{ B-YUL's Debut Stage }

{ B-YUL } ♦ YG Entertainment's New Girl Group ♦ Story Starting~

|| B-yul's dorm - 8:00 AM ||

The members woke up early and got ready for the day they were waiting for...
B-YUL's Debut day!
They ate cheese sandwich & the left-overs last night, the food that YG Fam sent.
The girls took turns in showering, oldest-youngest order and practiced when 
they were waiting for their turn. Joo was busy in front of the mirror, practicing
her expressions for their debut stage. Jiwoon was rapping her parts over and 
over so she would not forget it. Yunji got advises from her brother and her idol
chingus. Chaeyi, the shikshin of the group, was eating snacks while practicing
the dance steps. RooA was reading the messages from her Appa. Taehye was
ehemmm.... secretly staring at Luhan's picture on her phone but she practiced
the high notes after looking at it. 
After going to the salon, they headed right to M-Countdown...
The members were having mixed feelings when they opened the van's door.
Joo and RooA looked at each of the members' eyes like they were sending
"Hwaiting" messages to them without talking.
They finally went inside the studio and walked straight to their respective 
dressing room. They got dressed in their "No No No" clothes and they
were free to do anything while waiting for their turn.
Hayoung - Taehye
Eunji - Jiwoon
Bomi - Yunji
Naeun - Joo
Chorong - RooA
Namjoo - Chaeyi
Like a ninja, Taehye went out after getting dressed and went to find out where
Luhan was. Taehye is a fan of Exo okay but she's not a stalker or sasaeng and
she's friends with Luhan. Taehye saw the "EXO" sign at one of the dressing rooms.
She was hesitating and was nervous but she peeked at the door anyway....
She opened it just a little but to her surprise, a person from inside pulled it and
went out but he saw Taehye. 
Luhan smiled at Taehye when he saw her in front of their room holding the knob.
"Ah... Annyeong Luhan oppa! I just wanted to cheer you ne... Ah Hwaiting!" Taehye
was smiling but was really nervous inside and her heart was beating fast. She tried
to act just normal and calm.
"Komawo Taehye-ah. Good luck to your performance too! See you later!" Luhan
waved at her. The other Exo members were so curious about them. Luhan walked
away slowly but he stopped and secretly looked back and smiled sweetly at Taehye
greeting the Exo members.
He grinned and continued to walk. Taehye finished greeting the members of Exo
but Baekhyun & D.O, Taehye's friend and bestfriend stopped her. They talked for awhile 
outside of the dressing room about themselves and D.O asked about Luhan. Baekhyun
noticed that Luhan was acting strangely these days and was smiling everytime he saw
Taehye or something connected to Taehye. Taehye said that she had to go back to
get ready for the performance. She stopped in front of B-yul's room and started to 
blush and turn red. 
Taehye went inside the room and she saw the members looking at something in her
bag. They were staring at it and the others were happily clapping and saying "Daebak".
"Yah what is that??? What did I miss?" She joined them and saw a gift inside her bag
with a note saying "Congratulations on your debut! -Luhan".
Taehye was both blushing and having mental breakdown because her bias gave her a debut gift.
"Open! Open! Open it!" The members were shouting and wanted to see the gift.
Taehye opened it right away. Carefully untying the ribbon and opened it.
The members shouted when they saw the gift. It was an EXO keychain knowing that
Taehye loves Exo so he gave her this.
Taehye wanted to shout but she stopped herself because the idols next door might hear her.
The members were teasing Taehye about Luhan and started talking about them.
Taehye happily attached it on her bag and even took a picture of it and posted it on her twitter.
Yunji got a message from her brother to come by their dressing room.
To: Yun-aegi
From: Youngjae oppa
"Ppalli! Come to oppa's dressing room after you dress up okay?"
To: Youngjae oppa
From: Yun-aegi
"But why do I have to come? You should pick me up here! Aish... Arasseo oppa."
Yunji puts her phone in her bag. She got permission from Joo and went out.
She was walking and greeting the sunbaes and staff on the way to B.A.P's
dressing room. She suddenly caught sight of VIXX' Hongbin going in their
own dressing room. 
Yunji's thoughts:
"Ah why is Hongbin oppa going there? Is he finding me? Ah what even...
