Chocolate Kiss

Leo's Big Valentine's Day Surprise

Chocolate Kiss


After the fun trip to the mall, Leo was rather sleepy. When they got home, N cooked up some dinner, since it had gotten late, and everyone ate happily.

"Today was so fun!" Hyuk said, a happy grin on his face. He took a bite of his dinner before glancing around to the older members. "Did you all have fun?" he asked curiously, still smiling.

Leo looked up at Hyuk as he spoke before looking back down to his food, nodding faintly to Hyuk's question. He really did have fun, even if he wasn't able to buy the candy that he wanted.

"I had a lot of fun!" N spoke up, "I always enjoy hanging out with you all." he turned and poked Ravi's cheek, "And you?"
"Ah, it was fun, yes." Ravi nodded with a smile.
"What was your favorite part of today, Ravi?" N looked to Ravi.
"Hard to say, I just liked everything." he admitted with a chuckle.
"Oh, I see." N nodded thoughtfully, "And Hongbin? Your favorite part?"
"I liked when we went into the art store. Me and Hyukie looked at all of the paintings and tried to interpret them. It was funny."
"I liked that part too!" Hyuk chimed in.
"Leo, what was your favorite part of today?" N asked, turning to look at Leo, who was surprised at the sudden question.
Leo shrugged.
"Come on Leo, you must have a favorite part!" N continued on, bothering Leo. 
"When Ken bought me the lion stuffed animal." Leo said, sighing quietly after, shooting a glare at N.
"Really?" Ken dramatically gasped, looking surprised.
"Yes." Leo simply responded.
"That was my favorite part too." Ken exclaimed, putting an arm around Leo's shoulders. "You guys should have seen the look on Leo's face when I bought him the lion. So cute, our Leo." Ken knew he was bothering Leo, since the other was staring at him, but Ken didn't care. He was enjoying being close to his Leo.

Buying the stuffed animal for Leo had been really special for Ken. Leo never liked when the other members got him things, so when Leo let him buy it for him, Ken was ecstatic. Leo had been so excited after he got the lion stuffed animal.

After Ken had purchased the lion, Leo had taken it out of the bag and just walked around the mall with it snuggled cozily in his arms. Ken thought it was probably the cutest thing he had ever seen Leo do. Just the way Leo held onto the lion, so gently and carefully, like a baby.

"The lion is very cute." Ravi said, glancing over at it. Leo had set it on the counter where they were eating, but not where it would get messy with food.
"Have you named it yet?" Hongbin asked curiously.
"No." Leo said softly as he shook his head.
"You should name it now!" Hyuk excitedly looked to Leo.
"You should give it a cute name, like Flower. Maybe Pinkie." N went on. "Or maybe Tulip. What about naming it Tulip?"
"No." Leo looked at N like he was crazy for a moment before thinking.
"But those are cute names!" N pouted, acting like a drama queen.
"I'll name him Ken."
"There is already one Ken in this house, we don't need another." the youngest said with a cheeky smile.
"It's name is Ken." Leo confirmed.
"But why my name?" Ken asked.
Leo shrugged before taking his lion and getting up from the table, turning silently to head to his room.
"He is so strange."
"Why would you name the lion with that name?"
"What's wrong with that name?" Ken lightly punched N in the arm, laughing.
"It isn't cute!"
"My name is adorable!"
"It's a very fitting name for his lion. Ken bought it for him, so Leo named the lion after him."
"Is that why?"
"Oh, that's really sweet."
"Ken, go find out why Leo named the lion after you!" N urged.
"Alrighty!" Ken got up from the table before heading to Leo's room.

Before Ken had gone to Leo's room, he had went to his room first. After looking around, Ken spotted the bag that the chocolates he bought were in. With a smile, he hurried over and took out the big heart shaped box. Once out, Ken left his room, heading to Leo's.

Ken was a little hesitant to knock on the closed door of Leo's room, but, he finally found the courage to knock after a few seconds of contemplation. Knocking lightly, twice, Ken took a step back, waiting for Leo to open the door. 

Leo opened the door and looked out at Ken. 

"What is it?" Leo's quiet voice asked, his eyes staring at Ken. His stare wasn't like his normal ones, though. It wasn't nearly as cold as Leo's usual stares were. This one had a hint of warmth to it, there was even a tiny smile on Leo's lips.

"Umm, I wanted to ask you a question!" Ken nodded confidently. "May I come inside?"
"Sure." Leo was a little dumbfounded as to why Ken wanted to come in his room, but he stepped out of the doorway and let the other male in, closing the door behind him. "What was your question?"
"I wanted to know why you named your lion after me.." Ken said as he walked over to Leo's bed, sitting down.
"Who said I did?"
"Oh.. I just assumed."
"Well. I did name him after you." Leo said, nodding.
"I don't know." Leo shyly replied, "I just wanted to..

