He's Cute

Leo's Big Valentine's Day Surprise

He's Cute



"Leo! It's almost Valentine's Day!" a loud Ken cheered excitedly as he burst into Leo's room. Leo looked up, clearly not amused. His face was straight and cold like it always was.

"So?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he shot his chilling glare Ken's way.

"So? What do you mean by just saying, so?" Ken asked, face transforming into utter shock at the older male's words. 

Ken stared at Leo, waiting for an answer, but as usual, Leo remained silent. Ken shook his head.

"Leo ~"
"Do you not like Valentine's Day?"
"Why are you in my room?"
"Get out."
"Wait, Leo--

Before Ken could continue, Leo had gotten up from his bed to push Ken out of his room, closing the door promptly afterwards. Ken stood outside of Leo's room, staring at the door. He chuckled some before rubbing the back of his neck, uttering a nervous chuckle.

"Who doesn't like Valentine's Day?" Ken muttered to himself, pouting. 

Well, if anyone was to hate Valentine's Day, it had to be Leo. The only things Leo liked were food, baby animals, and little children. Nothing else. Ken figured Leo must like him and the other boys of VIXX, the other was just very shy.

After Ken left his room, Leo took a big breath, sighing as he stood with his back against the door. A small smile formed on his lips. Ken, that kid. He was so annoying, but something about him intrigued Leo. 

Despite being with the other's for so long, Leo was always surprised and taken back by how outgoing and loud the other members were -- Ken being the loudest, or maybe N. Leo loved the other member's loud personalities. How could you not love the boys of VIXX? To Leo, they were all like his brothers. He cared deeply for them, but due to his shyness, he was unable to show his affection very well. 

Once he heard Ken stomp off to who knows where, Leo opened his door and poked his head out of his room. Yup, Ken was gone. Deciding that it was safe to come out, Leo ventured off to the kitchen in search of food.

Before he could get to the kitchen, Leo was greeted by the big smile of N, who was now standing in front of him, blocking the way to the kitchen. 

"Leo! There you are!" N said in his overly happy and shrill voice, grin plastered on his face. 

Leo looked at him before trying to move around the other to go to the kitchen, however, N was quick and Leo was blocked.

"What are you doing? Looking for food?"
"Yes." Leo said, voice quiet.
"Want me to make you something? Oh, I can make you some bread, or cake, or fish, maybe rice-.." N stopped talking when Leo suddenly walked around him, going to the kitchen. 

"He talks so much." Leo whispered to himself, a tiny smirk of satisfaction coming to his face. He loved being a little -head to the other members sometimes, especially N, just because he was so.. Obnoxious. Don't get Leo wrong, he loved N, but dang. N was so talkative and hyper, Leo could only handle so much of him.

Leo opened the fridge before peeking inside. He grabbed a water bottle before pursing his lips. There was nothing of interest in the fridge. Closing it, Leo went and opened the pantry, finding a simple bag of chips that would settle his hunger. 

Once he had his food, Leo walked into the living room area, where Ravi and Hyuk were both playing a video game together. 

"I'm winning!" Hyuk cheered.
"Not for long, Hyuk!" Ravi chuckled some.

Leo silently went over and sat on the couch next to them, watching Ravi and Hyuk play video games. Leo found it amusing to watch the other members play video games, except for Hakyeon because he always forced him to play too. Leo preferred to watch, if he was forced to play a game, he wouldn't go easy. Leo was actually pretty competitive.

"Leo, do you want to play?" Hyuk asked curiously. Unlike N, he asked and didn't force him to play.
"No." Leo responded with a shake of his head, drinking his water some.
"I don't want to play anymore." Ravi casually announced before getting up.
"Hey! You're a baby, quitting just because I won."
"It's not that, I just don't want to play anymore.." Ravi tried to convince the youngest member with a wave of his hand.
"What did you call me?" Ravi asked, laughing.
"Nothing, Wonshik."

