Chapter Three

Vengeful Desires

A man ran through a darkened alley way, looking behind him every five steps he took. Grey eyes wide with fear, lungs gasping for air as blood stained his white button up shirt. He whimpered at the sound of a feral growl echoing from the shadows. Light from the street was getting closer and closer, causing him to pick up speed. Just as his left foot broke through the shadows and into the light a clawed hand gripped his shirt, pulling him back into the shadows. His body was thrown into the wall of a building and he slid down to the ground. Above him, stood a young woman no older than twenty. She smiled down at him, sapphire eyes gleaming in the moon light that shone from above. Black tail swished back and forth as black ears twitched on top of her head.

"Aw, you were so close to being free." she spoke, pulling out a dagger from her belt. The man caught sight of the blade and begun to freak.  His breathing quickened and when he was going to scream for help the girl quickly knelt down to his level and placed a slender hand over his mouth. "Now, now none of that." she said, gently sliding the blade down his cheek. His fear made her smile and laugh.

"Do you remember me?" she said, pressing the cold steel against his neck. "I was the little girl you turned into a beast." he looked at her with wide eyes, finally getting a glimpse of her face.

"No it can't be." he said "You were supposed to have died in the fire."

"Yes, you're right I was." she growled, glaring at him. With a sickly sweet smile she slid the blade across his throat. As he bled out she carved her name into his cheek and stood, walking away from the scene as if nothing happened.

"I'm back and I'm coming for you, father." she spoke to the night sky before disappearing into the shadows once more.

The next morning the police had found the little gift she left for them in the alley. Her plan was coming together nicely all that was left was to scare the rest of them and get revenge for Jiyong. Her father was going to pay for the crime he committed.

"Early this morning, the body of Choi Tae Hyun was found dead." The news castor said "His throat slit and the word 'Nyx' carved into his right cheek."

"About time they found him." The girl smiled, taking a bit of her pancakes. She kept her gaze firmly on the television even though it held little interest.

"It's almost time to go visit Jiyong, are you ready Alice?" Seunghyun asked, walking into the room. His blue hair no a dark brown almost black. He also got it cut shorter than before. His eyes however were still the soul piercing brown she remembers.

"I know." she said, waving him off with her hand. He chuckled and leaned against the back of the couch where she was sitting.


"You sure you can handle seeing Him?" he whispered in her ear.


"Yes, Oppa I can handle going to see Jiyong." she smiled, turning to him. " By the way you never did answer my question from earlier."

"What was it again?" he laughed, climbing over the back of the couch and sitting beside her with his arms resting on the back of the couch.

"Would you rather me call you Top or Seunghyun?" she smirked "No I should call you Bingu Top." Seunghyun frowned at the last nickname she spoke and glared at her with a pout. Alice threw her head back and laughed at him trying to be cute.  He suddenly became serious and looked at her.

"Why did you leave? Why didn't you come to his funeral? Why leave him for us to see?" he asked, remembering the day Youngbae had called him while he was still at the office, crying that Jiyong was dead. He could still feel the shock and hurt at having found out that one of his younger brothers were dead. Seunghyun rushed home and found the others there as well. Youngbae had handed him a note that he had found with Jiyong's body. It took him a few minutes to actually read it before the shock had turned into anger. His anger wasn't at Alice but the person who had killed his brother. Now the blame was being placed on her for no reason and with no evidence.

"You lived with him." she said, looking down at her feet. Seunghyun knew there was more to her reason than just that.

"Alice, don't lie to me." he said, softly. He lifted her face with his hand so that she met his gaze with her own.

"You're his family you should be the first to know." She gave in "He also should have deserved a proper burial and knowing my father that would never happen." Seunghyun smiled, warmly and kissed her forehead. She had been staying with them for a couple months now since coming back from the mountain. He would never tell her but the more he got to know her the more he wanted her to be happy and stay with them.

