
-Watch, Wait, and Strike- [ Indefinite Hiatus ]


They have to escape.

That thought has been in his head for as long as he can remember. Though, Ravi might be a goner and N doesn’t know what happened to Sanghyuk exactly, he knew that he had to get them all out of there, dead or alive.

He needs the voodoo doll.

He can see the doll lying on the table in the centre of the room, and she isn’t in here, but Ravi is, and he’s prowling around the cellar.

N watches Ravi as he makes his way around the room, first going to Ken’s cell. He places his left hand against the glass, mimicking Ken, and N could see the cute main vocals eyes light up just a little from the small amount of human contact. But the light in his eyes didn’t last for long. Ravi pulls his hand away from the glass and ends up hitting it with his fist; glaring straight into Ken’s widening eyes.

Worthless, Jaehwan...He snickers. The words hurt Ken, and the cute main vocal breaks down in hysterics, while Ravi walks away with a sickening smile plastered across his features.

There was still nothing but silence coming from Sanghyuk’s cell as Ravi looks at the room, so he decides to leave him as he is, sparing him for another date.

Hongbin was vicious yet again, his fingernails clawing at the glass in an attempt to get at the tattooed male. Ravi only laughs, staring directly into Hongbin’s eyes, constantly taunting him to come out from his little box to play. Sadly, Hongbin couldn’t.

Leo ignored him like usual until Ravi had uttered something so deadly, it made him think twice about what he said. He was just lucky that he wasn’t too close to the lion’s cell.

Ravi finally reaches the leader’s cell, his gaze hateful as he leans towards the leader. The black and white eyes that stare into his aren’t the same, warm eyes from long ago.

N looks right back at him, still able to stand, he manages to force out a few words to the younger.

“Wonsik-ah...” He whispers. The use of the rappers real name made his eyes widen in surprise. It’s the first time he’s spoken in a while, his voice sounding rough and dry. “Don’t worry.” He coughs at the end of his sentence.

The words echo in Ravi’s mind for a moment, but before N knows it he’s already turning his back, sending the leader one last glance before turning away completely to go torture somebody else of his choosing.

N swears he saw a glimpse of Wonsik in the other’s eyes, pleading him for help.


N doesn’t know how long it is until she comes back again, a few days, maybe.

She greets all of them with a smile, and it’s sends a shiver down N’s spine.  Still having the use of his legs, he stands near the edge of the cell, watching her as she makes her rounds to each cell, starting with Hongbin.

He isn’t vicious to her, only sitting on his knees in his box, looking at the floor below. His gaze lifts when she taps the glass with her fingers, and there is nothing but emptiness coming from the visual’s black and white eyes.

He’s gone.

She then moves to Ravi’s cell, and he’s almost completely different to Hongbin, attempting to jump through the glass at her. She sniggers, keeping her gaze locked with the rappers. His fists banged against the glass, opening his palms to drag his fingers across where her face is. Though, he was her pet, he didn’t have to like her.

Next is Ken. She frowns when she sees him sitting on the edge of the tub, his head in his hands as he sobs his eyes out. She rests her palms against the glass, sighing. She had a soft spot for Ken, even though she does love to hear his cries of pain, she didn’t like seeing him cry out of sorrow. After whispering to him ‘There’s no need to cry right now, so stop crying’, she left Ken’s cell to go to Leo’s.

Even Leo, Leo was facing her with a blank gaze. However, N could read him better than what she could. Leo was terrified, and N could see it. Only one of Leo’s eyes had changed to the white and black with the x across it.

He’s still there, but only barely.

Leo gripped onto the wires that held him up, watching her. N knew that he was very, very tired, being forced to sleep standing up with the thin metal chains in his back, they pulled at his skin and it agitated him, but he still managed to keep his silence.

You’ve certainly changed moods today.” She comments. He gives her no reaction, just staring directly at her, almost as if he’s looking through her.

The girl sighs, choosing to leave him be as she goes over to the Maknae’s cell, resting her arms on the metal poles that held the young boy captive. His head was drooped forward, his body slouched, the only things holding him up are the ropes tied around his wrists and metal chains pierced in his skin on his shoulders and arms, along with those were the chunks of wood embedded in his skin, tying his own life with the trees. It was interesting in how she managed to do it.