What is he doing in there? Mollayooo~ I have to go to my oppa first"
Yunji was about to go to B.A.P's room when she thought of something.
She decided to go to VIXX' dressing room and leave something for him.
Yunji bought sodas and cookies for her members & Hongbin.
Yunji went in their room and greeted the VIXX members.
"Annyeonghaseyo sunbae-nims!" Yunji bowed and smiled at them.
"Yunji-ahh! Wahhh how sweet of you to visit your N oppa!" N came up
to Yunji and patted her head. N is like Yunji's real oppa from another mother.
"Ne! I bought sodas for you VIXX oppadeul!" Yunji gave them each one
a soda. She looked around to see which one of the bags is Hongbin's
and secretly shoots the cookie pack with a sticky note attached to it.
Yunji said bye to them and went into B.A.P's room. She greeted them
and Youngjae gave her a gift for her debut which is a cat hairband and
a white bracelet ring.
"Oppppaaaaaa~ Komawoyoooo!!!" Yunji hugged her brother and thanked him.
Yunji imitated her brother's line in 1004 and the members liked it and laughed
at Youngjae's priceless reaction.
"KittyJi will really be a kitty now Wow! Yah you can't hit me today! I'm a sunbae here!"
Daehyun teases Yunji a lot and has a "Tom and Jerry" situation.
In case you're wondering, Yunji is Tom and Daehyun is Jerry. 
Hongbin came back into his own group's room and saw the members talking
and drinking soda and noticed that there was another one on the table next to his bag.
He was surprised to see the cookies and the note. The bag was slightly open and the
cookies was just on top of it. He read the letter and was shocked to see that it was
from Yunji.
*The letter*
"Hongbin oppa! Hwaiting on your performance ara? I was here awhile ago but 
you were not here so I just put it on your bag. Let's work hard ne? Wait, what
were you doing in our room though? Did you talk to them? That's so nice of  you
to cheer us! Are you really cheering us or do you like someone there? Nevermind,
I  just wanted to bring you this. See you later!"
From: Yunji ^ - ^
Hongbin noticed that Yunji was kind of jealous but he was actually just
bringing Yunji some snacks too. He chuckled at Yunji's letter and left
it inside his bag. 
"Hongbin is receiving special treatment from Yunji aigoo~ Why don't we have cookies
in our bags too! Yunji-ahhhhh!!!!! Are you her favorite member? NOOOOO!!!!" 
Ken was teasing Hongbin and was wanting to eat cookies too.
Hongbin just laughed at him but didn't gave him some.
Yunji came inside their own room and was shocked to see the members eating.
"Aww... Where is that from??? I bought something for you too." Yunji showed
the sodas and cookies to the members and pouted.
"Here Yuni-ah! Hongbin oppa bought something for you earlier and he was finding you."
Jiwoon gave a plastic bag, full of different kinds of snacks to Yunji and it has a
letter inside too. 
"Ah what the heck just happened! I gave something to him too and wrote a note to him
aigoo!!! Mwoyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" Yunji and the members laughed about it.
She opened the note that looks like it was peeled off from a notebook.
"Yah! Where did you go Yunji-ah? Anyway, eat the snacks well with your members okay?
Really, where did you go? Were you in someone else's room? Oh. Do you best on your
performance! VIXX oppa-deul are rooting for you girls arachi? Bye~ Ah... Sonmul....
There's a gift inside your bag because you're debuting today! HWAITING!~"
From: Kong-ie oppa 
The other members peeped at the message from Hongbin and started teasing Yunji.
Yunji opened her bag slowly and found a chibi Voodoo Hongbin keychain.
They heard someone knocking and thought it was time for them but
when Joo opened it, Hongbin was there.
"Oppa? Thanks for your gift! It's really cute! Komawo!" Yunji walked
to Hongbin and showed the note she received.
"Ne, I received it already! Thanks Yunji-ah!" Hongbin smiled at her
and he was gonna go back to his room but he came back shyly.
"Waeyo oppa?" Yunji asked Hongbin why he came back.
He just smiled and hugged Yunji then he said "Nothing...".
"Aigooyah~ Looks like Hongbinnie is liking our Yunji. Look at that
smile he is showing! Yah Lee Hongbin! You have to go through us first!
Joo, who is Hongbin's friend was joking..
Jiwoon walked out of the room just after Yunji received the gift from Hongbin.
She quietly walked and made her way to Block B's Room.
Jiwoon was shocked when she saw Zelo walking outside as well.
