
-Watch, Wait, and Strike- [ Indefinite Hiatus ]



Sanghyuk can’t see.

It’s so dark. I don’t like the dark. Darkness has monsters and monsters are not good. Nononononononono…

Ken was worried about Sanghyuk, quietly watching as the Maknae’s limp form swung forwards and backwards, faint whimpers escaping his lips. He wishes he could do something to help him, really, but he can’t. She’s kept him tied up for the longest, and he’s the only one (apart from Sanghyuk who literally can’t move, and Leo who can move when he wants, but chooses not to because it hurts) who isn’t allowed to freely roam around the cellar. He wanted to be able to make everything better, but even he was screwed up in his own way.

She stole his voice. No physical damage was done, only mental. He was as mute as a deaf man, but still had his sense of hearing, he could see, feel, and touch, but his vocal chords refused to work. He wanted to talk, to escape his cell and get the Maknae out of there. But there wasn’t really much of a chance of that happening, and that honestly broke Ken’s heart.

Ken knew that calling for Sanghyuk wouldn’t help, the poor thing wouldn’t be able to hear him, and so he unfocused his gaze from the Maknae’s cell and looked around the cellar, scanning to see if anyone could help.

From what he could see, N was out of his cell, Hongbin was watching the smaller male from his own box, his back leaning up against the glass with his arms folded across his chest, being careful of the glass shards embedded in his arms. Ken didn’t know what Leo was doing, probably watching N with just as much worry as what Hongbin’s eyes held.

Without knowing it, Ken rose to his feet from where he was sitting, slowly walking towards the glass window and tapping on it twice with his fingernails, trying to make direct eye contact with Hongbin.

Luckily Hongbin caught the sound, and his gaze suddenly moved from N to Ken within seconds, unfolding his arms as he made his way over to the older male.

“What’s wrong?”

Ken only pointed behind Hongbin to Sanghyuk’s cell, frowning slightly.

Hongbin seemed to have gotten the message, switching his gaze between Sanghyuk and Ken, and he sighed.

“What do you want me to do about him?”

Ken glared at Hongbin for a moment, sighing just a little. He began to write on the glass with his fingers.

‘Help him.’

Hongbin reads the words and shakes his head sadly, a frown visible on his face. “I can’t.”


“She won’t let me.”                     

Ken frowned at Hongbin, his shoulders dropping as he begins to step away from the window.

“I’ll see what I can do, hyung.”

Ken shook his head, turning his back to and sitting down on the other side of the bathtub, shoulders slumped.

That’s not good enough.

Hongbin was literally stuck. On the one hand, he can control his movements, thoughts, what he can and can’t do, but as soon as she arrives in the cellar, it’s like Hongbin is no more and something else appears, something that isn’t him at all. He wishes he could help them all, really, he does, but she has him wrapped so tightly around her little finger it’s almost painful.

He just hopes that somehow, he would be able to get them all out of there before something bad happens.


Leo was tired. Way too tired to be pestered, so that’s why the others normally left him as he was, quiet and alone.

Sometimes he would lull in and out of consciousness, but he’s instantly brought back when he felt the loops on his back tugging painfully at his skin. He didn’t often make a sound, (the chains made enough noise already) and normally he wouldn’t look at anybody, even when speaking being spoken to.

It took a lot to get him to speak, though, the times that he needed to talk, he did. He knew N needed him, so he spoke, but it was only this once that he would that for his friend.

She wouldn’t break him, not that he’d let her. Leo suddenly felt a sharp pierce at the back of his head, and he nearly collapsed forward if not for the grip he held on the ropes above to keep him standing.

Come join us, pretty doll. You know you want to let go of it all, to no longer feel pain. Just let go and I promise you, you will never regret a thing...

Leo shook his head at the voice, his vision blurring as his hands came up to rub his temples, trying to will the voice away.

Was this how she took over Wonsik, too?

Leo knew he was losing this battle, but he held on for as long as he could until he felt his consciousness being taken away from him, and darkness consumed him whole as he collapsed to the floor in a heap of wires and tangled limbs.

Hongbin felt a shift in the cellar, feeling the room’s temperature dropping just slightly. He could see that Leo was on the ground curled up on his side, and he wasn’t moving at all.

Oh no…


It’s long before Leo’s eyes crack open, and they aren’t the same as what they were before. He feels nothing as he stands on his feet, surveying the area with a dark gaze. His eyes fall on Hongbin, and he launches himself at the fence, nearly breaking it off its hinges. His hands are suddenly up by his sides and he’s rattling the cage.

