

Namjoon gets the surgery.


poster made by me.
hope you like what I made and I apologize for the large poster. I didn't expect that it would turn out like that. :)


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Chapter 1: Hey~ This is the 2nd story i've read of Hanahaki omg. It's like if i've never heard of it, i've never heard of it. Once i've read something about it, it pops up everywhere~
(this is much more clean and clear-cut/short&sweet than the one that I've read that is really long and confusing, but is great as well)

:3 seems like a pretty fun thing to write about tho~
Chapter 1: this is so sad and touching. I want to read more! poor namjoon, I wish Jin loved him back so he wouldn't have to get rid of those up and down emotions. Wouldn't that cause depression?
Beautiful story. Hope you write more!