"Thank you, now go get ready to leave." he said, knowing it would take her a bit to get ready. Alice nodded and stood from her spot, handing him her now empty plate. Youngbae stepped out of her way as she rushed through the hall to her room. Daesung, following close behind with a bright smile. Although his smile disappeared once Alice was out of sight.

"It's been two years since she last saw him and it wasn't a good one either." he said, looking at the door with a sad gaze.

"True but she's stronger now." Youngbae added with a knowing smile.

"Yeah and I know we all agreed to help her seek revenge for hyung..." Daesung continued

"But?" Seunghyun spoke up, knowing there was still more.

"Do you think she can handle it? She said that if something were to happen she'd take the fall and only her." Daesung frowned "She's only twenty one."

"Dae, she spent two years training so that she would be able to handle things like this." Youngbae said as Seungri walked into the room with a bag. "She hid herself away in the mountains until she felt she was ready to seek revenge."

"I still don't think this is the right time."

"Always the one who runs away without fighting back, huh?" Daesung jumped, clearly surprised at the new voice. He spun around with wide eyes and a hand one his chest, hoping to calm his raging heart.

"Jay, it's been awhile since we last saw you." Seunghyun bowed, greeting the man standing in the door way before them.

"Yeah, not since you went to Jiyong's funeral." Seungri piped in.

"It sure has been, how is everything?" Jay smiled, smoothing his uniform. A crashing sound echoed through the hall from Alice's room followed by a string of cusses. Seunghyun face palmed and shook his head. Jay looked at the four with a raised 'brow and a confused smile. Alice opened the door and stepped out, rubbing the side of her head. Sapphire eyes locked with dark brown and she stopped in her tracks. She knew him, he was Jiyong's partner. With a small shake of her head she began to walk over to Seunghyun with a bright smile.

"Oppa have you seen my boots?" she asked, leaning against his chest. Seunghyun rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. This wasn't the first time she's done this, using him as a cover so people don't recognize her. "And why didn't you tell me there was going to be company over." Her gaze drifted to Jay who tugged at his collar, looking very uncomfortable. Seunghyun looked down at her with a raised 'brow only to frown at what she had on. Her tight black pants hugged her thighs and her light pink shirt reached just above the waist line of her pants. Long silk like black hair framed her face and she wore her favorite studded leather jacket. Seunghyun's face turned a light pink color and he turned away, making sure to cover her from the others. Jay who had seen the outfit already couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"N- no I haven't seen them." Seunghyun stuttered, covering his face with one hand while his other held her to his chest.

"Did you check by the door?" Daesung asked from her right. Alice shook her head and smile thankfully at him.

"No but I'll check there right now." she replied, walking off to look. Seunghyun looked back at her with a frown, his face still red. His heart raced, pounding against his chest as he remembered her outfit. Youngbae, frowned not liking where this was going. Even though the two of them weren't really together he was still protective. She had decided to have Seunghyun pretend that the two of them were a couple so that her father wouldn't guess who she really is. Youngbae, however, was jealous that she had chosen His older brother instead of him, but at the end it was her choice. Alice dug through the shoes by the door as she looked for her studded boots. Her hands twitched every now and then with the urge to remove the wig she had placed on to hide her ears. Her tail was stuffed, uncomfortably into her pants. She frowned, this was not helping her mood rise one bit. Seunghyun having seemingly sensed her discomfort walked over and wrapped his arms around her. He smiled, placing a gentle kiss on her temple.

"Everything okay?" he asked, helping her look for her boots. Alice nodded, her gaze traveling to Jay who stood rooted to his spot.

"I forgot to tell you he'd be coming along." Seunghyun said. Alice smiled and stood, having found what she was looking for. She walked over to the newest member of the group. Jay blinked his eyes, coming back to reality.

"Hello, my name is Alice Hall, I'm Seunghyun's girlfriend." She said, holding out her hand. Jay smiled and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Jay Park But you can just call me Jay."

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