
-Watch, Wait, and Strike- [ Indefinite Hiatus ]


He sits on his sofa, his arms hanging limp by his sides, his face expressionless. He has no energy left in his body to even attempt to move. He couldn’t do anything to stop her. He’s tried countless times, but failed. It was that pesky voodoo doll that rendered him to this state. He couldn’t move unless she allowed him.

There was nothing but pained cries coming from the Maknae’s cell that filled the cellar. It makes the others quieten down to listen, and once it stops, there is nothing but a sickening silence that makes the leaders stomach twist.


Poor little Maknae,” Her voice is as soft as could be to the youngest. She sounded like she actually felt sorrowful for doing this to him, but she wasn’t. N knew this all too well.

Each cell was different, and she treated each one of them differently.

With the leader, he was always the first to have new things tested on him. He would be forced to stay still whilst she would poke and prod at his tanned skin. He once had his lips sewn shut as a punishment for screaming too much, and when she did remove the stitches, he hadn’t spoken since.

N’s cell was full of broken pieces of steel faceless mannequins, one of the mannequin’s heads was wrapped up in the same rope used to tie them down, and it was hanging off the ceiling, swaying lifelessly every now and then. Next to the mannequin head was his own voodoo doll that hung down on his right. His doll was nothing but simple, it had two round black buttons stitched in for eyes and plain black stitching for a closed mouth.

Where he sat was in the centre of the room, not too close to the window, but not too far either. He could see everything perfectly.

Then it would be the second oldest, Leo. Nothing would psychically happen to him, but it was psychological torture. She forced him to have his back facing away from the outer cellar. He never knew if she was watching him or not, and he hated that. He wouldn’t admit it, but it was his biggest fear. He was much more vicious before, but as it goes, he’s nothing but a kitten rather than the lion he once was.

Leo’s cell was labelled as ‘The Piercing Room’, though she never laid her hands on him often, whenever she did she would leave a piercing somewhere on the male’s body. The room itself was bright, but still dark compared to the others, the lights leaving a blue hue, reflecting off the metal panelled walls. Blocking him from his exit was a chained fence that could reach out only so far.  Next to him on the far left would be a table, and it was full of things used to pierce at his skin, but it was built into the walls and had two metal posts near the centre. He never touched the fence, though, because if he did he would be punished. His doll hung down from the left side of him. The doll itself was worn down, had lost one of its buttons for eyes, and there were patchy holes where the stuffing puffed out, the doll was rather thin, too.

Next on her list would be Ken. She took the life out of his character, and left him in this comatose state where he would just randomly stare out at the window that held him in his little cell, no longer speaking to any of them, the only sounds he did make were pained sobs of hot coals burning the skin of his arms and back.

His cell was slightly cramped, a large and deep bathtub was placed in the centre of the room with pipes of both hot and cold water connected to it that ran along the walls in so many directions. There were also thin pieces of ribbon that hung from the ceiling, connected to his skin with the same metal loops as everyone else.

It would be Ravi, next, but he has already moved over to the darker side of things. She had allowed him to draw on his window, but it turned out to be equations, leading to something only he could understand. His body was covered in tattoos, and his eyes were nothing but white with two black lines forming an ‘x’ across his irises. He was the first to be allowed to roam freely around the cellar.

His cell was full of rotten foods that were set on the wooden table in the centre of the room, and at both ends of the table were two, rickety wooden chairs that were never used. There were not one, but two dolls that hung down on pieces of black rope on either side of the room. The dolls themselves were plain, only having two buttons for eyes and plain stitching for the mouth.

And then it would be Hongbin. He was in a glass case that was on top of a white, smooth stone pillar, almost as if he was put on show for the world to see. He, too, was already gone with the wind. His mind had vanished into nothing but viciousness and animalistic ways and thoughts, though when she wasn’t around he was back to his old self, full of smiles, even in the situation they were all stuck in.

