from them, she saw the caramel brown poodle being held by a male that was kind of close to her age.

“Oh! Poodle!” She said.

Innah looked down at her dog and grinned. “I bet you want to be friends with that dog.”

The black poodle barked that sounded like a yes.

She smiled and let her dog lead the way to the fellow dog owner.

Only when she was close enough, she recognized the poodle’s owner. She looked back and forth from the dog to its owner.

It was Kai, the sun-kissed dancer whom flirted with girls including her.

It was a surprise since he didn’t see the boy to be a dog lover and someone who would own a poodle. Most guys preferred the big ones like the retriever or a german shepherd.

From the looks of it, his pet was more well-groomed than hers. Inna was sure that the dog was a girl like hers.

“K-Kai-sshi?” She gasped.

The male was petting his dog affectionately when Innah spoke his name. Kai’s head snapped up and removed his hand from his beloved poodle.

The caramel brown poodle whined and started barking.

“Mongu! Behave.” His voice said with authority even though it was gentle.

His command had his dog stopped barking and putting her attention to Innah’s poodle.

“You’re one of Jill & Andrea’s friends. Innah, right?” He sounded unsure.

Innah nodded with a slight smile. “Yes. I’m Innah.”

Kai was wearing white-washed denim with a printed white shirt and black skinny jeans. His wore black boots and a red baseball cap.

She thought he really looked nice in the getup. He definitely looked like trouble even though he has a cute poodle for a pet.

They were too focused on each other that they didn’t notice their dogs circling them, tangling their leashes around their legs. Bit by bit, they were dragged closer to each other. By the time they turned their attention to their pets, their legs were not cooperating, sending both of them to the ground.

Innah yelped and struggled to keep her balance. She held on for her dear life on Kai’s arms while Kai wrapped his arms around her waist.

The soft ground grown with Bermuda grass cushioned the fall. Kai cradled Inna and his breath was knocked off when his back met the ground.

Her cheek was pressed on his chest, letting her hear his fast heartbeat. Innah couldn’t a move a muscle from surprise. She was also breathing hard.

For a long moment they stayed like that until Kai chuckled. “I can’t believe my dog did that.”

She couldn’t stop herself from chuckling herself. “mine too.”

Kai looked down on her just as she looked up. Their eyes met and at the same time smiled shyly at each other.

His closeness had Innah’s heart thumping wildly. Her cheeks were blooming in pink. She hoped that he couldn’t hear hers as his heart was also doing the same.

Slowly to save herself from more embarrassment, she got off him. Kai was a bit slow to react and got up a couple of seconds later.

“Are you okay?” Innah managed to ask.

The dancer nodded and brushed off the dirt on his pants. He nodded. “I am, I guess. Are you?”

She nodded and called her dog. Sydney trotted towards her and Innah managed to grab hold of the lease. “Thanks Kai for not letting me make an embarrassment of myself.”

“I didn’t really do anything”, he replied with what looked like a small blush on his cheeks as well.

Innah smiled. “I should be going. See you around.”

“Wait.” The tanned male stopped them as soon as he got Mongu’s leash back in his hand.

She stopped moving and waited.

“Would you mind if you walk your dog with me? I think Mongu likes spending time with your dog.”

She looked down at Sydney who was looking at Kai’s dog, obviously wanting some more playtime with the poodle.

The way Kai said it, he sounded shy. Innah liked that.

They’re just going to walk their dogs, right?

“Are you sure it’s just the dogs?” She teased.

Kai blushed madly, making Innah let out a loud laugh. She couldn’t help it.

The dancer looked really cute.

“Okay. I’ll stay awhile.”, she said with a smile. She didn’t want to admit it out loud but she kind of liked Kai.

He was kind of sweet.          


For Innah...

I was surprised when turned out longer than I expected it to be.

Maybe it's because of the dog...hahaha <3

Plus, I got myself a job of sorts in one of AFF review shops^^


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the end^^ thanks everyone^^


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Chapter 9: OMGod that is so cute!
Luhan is soooo nice.
Wait... So since this are shot of our V-day...
Then that means it all happened the same day, right?
That means everyone's dates got rained on because Lu was playing cupid for you.
It's too cute!
Chapter 9: yes your really deserve one. :) <3
Chapter 8: "It's good."
Wow park chanyeol.. =))))))
Chapter 8: omg wait going to read first~
Chapter 8: you made her scream and run, that's unusual thing for her to do, but this is real good. <3
Chapter 8: YEOLLLIEEEEEEE. Pfft you made her ran all the way before realizing you're in love oh my goodness
:)))) so cuteeee
Chapter 8: Awww!
Stupiddoofus!Yeol is freaking adorable!
Chapter 7: ahhhh whyyyyyy huhuhu T___T <3333 so sweet ack
Chapter 6: THE HUG THE HUGGGGGGG :"> <3
Chapter 7: Ooooh!
Sehun is super freaking sweet!