Gotta Get Used To This

Hey Juliet

i quickly sat up in the bed and bolted out of the room to the bathroom, where i puked up everything i had eaten in the past 24 hours. i felt my hair move and someone started to rub my back.

"this part " i said sitting against the bathroom wall, looking at Jonghyun "thank god there is only 4 months left"

"it will be over before you know it" he said. i stood up and went to the sink and got out my toothbrush and some toothpaist

"im gonna brush my teeth, so i will see you in the room" i said Jonghyun nodded and went to walk out of the bathroom but i stopped him by talking "oh by the way i have an ultra sound this after noon, you wanna come" i asked he smiled

"i would love to" and with that he walked out of the room. i washed my teeth as fast as i could so i could go back and lay down.

~the doctors office, Eunmi's POV~

i stepped into the airconditioned building and imediatly felt better. i sat down in a chair as Jonghyun went up to tell the woman behind the deck that were here for an ultrasound the lady nodded and said something along the lines of the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.

"so, are you axcited that you get to see the baby" i asked Jonghyun once his hit the chair next to me

"why wouldnt i be excited about seeing my child" jonghyun whispered i smiled

"you know, im 5 months pregnant" i said he nodded "we could figure out whether its a boy or a girl"

"honestly i want it to be a surprise" he said

"then it will be a surprise for the both of us" i smiled at Jonghyun

"Choi Eunmi" i heard a womans voice call out. i looked up and saw the woman that has been doing my ultrasounds

"come-on" i said to Jonghyun as i stood up


~Ultra-sound room, Jonghyun's POV~

i was sitting in the chair next to Eunmi as the woman set everything up

"so eunmi, how is everything" the woman asked

"everything is great" eunmi smiled

"nothing out o the ordinary" eunmi shook her head then the woman looked at me

"arent you Jonghyun, from SHINee" she asked i cleared my throat

"yea, i am" i said the woman laughed a little

"my daughter loves you" she said 

"tell her i said hello" i said then enumi grabbed my hand, the nurse noticed

"so, just a shot in the dark.... but im guessing you are the father" i cleared my throat again

"y-yeah" i nodded

"you are one lucky girl, huh eunmi" the nurse smiled at eunmi

"yea, i guess i am" she said and smiled at me

"so, would you two like to know what the baby's is" the nurse asked, eunmi was about to say something but i cut in

"yes we do" i knew how much she wanted to figure out what it was.... i figured i would just let her have what she wanted

"alright" the nurse said then moved the small tool around on eunmi's stomache until she got to where she wanted to be "ok, do you see that right there" the nurse pointed at a small area on the screan eunmi nodded her head "it looks like you will be having a little baby boy" she said i could feel my lips curling up into a smile "well, it was nice seeing you eunmi, i will see you again when it is time for the baby to come"

"yea, goodbye" eunmi said as she sat up after her stomache was cleaned


~outside of the hospitle, Eunmi's POV~

me and jonghyun walked out of the hospitle when there was sudden flashes

"eunmi, are you really pregnant or is it just a hoax for attention" i heard someone shout

"yes im pregnant" i said trying to push through *curse being pregnant*

"how far along are you" someone else shouted

"who is the father" another reporter asked

"is it a member of shinee" they had an unending list of questions

"is the father Jonghyun" that one caught Jonghyun's attention

"she is 5 months pregnant and its my baby" he shouted back, i could feel the venom dripping off of his words, then he grabbed me and pushed his way through the croud. once we were in the van and the driver had started sriving away Jonghyun sighed

"Jonghyun its alright, people would have figured it out sooner or later" i said rubbing his shoulder

"i know, but i would have rather it had been later then sooner" he said and sighed

"i know" i said andleaned on him, him wrapping his arm around my shoulders in return



please vote on this poll, it is for a story idea i had but i cant decide who i want it to be about (deadline for voting is friday 6/15/12)

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Chapter 20: Awwh miscarriage. Must be hard.
I hope they can get through it together and make a new one :D
Leeminho1223 #2
Amazing fanfic can't wait for the next update
miscarriage.... T.T omg poor eunmi... and jjong.... :(
naaaaw, theyre all so supportive!! ^^ im glad minho trusts jjong :)
MAKE UP KISS!! ^^ lol
Taemins so sweet not to get mad at JongHyun :)
Aaaawww Taemin!! :"( poor thing<br />
Update soon :)
Poor Taemin.<br />
Update soon!!
don't worry icybubble..... there will be more Jonghyun, i don't plan on ending the story yet :)
Taemin is sweet but how about jonghyun?