There was a time where he tried to escape the glass box, but it left him with shards of broken glass embedded in the skin of his arms, chest, and part of his upper back. The glass adds to your perfection. She once mused to him. He snarls at her whenever she’s near, but he is slowly succumbing to her commands. His doll is the most torn up and beaten, having lost one arm and a button for an eye. Its limbs were barely held together with red thread, and there was a red stitching shaped like an ‘x’ where its heart used to be.

The last would always be the youngest, Sanghyuk. She had him tied to a tree in the centre of the cell. There was moss growing on the child’s skin, along with actual pieces of the trees bark. His doll was connected to the tree, somehow, vines and green leaves covering the rough fabric, leaving only the dolls head in view. Sanghyuk was often quiet, the sounds of leaves bristling and chains clinking together normally escaped the cell, but there hadn’t been a single sound from him, himself for a long time, and he was deadly quiet when she left his cell.

The leader finally sees her coming towards his cell, smirking at him. He feels his strength come back to his arms and legs. He pushes himself off his sofa, surging forward at her, but he’s suddenly held back by the restraints pierced in his arms and back, the little metal loops tugged on the skin they were embedded in.

Damn it.

He’s pulled away from the edge of the cell, but he still bares his teeth at her, snarling in pure rage.

N, why are you so angry, hm?”

He hates her – despises her.

Answer me, pet.” She suddenly snaps, her head tilting to the side, keeping her gaze locked with the leaders.

He only glares at her, keeping his silence strong. Her gaze falters for a moment, and she’s shaking her head at him.

One day… She sighs, turning her back on him, walking away from his cell and over to Leo’s.

N still has control of his body, so he watches her from where he stands.

That’s all he can do.


//Coughing// Sooooo...What d'ya think? There's not a lot of dialog here, but there's kind of a new format and I like it ^^ I'll probably update again in a few days anyway.

Ah! There's a new story I'm going to be working on and it's to do with vampires and two Leo's. Thoughts on that idea? Lol. I'm writing up a draft in my personal notepad and writing down the plot too, so that should be fun. It won't be rated since to be honest..When have I ever written anything to do with or fan pairings? NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Maybe I'll give it a shot in the future, but this vampy story and THIS voodoo doll story ain't having none of it! :P

I'm no good with romance at all, so yeah. Anyway, as before I will update soon! Any questions or things that I have missed out, please let me know in the comments!


his smile makes my day omfg ;;;;


[Main gif credit to this person. I own nothing but the awesomeness that is this story. Please don't bite me over the use of this gif.]

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rip in peace watch wait n strike.


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Chapter 7: ...must I flip myself to show my utter frustration at the turn of events? Now Jaehwan is a control freak and dvwiqbqiqoqnehdiwj
Chapter 6: *flips the darn table* OMFG U NOT ONLY MAKE ONE MEMBER FLIP BUT TWO?#?!?! AND ITS THE MEMBER THAT ACTUALLY GETS OUT OF THE ROOM. GAH I JUST! GAH!!!! *flails arms in a frustrated way*
Chapter 6: *crying* well...at least Hyukkie is okay (I'm trying to be positive here)

Loved this chapter!
Chapter 5: cries because there goes leo

my poor baby hyukkie orz. i'm glad ravi's back. maybe he can knock some since into leo if binny cant

I hope you're still holding up alright, I know things are tough for you now. Glad to hear you're feeling better though. Continue to work hard kiddo, things will be alright. (。◝‿◜。)
Chapter 5: AHHHHH!! LEO WHY?!?!?!?!
Chapter 5: LEO!! NO!! TAEKWOON COME BAAAAAAACK!!! *Goes to my sulking corner and sobs* ; A ;
chunjoe1004 #7
nice story!

I'll (attempt to) calmly wait for your next update x) I seriously love your story!
Chapter 4: Ah! This chapter X_X Love it even though Wonsik stabbing N nearly killed me