They met and high-fived. Jiwoon continued to walk but Zelo stopped her from going.
Zelo then got something from his pocket. It's a ring and showed it to her.
"You see this Ji? I'm giving it to Yunji... I'm just joking~ I was planning to give it to you!
I gave Yunji a gift too and it was a snapback and this ring with my name and year of 
birth on it is yours! I'm just worried if this fits you or not... Try this on Ji!" Zelo said
then he grabbed Jiwoon's hand and put the ring on her ring finger. It fits perfectly
so he smiled and patted Jiwoon's head.
"Wow! Komawo Junhong oppa! I like it a lot! So cool! Oh I almost forgot to say Hwaiting!
" Jiwoon did the Hwaiting gesture, raised her hand and looked at the ring on her finger.
"Ja, I'm going back to our room now okay? See you and we'll surely watch your performance okay?"
Zelo waved at Jiwoon and went back to his own room.
Jiwoon looked at it several times and smiled at the ring.
She went in directly to Block B's Room and saw Zico calling someone and he looks worried.
He stopped pacing inside the room when he turned and saw his sister.
"YAH! I was calling you! Aish I thought something happened to you! Come here Jiwoon-ah!"
Zico put down his phone and hugged Jiwoon. He then gave her a shoe box with a grin on his face.
"Omo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this oppa???" Jiwoon opened it and saw white shoes with wings on it.
"Did you like Taewoon oppa & Jiho oppa's gift for your debut?" The other Block B members
were watching the siblings and they were smiling at them.
"Ne! I really love it oppa! Thank you!" Jiwoon hugged her brother again.
Joo's brother Youngboy came in the room with Joo's bestfriends,
Nine Muses' Sungah and C-clown's Kangjun. They went in the room
with a small cake for Joo's debut.
"Chukahae Joo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The three of them shouted.
Joo was shocked when she saw them and thanked them right away.
"Taewoon & Eunyoung can't go because of their schedules so we planned
to give you a cake and here it is! Hwaiting Joo-ah!" Sungah said with a
bright smiled and hugged Joo.
"Joo-aegi!" Youngboy came to Joo and gave her a star bracelet for her debut.
"Oppa!!!! Thanks for this! It's looks good on me!!!" Joo wore the bracelet and
stared at it while smiling.
"Eunyoung also wanted to give you this Joo!" Sungah put her hands inside
her pocket and got something. She gave it to Joo and she chuckled when
she saw what Eunyoung got for her debut day.
"Aww! Muffin got me a cupcake ring!" Joo gets it and showed the gifts to her
curious members.
Youngboy hugged his sister and the three of them went out and said that
they were gonna find their seats outside near the stage.
She was so sad that her idol friends and bestfriends are busy.
RooA was shocked when the door suddenly opened and a staff
from SM came to her and was carrying presents in a bag.
"Annyeonghaseyo!" RooA and the members hurriedly stood up 
and greeted the staff.
"Annyeonghaseyo RooA-ssi! This gifts are from Tiffany-ssi and Seohyun-ssi."
The staff said and she was happy that even though her friends didn't have
promotions in music shows, they still remembered her debut day and even
sent gifts for her. RooA received the gifts and smiled.
The Staff from SM bowed and went out after. RooA opened the presents and saw these gifts.
"RooA! Congratulations on your debut and we are watching you! Go B-YUL!"
From: Tiffany unni
"RooA-ah, I'm sorry that me and Tiffany unni can't go there but here is my
gift for your debut day! Chukahaeyo!"
From: Seohyunnie unni
RooA was so happy that there was messages for her on the gifts too.
While she was thanking both Tiffany and Seohyun on her phone, she
went out to get some fresh air. She bumped someone because she was
looking at her phone. Who? EXO's leader Suho...
"Ah! Mianhae sunbae-nim! Annyeonghaseyo!" RooA smiled at him
and apologized.
Suho smiled back at her and apologized too.
They continued walking on different ways... but! RooA and Suho
both slowly looked back and had a long eye-contact with each other.
Looking at every corner and when he saw that there were no idols or
staff at the hallway. Suho walked to RooA and hugged her.
"Congratulations on your debut RooA-ah..." He whispered to her
and had a smile on his face.
They act like sunbae and hoobae when seen by the public but when no one
sees them, they are actually bestfriends.
"Thank you Suho oppa! Hwaiting EXO!" RooA said while they were
hugging. BTOB came out with their staff so RooA and Suho stopped
