
Didn't You Hear the News? (They Think We're Cute on Naver)

"Are you crazy?" Yuma yelled at her roommate Aerin. It was only seven in the morning and her roommate had already managed to make her angry. Aerin, Yuma's roommate was a bit of a busy body, always trying to get involved with everyone else's business and "fix" everything even if it didn't need fixing. Although Aerin meant well, she should stick to doing anything but getting involved.

"No, no it's okay," Aerin says, trying to reassure Yuma. "It'll be fun! Plus, you don't even know who will be playing your fake husband! It could be someone from SHINee, like Minho!" Aerin says.

A low growl escapes Yuma's mouth, "I don't like Minho! That's you! Besides I could care less. I just got out of a serious relationship, I do not have time for this."

"It wasn't recently!" Aerin states, "It was a year ago! You need to move on."

Yuma slumps her shoulders, "What if I can't move on?" Yuma asks, running a hand through her hair. "'s just we were together for so long and I thought we'd get mar...well I just thought we might, I don't know... I thought he'd still be here. I didn't think about the future because I didn't think I needed too."

Aerin reaches out a hand and places it sympathetically on her friend's shoulder. "I know what you're going through...Or well, actually no I don't," Aerin corrects, "I"ve never lost anyone that I was that close with, but I do know  that if I had that I'd want my best friend to slap me and tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself and get out there and do something with my life. So, today I am that friend. So, get out there!"

Yuma groans and throws her face into a couch pillow. "I just can't Aerin! I'm not ready, I still need time."

"Well you better hurry up because you've already been selected and I already forged your signature and said yes."

"You did what?" Yuma shouts. Could this day get any worse?

"And," Aerin continues,  "There's a fine of one billion won (roughly $1 mil. U.S. dollars) for breaching the contract. You don't want me to go to jail do you?" Aerin asks, batting her long lashes. "Please Yuma! Come on, it wouldn't hurt to at least try! You might even find love!"

Yuma scoffs, "Doubt it. The chances of me falling in love with anyone on that poorly scripted and cheesy show are one in one billion."

"So, is that a yes?" Aerin eagerly asks.

"...Fine." Yuma mutters giving up. There's really no point in agruing with Aerin, once she makes up her mind it's done.

"Best roommate ever!" Aerin shouts excitedly.

Yuma slumps on the couch, burying her face into the nearby cushion. A mumbled "I hate you" is faintly heard, but Aerin being too excited about setting up her friend chooses to ignore it.

"Relax, relax," Aerin says slapping her friend's back jokingly, "What's the worst that could happen?"

"I could get stuck with that jerk, solo artist Park Chanyeol." Was Yuma's muffled reply from the couch cushion.

"Ooo," Aerin says making a face, "That would be bad. But they wouldn't do that!" Aerin says with a light chuckle, "He's in jail right now isn't he? Drunk driving or something? I don't think the ratings would be too good if he went on. They'll probably put someone who has a better appeal to the audience...someone like Minho!"

Looking up to glare at her busy body friend, Yuma lets out a light growl, "Then maybe you should be on the show!"

Yuma watches as her friend looks at her thoughtfully, "Hmm, I thought about that but I'm not nearly as interesting as you! Plus, you need this!"

"All I need is some peace and quiet and a supportive friend," Yuma grumbles out as her head falls back onto the pillow. "Not some woman who tries to set me up with egotistical men."

"Hey now," Aerin says, "Let's not take out our bitter anger at hot celebrity men just because one of them is a jerk."

"Okay, I got it. Now can you leave me to rest for a bit? I'm tired and I need some rest before I get chased by crazy fangirls when they see me "dating" their precious "oppa." Oh and by the way when does this show start exactly?"

Aerin takes a glance at her watch. "Oh, go ahead a take a nap, we've got plenty of time. The meeting doesn't start until four in the afternoon and it's only seven thirty in the morning."

Yuma groans into the pillow because, why? Why did her friend have to be such a busy body? 

"So the meeting is today and you decided to tell me just now?"

"Yeah, this way you wouldn't be able to skimp out at the last second."

Yuma hates that her friend planned this out so well, and hates that Aerin would know that she would say yes.

"Yuma...are you mad?" Aerin asks, glancing down at her friend, who's face was still smooshed into the pillow. "Hello? Yuma?" Aerin asks again after getting no response. "You there?"

Yuma gracefully (or not so gracefully) rolls over, "Yes I'm not mad, or well not too mad. Just thought I should get some sleep before all this chaos ensues."

"Good idea!" Aerin says, "I'm tired too."

Yuma lets out a loud scoff, "From what? Planning this scheme?"

But Aerin doesn't hear her, because she's already fall asleep.

Typical Aerin​, Yuma thinks, moving to readjust herself into a more comfortable position. Fall asleep before your friend, the one who actually needs it. Ah, whatever.  Yuma sighs, might as well get some rest too.

While Aerin convinced Yuma to go on "We Got Married! FAN EDITION", Yuma wasn't convinced she'd like it, or well maybe she might like it, but she didn't think she'd fall in love. Because that thought to her was absolutely ridiculous. You can't fall in love with someone you barely know, or someone who's just acting for the camera. Yuma didn't consider herself to be as simple minded as those other girls who just threw themselves at their "oppas" and believed whatever they said. Yuma knew better then to believe in such simple lies. She didn't want a boyfriend, she didn't want a friend either, she already had one of those. What Yuma wanted she didn't know, but she supposes that she was about to find out.


A/N HELLOOO Y'ALL! I am sooooooooo sorry for the late update *coughs you mean the no updates* I haven't died (only my inspiration has...ha ha ha). But it was slightly resparked because PARK CHANYEOL is currently starring in "ROOMMATE" which I don't watch (whoops), I only look at the gifs. Anyway have a nice day! I should be updating my other stories (but I'll make no promises beacuse when I do I always end up breaking them...whooops again).



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Chapter 3: I haven't read a story like this before. Really interesting... Keep writing author-nim! :)
Chapter 2: I am sooo anticipating this as it seems really interesting!! keep it up ;))