Tapping on the metal poles with her black finger nails, Sanghyuk’s head jerked up, both his eyes were white with two black lines going across the irises.

He’s gone, too.

Sanghyuk doesn’t move from where he stands. Only keeping his gaze locked with hers for a few moments before he drops it to the ground, his eyes drooping shut as he’s forced into a deep slumber.

She smiles at him, and finally reaches N’s cell, her arms folded over her chest, looking him up and down.

What are you thinking?” She asks him straight away, her voice demanding.

N can’t reply, not that he wants to, so he stares blankly at her.

Speak. Her voice is still as demanding, stepping closer towards the broken glass.

His gaze doesn’t falter, her voice not having a single affect on him. She looks at him, taken off guard. She takes a step back, eyeing him carefully. She sighs yet again, unimpressed, her high heels clacking against the stone floor as she moves away from his cell over to the dingy little round wooden table in the centre of the room.

She picks up the doll in the centre of the table, holding it close to her for a few moments, her fingers coming to play with the back of the dolls head gently. All of them feel a slight tickling sensation when she does, it’s very faint though.

Wordlessly, she sits down in the wooden chair, setting the doll back on the table. She eyes one of the pins, reaching over to see if it was useful enough. She deemed it so after some thought, picking the doll up with her left hand. She gripped onto the pin tightly, the sharp point facing the doll.

Her head rises up just a little to glare N straight in the eye as she brings the pin down onto the dolls chest in a swift motion, twisting the pin slightly before she pulled it back and stabbed it in again. It was enough pain to make N cough out a choked cry, feeling his lungs being punctured.

He only falls to his knees, clutching his chest through the worn down fabric of his sweater.

Her gaze switches to Leo, and he begins to feel what N felt just as much.

They don’t know how long she stays for, but by the time she’s finished almost all of them are in the floor, apart from Leo and Sanghyuk who are forced to stand.

She smiles as she leaves them all, picking the doll up and taking it out of the cellar with her, and N felt his heart sink.

…Now would be a good time to actually plan something, Hakyeon-ah.

*Blinks* Ish another updateee...o.o I thought I'd update at least somewhat daily because most of you have probably read all of this, so it's not really much of a change lol.

I've got two things to talk about before disappearing for another few hours.

One: I may or may not hit a depressing stage in my personal life (I'm not going into details because I might jinx it), so if there's suddenly no updates for a while I hope you understand.

Two: after these daily updates, anything from chapter three onwards is new content so that means updates will take longer - roughly a week or two at most. Sometimes I'll hit another block or something might happen to me personally so if anything does appear I'll update through this story or a blog post. :P

That's pretty much it from me for another day anyway~ I hope you have a wonderful evening and I shall see you guys soon~ (^.^)/

[main gif doesn't belong to me. it belongs to thiiiiis person! the other gif doesn't belong to me either ^^; [linkeu] to the owner]

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rip in peace watch wait n strike.


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Chapter 7: ...must I flip myself to show my utter frustration at the turn of events? Now Jaehwan is a control freak and dvwiqbqiqoqnehdiwj
Chapter 6: *flips the darn table* OMFG U NOT ONLY MAKE ONE MEMBER FLIP BUT TWO?#?!?! AND ITS THE MEMBER THAT ACTUALLY GETS OUT OF THE ROOM. GAH I JUST! GAH!!!! *flails arms in a frustrated way*
Chapter 6: *crying* well...at least Hyukkie is okay (I'm trying to be positive here)

Loved this chapter!
Chapter 5: cries because there goes leo

my poor baby hyukkie orz. i'm glad ravi's back. maybe he can knock some since into leo if binny cant

I hope you're still holding up alright, I know things are tough for you now. Glad to hear you're feeling better though. Continue to work hard kiddo, things will be alright. (。◝‿◜。)
Chapter 5: AHHHHH!! LEO WHY?!?!?!?!
Chapter 5: LEO!! NO!! TAEKWOON COME BAAAAAAACK!!! *Goes to my sulking corner and sobs* ; A ;
chunjoe1004 #7
nice story!

I'll (attempt to) calmly wait for your next update x) I seriously love your story!
Chapter 4: Ah! This chapter X_X Love it even though Wonsik stabbing N nearly killed me