The Game Show

Hey Juliet


The Game Show
It took us about half an hour to get to the game show and then it rook another half hour for the guys to get ready. While they left to go to the stage, or whatever you want to call it, I walked around backstage. I was still walking around and I went to turn a corner when bumped into someone causing the both of us to fall to the floor
“oh, Mianhae” I said getting up and bowing but I felt a strong pair of hands bring me back up from bowing and I came face to face with Hyunseung from Beast
“oh, its ok. Hey aren’t you Minho’s little sister” he asked I sighed
“yea, that’s all people ever see me as anymore, I guess I lost being just plain old Eun Mi the girl with loads of friends” I said looking at the floor
“hey, don’t be sad, I’m sure you will make new friends that don’t care if you are the sister of SHINee’s Minho, like me” he said I looked up at him to see a cheesy grin on his lips it made me laugh a little “so, can we be friends” he asked
“yes, of course we can be friends” I said “so you aren’t in the show today” I asked
“no, only Yoseob and Junhyung are today” he said I made an O with my mouth
“so, what do you want to do” I asked
“I don’t know, maybe get to know each other” he said as he sat on a couch that was just randomly put there
“that works” I said and sat down next to him. After about half an hour of talking and laughing I saw Minho walking back from the stage “oh, there is my brother, give me your number so I can text you later” I sad giving him my phone he nodded and punched in some numbers then handed my phone back to me
“well, I will talk to you later” he said and kissed my cheek then walked away leaving me frozen in the spot
“hey Eunmi, why are you just standing there, lets go home” I heard Minho say as he passed me, I nodded and started to walk. On the way home I got bored so I decided to text Hyunseung so I pulled out my phone and flipped it open and searched through my contacts until I found “Hyunseung Oppa” *at least he made it simple* I thought as I started to type a message to him
To: Hyunseung Oppa
From: Unknown  (its unknown because he doesn’t have Eunmi’s #)
Hey Hyunseung, its Eunmi. Me and the guys are on our way home, and I’m bored.
And I sent the message and waited a few minutes before my phone started to play Obsession by U-KISS’ Kiseop and AJ
From Hyunseung Oppa
To: My Baby Girl
Hey, I'm on my way back to the Beast dorm with Yoseob & Junhyung as well, I'm also bored. I'm a little surprised you left me as Hyunseung Oppa, I figured you would change it
I read the text and blushed at my name from him
To: Hyunseung Oppa
From: My Baby Girl
What should I change it to? I don’t know a good name for you
“who are you texting” I heard Taemin ask as I sent the text
“someone” I said then my phone went off again
From Hyunseung Oppa
To: My Baby Girl
I don’t know, that is up to you. I’m sure you could think of something ;)
I felt my face flush again at the winking face and I though for a few seconds then knew what he would be
To: Mr. Eye Candy
From My Baby Girl
There, you are now Mr. Eye Candy
I let out a small giggle which gained the attention of all the guys in the van, luckily none of them were driving
“what” I asked they all just rolled their eyes and looked back to what they were doing before
From: Mr. Eye Candy
To: My Baby Girl
As long as I'm only Mr. Eye Candy for you its all good ;P
*Jeez why does he have to keep making me blush, why am I even blushing* I thought then we pulled into the driveway in front of the dorm
To: Mr. Eye Candy
From: My Baby Girl
I hope its only to me!!! Hey you wanna hang out later?
I got out of the van and almost fell right on my face but I felt a pair of strong arms go around my wrist, I looked at the person who stopped me from falling and it was Jonghyun
“K-komawa Jonghyun” I said as I stood up straight and flipped my phone open to stop it from playing the song
From: Mr. Eye Candy
To: My Baby Girl
Yea sure, what time
I smiled
To: Mr. Eye Candy
From: My Baby Girl
I don’t know, ill figure that out and call you once I'm in the dorm and in my room
I sent the text and ran to my room *I'm gunna hang out with Hyunseung!! The first friend I have had in years, and he is famous!!* I screamed in my head and dived onto my bed to think of when we should hang out, once I was done thinking I dialed his number
“Yoboseyo Baby Girl” I heard his voice say through the phone
“hey, can we hang out tonight? We could go to a club or something” I said I heard him laugh a little
“how old are you” he asked a hint of amusement in his voice
“I turned 19 like 2 months ago” I said proudly he laughed again
“alright, if you really want to go to a club we will” he said I could tell he was smiling
“alright, see you tonight” I said and hung up when I heard him laugh “I guess I should get ready for tonight” I said to myself as I laid down on my bed
yes, i am adding a small little twist that involves Hyunseung from Beast, hope you enjoy it
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Chapter 20: Awwh miscarriage. Must be hard.
I hope they can get through it together and make a new one :D
Leeminho1223 #2
Amazing fanfic can't wait for the next update
miscarriage.... T.T omg poor eunmi... and jjong.... :(
naaaaw, theyre all so supportive!! ^^ im glad minho trusts jjong :)
MAKE UP KISS!! ^^ lol
Taemins so sweet not to get mad at JongHyun :)
Aaaawww Taemin!! :"( poor thing<br />
Update soon :)
Poor Taemin.<br />
Update soon!!
don't worry icybubble..... there will be more Jonghyun, i don't plan on ending the story yet :)
Taemin is sweet but how about jonghyun?