Chapter Two

Vengeful Desires

 Alice sat quietly at a metal table. Her eyes watching the man in front of her as he stepped into the room. Black ears twitching as if trying to listen for any noise outside the small room with a window. The fear she felt last night was back and had her frozen in her chair. Jiyong was on the other side of the two way window, watching everything. His hand gripped the side of his pants, he was nervous not for him but for Alice. Her eyes showed nothing but fear and he could help but feel bad because he can't be in there with her. The man who would be asking the questions sat across from her. He was in his late forties with grey hair. He was over wait due mostly to those donuts Jiyong said he ate all the time. Alice looked at him with a raised 'brow. She wasn't scared, more like disgusted with him. Her gaze traveled to the folder he was looking through.


"Hello." he said, slamming the folder back on to the table. Alice flinched back, her ears flattening against her head at the sharp sound that echoed through the room. He smirked at her reaction in which Alice growled lowly in the back of . Loud noises hurt her ears and head which is what he wanted to do.


"What were you doing on the roof of the building at 11:00 last night?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. Alice took a deep breath, knowing that she needed to just get this over with.


"Hiding..." she spoke, making sure to choose her words carefully.


"What were you hiding from?"


"I don't remember."  He rolled his eyes, unpleased with her answer.


"Why did you have blood on your hands?"


"I don't remember." again he was unpleased with her answers. This wasn't going anywhere, for the next twenty minutes he had asked the same questions over and over again.


"I told you before I don't remember anything prior to being found." she said through clenched teeth.


"I think you're lying, ten men were found killed last night." he glared at her, standing from his seat and leaning forward. "I know a liar when I see one." Alice growled and stood as well, looking him in the eye.


"I have told you all I know, now if you don't have any further questions I would like to leave." she tried to make it sound like she was calm but the way he was looking at her was pissing her off. The man scowled, slamming his hand on the table.


"So far all you have told me is that you don't remember why you were hiding!" he yelled, glaring down at her. Alice was unfazed by him trying to look bigger than her. "A monster like you shouldn't even exist." ouch, that hurt. "A thing that looks human!" he hissed. Alice lowered her head, her body shaking in anger. She shot her head up, sapphire eyes flashing in anger. He stepped back, his eyes wide in fear. Alice snarled, baring her teeth as smooth black fur begun to appear on her body. Her muscles rippled under her skin as she shifted. Flashes of scenes from her past danced across her mind.


"No please, don't it hurts!" she cried as a man pushed a large needle into her arm.


"I'm sorry my sweet." he said, smiling. "It'll only hurt for a bit."


Her mind raced with images of her past and she growled seeing the man behind the darkness. Bright eyes gleaming with hatred and the officer coward in fear against the wall. Jiyong's eyes widened, watching as her body shifted forms. There before him stood a giant black panther with two tails and saber like teeth. Claws cut through the stone floor as the tails whipped around the room, leaving dents the size of a boulder all around. This wasn't going to end well, she was not only mad but also very scared He could see it in her eyes.  From the corner of his eyes he saw the officer pull out his gun as one of her tails whipped out, smashing against the wall causing it to tumble down in pieces. He did have time to think before making a move. His body automatically went into action, rushing out of the small room behind the two way window. With a swift kick the door the interrogation room was kicked in and Jiyong threw himself between the gun and Alice.


"Don't!" he yelled, holding out his arms. The cop stood there frozen and unsure of what to do next. Jiyong noticed the man hesitate to take the shot and grabbed hold of his gun, ripping it out of his hand. Once the gun was a safe distance away from the three Jiyong turned to Alice with a soft smile. She growled, lowering her body into a defensive position. He slowly placed his hand on her cheek as though it would calm her down. Alice calmed almost instantly, lowering her body down to the floor and pushing him towards her back. He nodded and gripped the fur on her neck in his hands before swinging a leg up and over her back.


"Let's go!" he said and she took off with him on her back, through the hole she had created. The officers in the other room watched the two escape from the police station.


"Sir what should we do now?" one asked, looking at his boss.


"Kill him, he knows too much." The chief of police said with a frown “Her father won’t be happy about this."