hugging and just smiled at each other.
Yongguk and U-kwon came to B-YUL's dressing room.
Chaeyi welcomed them into the room and opened the door.
"Chukahae Chae-ah!" Yongguk hugged Chaeyi and patted her head.
"Congratulations Chaeyi!!! You should treat me soon arasseo?"
U-kwon smiled at Chaeyi and kind of .
"YAH! Aniyo, kwaenchana it's okay if I'll have to treat you....
BUT! Oppa you should give me a gift for my debut first! Where?"
Chaeyi extended her hand to her friend and wanted a gift.
Yongguk was just watching them tease each other.
"Of course! That's why I'm here in the first place!" U-kwon
showed his other hand and he gave his gift to Chaeyi.
"Komapsumnida SUNBAE-NIM!" Chaeyi emphasized the "sunbae-nim".
U-kwon slightly pouted but then let Chaeyi open his gift for her.
Chaeyi liked it and accidentally hugged U-kwon. U-kwon was feeling
shy first then he patted Chaeyi's back. The members started 
calling them couple names like "ChaeKwon".
"Ah bwoh-ya unni-deul, Yunji & Jiwoon! Aniyo! Please don't
misundertand!!! Yah! No No No!!!!!!!! Aigooooooo!!!!" Chaeyi
stomped her feet and pouted at the members who were teasing
her and U-kwon.
U-kwon's thoughts:
"What's wrong with me????????????????? Ahhh...... What just happened?
Did Chae just hugged me????!!!! WHAT IS WRONG KIM YUKWON!!!!!!!
WHAT IS THIS??!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH JINJJAAA! Why am I running
out of breath when she hugged me? Ah! maybe she just hugged me too
tight that's why! KEURAE! Yukwon that's it! Why are you panicking???"
When Chaeyi looked back at U-kwon smiling, U-kwon felt his heart beat
really faster than normal.... U-kwon just smiled back he was really not
okay and does not know what to do about it...
"Thanks Yukwon oppa! I really liked your gift!" Chaeyi smiled at U-kwon
and here goes his heart again.
Yongguk gave his gift for his sister this time.
"Chae-ah, here is oppa's gift for you! Use it well arasseo? Oppa picked
this for you!" Yongguk grinned at his sister opening his gift.
Yongguk bought a Doraemon bag for Chaeyi. Doraemon is Chaeyi's
favorite so he bought this for his sister.
"Oppa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Chaeyi hugged her brother and jumped excitedly after.
*B-YUL Debut Performance- & No No No*
Eoje nae kkum-e nawatji
Deo neulkeojin moseubhagoseon
Nan mot alabwatji
Museoweosseo ige hyeonsil-i dwil geotman gataseo
Ddeo nagi jeon-e pumsok-eseo yaksokhaesseo janha
Jib han chae jieonohgo naega gidarindaet janha
Wae neulkeumyeon neuleotji deo areumdabge neulkeoseo
Saram mot alaboge hae jitgucheun uri eomma
Michidorok bogosipeodo mot bwatji naye sarang
Eodi gaseo dangdanghage malhae geudaega naye jarang
Geudae miso damgin sajin nae seulpeum gareuneun kalnal
Kkumi dwaebeorin geudae eonje mich si-e olrae malhae
Majungna galke jeil ganjeolhan sarama
Namgyeojyeotdeon nae baljagukdeuli
Oneul bam naege dagaogil
Dalryeo-oni sungan kkeut-e
No limit gon touch the sky
Kkumkweo watdeon nareul wihae
Oneul bameneun throw it away
Dalryeo-oni sungan kkeut-e
No limit gon touch the sky
No limit gon touch the sky
Touch the sky
Touch the sky
Touch the sky
Cheongchuneul bachyeoseo maenbalro dalryeowatdeon samnyeon uh
Gajukgwa chingudeulgwaye musimhan annyeong uh
Naeili neul bulanhaetdeon harureul salmyeonseo
Nal mideura malhaetji kkok seonggong hagetdamyeo uh
Honjaga anin daseot myeongye insaengeul
Eokke-e da jireojigo chajadanyeotji gihwireul
Beotil subaekk-e eobseosseo manheun budamgwa silddaereul
Ijeneun bicheul bogopaseo geoleotji miraereul uh
Sini naege oleotji neo huhwi anagetnyago
Mangseolim eobsi daedabhae wae huhwihagetnyago
I mudae dwi-e namneun geon ama seonggong animyeon nag-o
Mudeungeol geoleotgo daeumeun eobseo
Namdareul subaekk-e eobneun nae gak-o
jigeumi naye majimak iraedo nan
noraehae huhwi eobge nan noraehae norae
yeah we flyin oneul bam
flyin oneul bam flyin oneul bam flyin
Namgyeojyeotdeon nae baljagukdeuli
Oneul bam naege dagaogil
Dalryeo-oni sungan kkeut-e
No limit gon touch the sky
Kkumkweo watdeon nareul wihae
Oneul bameneun throw it away
Dalryeo-oni sungan kkeut-e
No limit gon touch the sky
No limit gon touch the sky
Touch the sky
Touch the sky
Touch the sky
Seuchyeo gatdeon sigan sok-e
Gieokdeuli noraega dwi-eo
I sungan-en da
Touch the sky
No No No
[Jiwoon] Seulpeohaji ma No No No honjaga anya No no no
Eonjenanana naege hangsang bichi dwae jun geudae
[Taehye] Nae soneul jabayo ije jigeum dagawa gidae
Eonjena himi dwae julge