"Hyuk, I will play with you!" Ken suddenly said as he walked into the room.
"Really? Pick up the controller!"
"Okay." Ken picked the controller up before sitting where Ravi had been, in the middle of Hyuk and Leo.

Leo looked at Ken before he was about to get up. Before he had the chance to leave, Ken had grabbed his wrist.

"No, Leo! Stay!"

Leo gave the other a glare but Ken wasn't afraid. He just kept smiling his dopey smile before Leo eventually sat back down, despite not wanting to.

"Who do you think will win?"
"I'm not talking to you, Hyuk. I'm asking Leo."
"Oh." Hyuk pouted before grinning. "Yeah, who do you think will win, Leo?"

Leo looked between Ken and Hyuk before hesitatingly lifting his hand, pointing to Hyuk.

"Ah, thanks!"
"Hey! I thought you were on my side!" Ken pouted, poking Leo's cheek. Leo let out a sharp sigh, forcing back a smile.
"You're irritating him, Ken."
"I know. I always do, it's cute."

Leo looked away from Ken, a smile finding its way to his lips. He didn't want Ken or Hyuk to see.

"Okay, let's begin!"

And so, the two began to play video games.

It was beginning to get late, it was about 10:30 or so, but it seemed later to Leo because he felt really tired. The VIXX boys had all eaten dinner, which consisted of Hongbin's favorite, bourbon chicken and fried rice. After the delicious meal, the group had all started doing different things.

There wasn't really an order of who had to shower first or last. the boys usually just showered whenever they pleased. Ken had showered first that night, followed by Hongbin, N, and the others. Usually after showering, everyone was relaxed. Occasionally, Hyuk played video games later, but other than that, the dorm was quiet.

Leo had taken a shower before getting dressed in his pajamas. Leo often slept in just simple t-shirts and lounge pants, occasionally onesies if it was cold outside, or in the dorm.

Leo walked out of the bathroom before glancing up and down the hall. No one. Perfect. Leo walked down the hall before glancing to the bedrooms. All of the doors were closed, except Ken and Hongbin's. Leo nodded some before walking to his own room. He took a few steps inside before closing the door. It was time for bed.

Sleepily, Leo turned off the lights before he walked over to his bed. With a plop, Leo yawned and got under the blankets, feeling all nice and warm.

Leo hadn't even been in bed that long until he heard the door open and the light from the hallway trickled inside his previously dark room. Blinking, the quiet male peeked out from his blankets, seeing Ken wander inside.

"Leo, I'm lonely."
"I'm trying to sleep." Leo said softly, sighing and sitting up. Leo turned to look at Ken, "What do you want?"
"Can I sleep in here?" Ken went and sat on the edge of Leo's bed.
"No." Leo moved and pushed the other off. Ken pouted.
"Fine.. I'll go hang out with Hongbin then."

Ken moped and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Leo grunted quietly before laying back down, closing his eyes. Ken was such a nuisance sometimes. Leo never let the other members sleep with him. Well, there were a few exceptions once in a while, but he really just wanted to sleep.

Maybe this time, he'd be able to sleep without any disruptions?

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The first chapter is up! I hope everyone enjoys.


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Chapter 4: Amazing! I was drowning with so much fluffiness~
Chapter 4: omg Ken tops lol.
Great fic, I loved it ^^
jasminemaki #3
Chapter 4: So cute and fluffy! Hope you keep going I really like your writting !
jasminemaki #5
Chapter 3: It is so cute! More please!
exovixxfinite #6
Chapter 3: SOooo CUTE!!!!!! OMG!! So much fluff!
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTEEE I'M DYING ! all the fluffinessss ! Jwjjjjshsshsbs love it please update soon :)
Chapter 3: Yeay!
Leo *-* adorable keo they're kissing *-*

I love this chapter
exovixxfinite #9
Chapter 2: I love this chapter it is cute! Do update soon :)
Chapter 1: I like it please update soon!