"Would you like me to tell him she has escaped?"


"No, I'll do it." He sighed "Just kill the boy."


"Yes, sir." the two walked out of the room. One grabbed a sniper before heading the same way Alice and Jiyong had run.


Alice stopped under the cover of some trees in a park not too far from Jiyong's house. Jiyong climbed off her back, reaching over and scratching her ears. She looked around making sure there was no one in the park or anywhere nearby. Once she had deemed the area safe, her body relaxed and she rested her head on her paws.


"Can you change back?" Jiyong asked, taking a seat next to her head. Alice nodded signaling that she could.


"Do you not want to?" again she nodded. He smiled and patted her head. "You can stay here for the night I'll bring you some food in the morning." His touch had remained gentle as he pet her. Her eyes closed and she nodded, huffing. Jiyong stood from his spot and stepped out of the coverage the trees gave them. Once he was illuminated by the soft lights from the park lamp and gunshot echoed through the park just as a bullet penetrated his chest, striking his heart. Alice's head shot up at the sound and her eyes locked on Jiyong's falling body. Quickly, she shifted back and rushed over to him not at all caring she was .


"Jiyong!" She screamed, landing on her knees and pulling his head into her lap. He looked at her with a sad smile, this was the last time he'd ever see her. Jiyong knew he was going to make it and wanted her to stay with his brothers.


"Hang on, I'll call for help with your phone." Jiyong shook his head.


"No, it's no use, I won't make it." Alice started crying.


"No you can't leave." she said "I owe you my life for helping me." He coughed, spitting blood on to his shirt.


"Alice, when I'm gone please tell my brothers who you are and tell them I said for you to stay for however long you want." He spoke, face turning white. "They can be your family."


"Please don't go, not yet." She cried, tears falling on to his face.


"Just hold me close."  His eyes closed as his breathing slowed to a stop. Alice shook him again and again.


"No, don't leave me all alone!" she yelled, laying her head on his chest. Her cries and pleads for him to stay with her were ignored. A piece of paper fluttered down from above her, landing on his chest. She looked at it with a raised 'brow before picking it up with a shaky hand.




This is what happens when you get too close to someone who knows nothing of what you are and should never know. Come home where you'll be safe and by Master’s side.




A growl rumbled from as she crumpled the paper in her hand. She tilted her head back to the sky, glaring at the star that were hidden away by the clouds. Rain begun to fall as she stood from the ground, picking Jiyong up.


"You'll pay for this." she snarled "Just you wait, I'll get you back for this, father." she walked towards Jiyong's house. The least she could do for him is let his brothers find him first and give him a proper burial. There were no cars in front of the house, the only thing there was the bike she had seen the other day. With a grunt she placed him gently against the door on the ground. Alice wasn't sure how she would tell them he was dead. Then it clicked, the note, she could write on the back of it. So with that idea in mind she unfolded the note and wrote on the back with a pen she found in one of his pockets. Once she had finished writing it she stood and turned to walk away, knowing one of them would be home soon and would find him with the note. She found a tree across the street and hid in it, waiting for one of the brothers to return. Five minutes later a black SUV pulled into the drive way and out stepped Youngbae.


"Jiyong?" she heard him say as he saw his brother in front of the door. When Jiyong made no movement Youngbae rushed over. "Jiyong!" He shook his body a bit before he noticed the note.


I'm sorry. I couldn't protect him. I wasn't sure whether to stay or go so I chose to leave. I left him to you all so that you know exactly what happened. Jiyong was killed by one of my father's men. My father is a scientist who works for the military to make weapons for combat. I am one of those weapons. My name is Alice Hall, I'm eight-teen years old and am half panther. Jiyong died because he saw me shift forms. I will seek revenge on my father for taking you brother away. I'll be back in two years so please make sure he gets a proper burial.




Youngbae reread the letter over and over again before heading inside to wait for the others to get home. He picked up Jiyong from the ground and carried him in his arms, closing the door. Alice smiled sadly but knew this was the only way they'd be safe from harm. She needed to get stronger. With one last look at the house she smiled and disappeared into the night.

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