Hongbin shakes his head, turning his back to Leo and walking over to N who was still outside of Ravi’s cell, quietly speaking to him.


 N turned his attention from Ravi to Hongbin. “What’s wrong?”

Hongbin speechlessly pointed at Leo’s cell, where the taller male was still trying to break out of the chain fencing, gripping tightly onto the metal and rattling it with pure strength, his eyes piercing and full of rage as his gaze connected with N’s. The rattling ceased for a few moments, and his posture changed from hunched to straight.

Hakyeon-ah let me out... Even the tone of his voice was different. It feigned softness.

N felt the strength in his legs fade away, quickly reaching out to grip onto Hongbin’s arm tightly so he could lean on something. He couldn’t believe this, he refused to. His best friend was not gone. Hell no. This was not what he wanted at all.

Hongbin held onto the older male, just as speechless as what N was. Even he thought that Leo was strong enough to fight her, thought that he’d be able to help them too. It doesn’t seem like that now, though.

“Are you okay?”

N could only shrug once, not finding the strength to use his own voice. He just lost his best friend, he didn’t want to talk right now and luckily Hongbin took notice, sending a short, but worried glance to Ravi.

Ravi understood and he was out of his own cell in seconds, taking their leader’s other arm, gently tugging him away from Hongbin and into his own arms.

“I’ll take care of him, you go sort out Leo-hyung.” Ravi said, slowly guiding the quieter male to his own cell.

Hongbin nodded, his attention swapping over to the chained fences as he carefully made his way to Leo’s cell, making sure to keep a good distance back.

Are you going to let me out, Hongbin?Leo questioned, his arms coming to rest against the metal grate.

“No, hyung, I’m not. I can’t.” Hongbin’s answer was truthful. He couldn’t let anyone in or out unless their door was unlocked, and he knew for a fact that Leo’s was locked tight, however the look in Leo’s eyes changed, showing truthfully who he was as he stepped back and threw himself at the chained fence again.

Let me out!!

Hongbin shook his head, forcing himself to not look back at his hyung while he went over to his little box, sighing heavily, leaning on the steel posts as he gazed out to the cellar, a frown washing over his expression as he folded his arms over his chest.

So now we wait, but for how long this time?

*Peeks head out from a corner and timidly waves* Hello..^^;

So, I've been feeling better and I kinda decided to post this chapter now. I'm working on chapter five and I almost know people are gonna kill me...Hahahhaa. ^^

Chappie five won't be out for a little while. I'm going to make it as long as I possibly can and uh, yeah.. Btw, I wanna quickly thank those who have commented on my previous post and thank you to everyone who showed your support when I needed it most. ^^

There may or may not be a new story coming out from me soon. I've decided to go ahead with the vampy idea so now I'm just running actual plots through my head and on paper. I'll update on that hopefully within the next note from me.

Until next time, everyone~

Comments are motivation and love~ ^^//

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rip in peace watch wait n strike.


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Chapter 7: ...must I flip myself to show my utter frustration at the turn of events? Now Jaehwan is a control freak and dvwiqbqiqoqnehdiwj
Chapter 6: *flips the darn table* OMFG U NOT ONLY MAKE ONE MEMBER FLIP BUT TWO?#?!?! AND ITS THE MEMBER THAT ACTUALLY GETS OUT OF THE ROOM. GAH I JUST! GAH!!!! *flails arms in a frustrated way*
Chapter 6: *crying* well...at least Hyukkie is okay (I'm trying to be positive here)

Loved this chapter!
Chapter 5: cries because there goes leo

my poor baby hyukkie orz. i'm glad ravi's back. maybe he can knock some since into leo if binny cant

I hope you're still holding up alright, I know things are tough for you now. Glad to hear you're feeling better though. Continue to work hard kiddo, things will be alright. (。◝‿◜。)
Chapter 5: AHHHHH!! LEO WHY?!?!?!?!
Chapter 5: LEO!! NO!! TAEKWOON COME BAAAAAAACK!!! *Goes to my sulking corner and sobs* ; A ;
chunjoe1004 #7
nice story!

I'll (attempt to) calmly wait for your next update x) I seriously love your story!
Chapter 4: Ah! This chapter X_X Love it even though Wonsik stabbing N nearly killed me