[Yunji] Naega himi deul ddae naege dagaon geudae
Salmyeosi naegero wa ib matchwo jun geudae
[Joo] Machi mabeobcheoreom nal gamssajun
Jeongmal ireon gibun cheoeumiya

[Jiwoon] Gakkeumsikeun geudaedo himdeungayo
Geureohge honja seulpeohamyeon eotteokhae
[Chaeyi] Hanadulssik buli kkeojyeoganeun gonggan soke
Naega neol bichwojulge oh

[Jiwoon] Seulpeohaji ma No No No honjaga anya No no no
Eonjenanana naege hangsang bichi dwae jun geudae
[Taehye] Nae soneul jabayo ije jigeum dagawa gidae
Eonjena himi dwae julge

[Joo] Kkumi manhdeon geudaen neomu ddeollideon geudaee
Sumanheun siryeon soke gijeokeul baratgo
[Chaeyi] Galsurok buleooneun barame heundeullineun moseub cheoeumiya

[RooA] Oraetdongan manhido chamatnayo
Amu mal anhgo gogae ddeolgumyeon eotteokhae
[Yunji] Hanadulssik gyeoteul ddeonaganeun sesang soke
Naega neol bichwo julge

[Chaeyi] Seulpeohaji ma No No No honjaga anya No no no
Eonjenanana naege hangsang bichi dwae jun geudae
[Jiwoon] Nae soneul jabayo ije jigeum dagawa gidae
Eonjena himi dwae julge

[RooA] Gajang naege himi dwae jueotdeon
Nareul eonjena mideojudeon geudae
[Chaeyi] Dadeul geumanhae rago malhal ddae
[Yunji] Majimak niga barabol sarang
[Taehye] Ijen naega dwae julge Oh~

[Yunji] Seulpeohaji ma No No No honjaga anya No no no
([Jiwoon] Oh ~Oh Yeah)
Eonjenanana naege hangsang bichi dwae jun geudae
[Taehye] Nae soneul jabayo ije jigeum dagawa gidae
Eonjena himi dwae julge
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I feel so bad changing my brother again huuuu TT


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Chapter 24: CREYS I CAN'T
i didn't see this but it's so cute i swear
the padlocks and all that ' u ' omg i can crey happy right now <3

joo and k lol ice skatin all the way man haha
why didn't i see this earlier i cry ; u ;

(%($8HGHSUWUJ!!JHDHSJIK?"$)@Kjdhaa! =-<727

okay i really need to calm myself before continue this rant ugh

lol the first choices lost their energy because of boreness? it mostly looks like they lost their energy after seeing their partner with the second choices hohoho (well maybe luhan really bored because Taehye is completely with him) cx

ohhh so it's unnie line's dates!!

