Bad drinks

Hey Juliet


I was going through all the stuff in my closet trying to find something to wear, but I didn’t have clothes that would work for a club, but then I saw a box at the very bottom of the closet and grabbed it hoping it would have a club worthy dress or something in it and thank god it did.once I was changed I left my room and went to the living room
“and where do you think you are going” I heard Minho ask once I reached the door
“why does it matter to you, its not like you are my boss” I said gripping the door nob getting ready to turn it
“I'm you brother, and technically your guardian, I have the right to know where you are going” he said walking up to me with his arms crossed over his chest
“I am going to hang out with a new friend I made” I said opening the door a little only to have Minho slam it shut causing me to jerk my hand away from the handle
“who” he asked
“stop interrogating me like some crazy police officer, jeez” I said crossing my arms over my chest as well “and for your information it’s a member of beast” I added going for the door again but he stopped me
“I don’t want you to hang out with them” he said flatly and started to pull me towards my room but I got free of his grasp
“you cant control what I do or who I hang out with, now I'm leaving and you better not stop me” I said loudly causing the others to come out of their rooms wondering what was going on, but I stormed to the door and left
Jonghyun’s POV
“hey Minho where is your sister going” Key asked Minho who was just standing there staring at the door
“to hang out with a friend” he said
“who” I asked
“all she told me was that it was a member of beast” he said I felt a little stab of pain in my chest
“d-did she say who” I asked he shook his head I wanted to yell at Minho for not asking her which member but I held myself back and grabbed my jacket then raced out of the dorm
Key’s POV
“Y-yah, Jonghyun hyung where are you going” I yelled after Jonghyun as he raced out of the dorm
“just leave him, he is probably going to find my sister, only god know’s which member of beast she is with, and what they will do to her” Minho said and just walked off to his room
Eunmi’s POV
I had just arrived at the club Hyunseung told me to meet him at and I had already gotten in *now to find Hyunseung* I thought and took out my phone and sent him a text
To: Mr. Eye Candy
From :My Baby Girl
Hey, I'm here where are you?
I waited a few minutes and got a reply
From: Mr. Eye Candy
To: My Baby Girl
I'm at the bar
I read the message and closed my phone and squeezed through all of the people to find the bar. Once I found the bar I saw a familiar head of hair and went up to it and covered the persons eyes
“guess who” I said in Hyunseung’s ear he grabbed my wrist’s
“mmmm, let me guess, Eunmi” he said then turned around to greet me with a smile on his face causing me to smile back at him “you want a drink” he asked
“yea sure” I said and Hyunseung ordered me a drink and I got it in a few minutes
“so, what do you want to do” he asked taking a sip of his drink
“I don’t know” I said taking a sip of mine as well, I was starting to feel a little dizzy “I don’t fell to good” I said putting the glass on the counter and held my head
“you don’t normally drink do you” Hyunseung asked
“no, but  can hold my alcohol really well, this has never happened before” I said still holding my head then I felt strong arms lift me up
“lets go to the VIP section, they have couches you can lay on” Hyunseung said walking towards what he was talking about, and within seconds my back was pressed against the fabric of a couch and Hyunseung sat down next to me and put my head on his lap
“Hyunseung, can I ask you a question” I said looking up at him
“what is it” he asked
“have you ever liked someone but were to afraid to tell them because you didn’t know what would happen” I asked
“yea. I’ve felt like that before” he said
Hyunseung’s POV
Eunmi sat up from laying down and looked at me
“I think I like someone, but I don’t know how to tell them” she said looking at the floor
“well, tell me who you like, maybe I can help” I said
“I don’t really feel comfortable doing that, I want to try and tell the person on my own” she said and stood up
Eunmi’s POV
I stood up but my legs turned into jelly and I started to fell but strong arms kept me from hitting the floor
“Eunmi, are you ok” Hyunseung asked I nodded and he helped me stand up straight then out of nowhere he kissed me, I just stood there not moving
Jonghyun’s POV
I walked into the club I knew beast always went to and started to look for Eunmi but she wasn’t in this part of the club so I went to the bar to ask the bartender
“Hi, um have you seen a girl with dark brown hair with Hyunseung” I asked him
“oh yea, they went to a VIP lounge” he said and went back to what he was doing. I walked away from the bar and went to look at the VIP lounges until I found the right one and what I saw I never wanted to see, EVER! Hyunseung and Eunmi were kissing, so I walked in and grabbed Eunmi’s arm and pulled her away from him
“what the hell do you think you are doing” I yelled at Hyunseung
“what’s it matter to you, its not like you are her boyfriend or anything” he spat out trying to grab Eunmi back from me but I pushed her behind me and held her there she had a strong grip on my shoulders like she was trying to stay up
“did you let her drink” I yelled
“yea, like I said, what’s it matter to you” he said “wait, don’t tell me you have feelings for her. Jonghyun has feelings for Minho’s little sister” he added laughing
Eunmi’s POV
“so what if I do, I'm sure I would be better than you” Jonghyun spat out at Hyunseung my head started to pound from all of the yelling
“oh really, she told me about what happened after everyone found out that she was Minho’s sister, I’m sure wore would happen if people found out she was also with SHINee’s Jonghyun” Hyunseung spat back at Jonghyun then all of a sudden my legs turned to jelly and I lost my strength and my grip on Jonghyun’s shoulders got loose and I fell to the floor, where everything went black
Jonghyun’s POV
I felt Eunmi’s grip get looser but before I could turn and catch her she was on the floor, not moving I knelt down on the floor and picked her up then set her on the couch
“what exactly did you let her drink” I asked Hyunseung
“I-I-I don’t know, I just told the guy to get me another drink and he did” he said, I could hear worry in his voice
“I think I know what she drank, this only happens when she drinks one thing” I said “I have to take her home, I can fix this there” I said picking her up and I started to walk out of the room
“can I come with” Hyunseung asked I looked back at him
“its better if you just go home and leave Eunmi alone for a while” I said and walked out of the club leaving a confused Hyunseung standing there all alone
well, i hope you liked this chapter i just had to create some drama between beast and SHINee. the poll's for my zombie fanfic are now closed, the winner is (Drum roll) Thunder from MBLAQ
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Chapter 20: Awwh miscarriage. Must be hard.
I hope they can get through it together and make a new one :D
Leeminho1223 #2
Amazing fanfic can't wait for the next update
miscarriage.... T.T omg poor eunmi... and jjong.... :(
naaaaw, theyre all so supportive!! ^^ im glad minho trusts jjong :)
MAKE UP KISS!! ^^ lol
Taemins so sweet not to get mad at JongHyun :)
Aaaawww Taemin!! :"( poor thing<br />
Update soon :)
Poor Taemin.<br />
Update soon!!
don't worry icybubble..... there will be more Jonghyun, i don't plan on ending the story yet :)
Taemin is sweet but how about jonghyun?