Leo slowly walked over, sitting next to Ken on the bed.

"I got you these." Ken's voice was quiet as he chuckled a few times, handing Leo the heart shaped box of chocolates.
"Chocolates?" Leo took the box, looking at it. He rose an eyebrow. These were the same chocolates he had been looking at when they went to the candy store. 
"I saw you looking at them and I could tell you wanted it. I decided to buy it for you."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes.. I hope you like them." Ken smiled softly, a light blush forming on his cheeks as he looked at Leo, who appeared to be happy.
"Thank you." Leo said, bowing his head to Ken with appreciation. 

Leo tore off the plastic wrap that was around the box of chocolates before slowly opening the box. Both Leo and Ken could smell the chocolate aroma that came from the chocolates. It was a sweet smell, very sugary and warm. The smell of love. 

"You should try one." Ken giggled. "It shows what kinds of chocolate each piece is on the back."
"Oh." Leo looked at the back of the box and read the names. He could feel his mouth watering. "Chocolate caramel." he read, "Strawberry filled chocolate. Peanut butter chocolate." there were more, but Leo didn't want to read them all.
"Try the chocolate caramel." Ken nodded. He knew Leo loved caramel. Ken loved caramel too, but he wanted Leo to eat the only caramel chocolate. 

With that, Leo delicately reached into the box, taking out the caramel chocolate. He looked at it, it was so yummy looking. Leo was about to pop it in his mouth, until he glanced over to Ken. He knew Ken liked caramel too.. Leo stopped.

"What is it?" Ken asked, wondering why Leo didn't eat the chocolate.
"You like caramel too.
"Yeah, but I want you to have it." Ken smiled happily.
"Why don't we both have it?"
"Huh? How?" Ken blinked in surprise.

With curiosity, Ken watched as Leo put the chocolate, holding it between is lips so the other half was sticking out. Ken wasn't sure what the other was doing until Leo waved for Ken to come over. A kiss? A chocolate kiss? Was that what Leo wanted? 

Ken's cheeks turned bright red and he laughed shyly, rubbing the back of his neck for a second. He looked to Leo, who was patiently waiting, chocolate still in his mouth. Leo's eyes burned into Ken's, making the other's stomach feel like a thousand butterflies were fluttering around. 

"Leo.." Ken watched once more as Leo waved him over. Feeling shy and a little embarrassed, Ken finally scooted closer to Leo.

Ken slowly leaned in close, face inches away from Leo's. He stared into the other's eyes before finally leaning in fully. Softly, and a bit timidly, Ken slowly placed his lips onto Leo's. Leo's lips were so soft and sweet, like the chocolate that they were sharing.

Once the chocolate was finished, Leo and Ken hadn't stopped what they were doing. Their lips were still together, sweetly kissing. Leo was enjoying the kiss, he had to admit, Ken was a great kisser.

Like Leo, Ken too was enjoying the kiss. He wanted more though. The longer the kiss lasted, the more Ken wanted to keep tasting Leo. Leo's lips were perfect. They were so soft, plump. Ken was surprised Leo was still letting him kiss him.

Eventually, Leo finally pulled away, a light blush on his cheeks too.

"Thanks for sharing.." Ken laughed some, blushing once more as well.
"You're welcome." Leo looked away from Ken, a shy smile on his face.

The room was silent for a few moments, but not an awkward silence, it was a thoughtful silence.

"Can we try something else now?" Ken finally spoke up, looking at Leo curiously. 
"Another piece of chocolate?" Leo asked, looking over to the box. 
"Ah. No.." Ken smiled some before reaching out, gently taking Leo's cheek, making the other look at him.
"What are you doing?" Leo asked, confused. 
"I want to try something."
"Try what?"
"Your lips." Ken said, "I want a real kiss this time.

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The first chapter is up! I hope everyone enjoys.


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Chapter 4: Amazing! I was drowning with so much fluffiness~
Chapter 4: omg Ken tops lol.
Great fic, I loved it ^^
jasminemaki #3
Chapter 4: So cute and fluffy! Hope you keep going I really like your writting !
jasminemaki #5
Chapter 3: It is so cute! More please!
exovixxfinite #6
Chapter 3: SOooo CUTE!!!!!! OMG!! So much fluff!
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTEEE I'M DYING ! all the fluffinessss ! Jwjjjjshsshsbs love it please update soon :)
Chapter 3: Yeay!
Leo *-* adorable keo they're kissing *-*

I love this chapter
exovixxfinite #9
Chapter 2: I love this chapter it is cute! Do update soon :)
Chapter 1: I like it please update soon!