Joo and K ugh wae so lovely
and the beginning tho when Joo was blindfolded by K just so sweet
and then when Joo taught K and then they taught a little girl and K said 'yes' when the girl adked if they were dating huehuehuee

and the leaders' date though
so sweet
just ughhh
they took selca together but idk i found this adorable omg
the cupcakes looks delicious though
ugh i lost my focus now i'm hungry /eats my book
/choked up

so beautiful i'm crying brb
they are like the couple with much chemistry ugh
don't know how to explain this bloomong feelings
and luhan held taehye's hands such a beautiful scene luhan being a real gentleman ;;

you don't know how wide is my mouth from smiling it hurts
this is really cute that i can't help but smiling at myself like a crazy idiot ;)

i wonder how the maknae line dates i bet it'll be really cute
and i bet chaeyi and u-kwon's date mostly will be filled by cute bickerings instead of lovey dovey moments eungkyakyakya cx
but well who knows beside jiyu unnie and miki though /evil smile

and the last oneee i really miss you guys! lemme hug you two for being geniuses for writing this beautiful /hugs you two and then running away and then rolls like buffalo on the floor

really looking forward to the next update! <33 /hugs you two again tightly
Chapter 24: i miss u jiyu-sshi and mikki~~~
*wipe tears *
this is really sweet chapter,you know
when i read JooxK ..i hope there was scene when Joo fall on K XD..oh my mind~~
cafe~~~ that was my favorite place~~ ^^
Namsan Tower~~ that was lovely~~

Thanks for the hard work girls~~~ ^^
you made this chappie beautiful~~

Please update soon you guys :D
Chapter 23: YEAH THE DATESSS!!!

Kidoh and Chaeyi's date on the sky garden. Just.. Too romantic but i love it and the way Kidoh treated Chaeyi is just.. ugh what is this can't express with words xx

and when Kidoh about to do that 'Secret Garden' kiss to Chaeyi.. My heart feel like exploding gahh you makes me my heart goes boom there cx

and then we got our Han leader and Jin
they're too cutee and the moment when they're starting call each other comfortably i don't know but i find it sweet tho cx

and that peppero game just
i'm starting to type in my own languange lmao

Yunji and BJoo were so adorable! Bike riding and dinner~~ gahh so sweet

Ngawww Joo and J-Hope the 94 liners watched Frozen~
i thought there will be some hidden romantic moments in the theater but oh well~ but when J-Hope treated Joo as diamond definetely killed me hohohoho cx

Jiwoon and Hojoon's date is cute too!
It's like a date in a sauna but it was very adorable and choco cake! >.<

and lol the first candidates watched their partners and really Luhan was very lucky eungkyakyakyaaa


Looking forward to the next updatee <333
Chapter 23: fkjdfnv dxjfnmbcnvxdmfncvkdjmxfxncgvkjdm,fnxcgvkjd,mfxnflawkds,zfmx


Chapter 23: aww...dating chappie is starting already~~
that cafe and Sky Rose Garden..~ i must go there *O* (when i have boyfriend T__T)
jiyu-sshi you picked Han River 'cause RooA last name huh..??
*thats cute*

you know i love Pepero..and the games!!~~ really love it~~
its cute game

aww..i wanna do all this things when i have boyfriend >V<
one day ~~ T~T
Chapter 22: btw ouo taehye should start calling luhan hannie after they start dating + luhan should start calling taehye Hye-Roo (roo means kangaroo, taehye likes to squeal while jumping around when luhan is around + hye is the second part to taeHYE's name XD )

just a suggestion <3 <3 <3
don't mind me <3 i'm just very excited for the next chappie ; u ; sorry for spamming the comment!
fjgbvndkfbvc can't wait for an update XD omg i'm byul deprived!