
Didn't You Hear the News? (They Think We're Cute on Naver)

Chanyeol doesn't really like people, especially prying ones, but he loves the attention they give him. Which explains why he has a love-hate relationship with the paparazzi.

"Chanyeol!" One reporter shouts outside his condo window, "What do you have to say to yourself about the recent controversy between you and actor Lee Minho? Are the reports true that you and him had an altercation, that led to Lee Minho ending up in the hospital for a broken nose?"

Chanyeol shrugs he knows he should just ignore them but he can't help it. Chanyeol loves the attention and they love him too. He throws a smirk at the reporters and their cameras, a cocky, "It wouldn't have had to end up that way if pretty boy knew how to throw a decent punch." thrown their way.

A few collective gasps are heard at the audacity and nerve Chanyeol spoke with, especially about a senior.

"How about the rumor about you going on the special season of "We Got Married:Fan edition?"" Another reporter asks, eagerly sticking his microphone in Chanyeol's face, much to his annoyance. "Is that rumor true?"

Chanyeol freezes, Wait, what? He glances over at his manager who gives him a shrug. Chanyeol doesn't know what to make of this shrug. His manager has always been good at surprises, whether they were bad or good Chanyeol never knew. But Chanyeol had the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that this time it wasn't good news. He was just hoping and praying that it wasn't about the "We Got Married: Fan edition." Chanyeol loved girls, maybe even a little too much, but they were called "fans" for a reason, because that's all they'd ever be. Chanyeol did not want to get any closer to a fan than to a tiger, because they were basically the same thing. Actually, hold that thought. Chanyeol would prefer the tiger.


"You what?" is the first thing Chanyeol screams when he learns of the terrible news. Unfortunately Chanyeol had been right. He was in the special "We Got Married:Fan edition" and Chanyeol could not be any more angry. Who's dumb idea was it to stick him with one of the those crazy fangirls anyway? Whoever it was, they were going to lose their job, Chanyeol would make sure of it.

"You can't drop out," His manager said "we signed a contract, plus it'd be good, positive publicity, something we are in dire need of right now."

"Well couldn't I do it some other way? Like I don't know donate money or something?" Chanyeol argues back. There was no way he was going to be a part of this.

His manager shakes his head, "Nope."

"But I date models not stupid, crazy girls!" Chanyeol shouts angrily, "I can't be seen with such low-class scum!"

Chanyeol's manager rubs his forehead in frustration. He's been with Chanyeol for all of his career (even though Chanyeol tried to have him fired once or twice) but never has Chanyeol been in such a stitch.

"Chanyeol," His manager tries to manage with as much calmness as possible, "You are in a bad place right now, your ratings are going down with the public. It's not good publicity and it's hurting you more than anything else-"

"Who care?" Chanyeol yells, "People are still coming to concerts aren't they? We're still making money aren't they? What do they need to complain about?"

"Do not interrupt me," His manager says sternly, "Anyway, yes we're making money right now, but it's not a lot. It's barely covering the costs. The company is thinking of letting you go."

Chanyeol looks at his manager. Letting him go? He basically started this company! Without him who would they have? No one. They can't let him go.

"This is your last chance." His manager says solemnly, "So make it count." With that his manager leaves the room to let Chanyeol think about this mess.

Chanyeol was confused. How could they let me go? I'm their only star idol. They won't be able to make it without me.

But even though Chanyeol thought this, he knew deep down his manager was right.

He was screwed.


A/N HELLOO! DO YOU LOVE MY NEW POSTER? I DOOOO! IT's by M-rated! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! It was super quick and super nice:)))))))) Anyway sorry I haven't updated in awhile and this one is kind of short and crappy (aka just a pointless mono./filler). THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT!

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Chapter 3: I haven't read a story like this before. Really interesting... Keep writing author-nim! :)
Chapter 2: I am sooo anticipating this as it seems really interesting!! keep it up ;))