The fourth smile

When He Smiles...

“Jackson we don't have that much money to spare so you better not buy anything ridiculous.” Sophie reminded him as they made their way to their favourite grocery store.

“But Sophie! A man’s gotta eat!” Jackson argued.

“Hah!” Sophie exclaimed incredulously as she zipped up her sweater. “Jackson you could hardly be classified as a man.

He stopped walking and tugged at her arm. “You know I can show it to you.”

She made to gag and shuddered in disgust. “Don’t be disgusting! I don't mean it like that! You’re just a little boy I cook for every night. That’s it.” She said before tapping his shoulder with a grin on her face. “Don't worry. I’m sure someone special will consider you their man one day.”

She continued walking, leaving Jackson somewhat speechless, and a little bit hurt. He wasn’t sure why it hurt, but what she had said left him a little disappointed inside. He shook his head, feeling slightly ridiculous. Why should he be hurt? It wasn’t the first time she had called him a little boy. Deciding that it was the cold weather playing with his mind, he quickened his pace and traced her footsteps.

“Will you hurry up?” She beckoned him.

“Coming.” He said with a grin, because apart from politeness, hurt was another thing that did not go well with him. He was what he’d like to call himself ‘happy-go-lucky’, living as the day go by without a worry in the world. He didn't care what other people thought of him, least of all Sophie. He still remembered the first day he had met her.

He was at the coffeehouse that one night, enquiring about rooms for rent, begging people to take him in when he saw her. As if they had been fated to live together, she had heard his plea for help and had immediately offered her place. She was wearing a look of utter desperation, and without a second thought, he took her offer, and life had never been better.

Yes, she nagged him all the time about keeping the apartment clean, washing the dishes, and doing laundry, but he let her nag, because she was a great cook. He just had to say what he felt like eating, and it would be served the next day.  Which reminded him...

“Where’s my apple pie?” He asked her as they walked into the store.

“What apple pie?” She said absentmindedly as she pushed the trolley, her eyes scanning the on-sale items.

“You promised me like a gazillion week ago that you’d make me apple pie if we study.” Jackson pointed.

“Just so you know, a gazillion week ago, you weren’t even born. Second of all, you didn't even teach me anything!” She exclaimed, grabbing a carton of orange juice.

“I did too!” Jackson half-cried. “Aww c’mon Sophie. You can’t just throw it in the air and not make it. You know how terrible my cravings are.”

Sophie emitted a tiny laugh and shook her head. “Ok, ok. Fine. Let’s go grab some apples.”

“Yes! Thank you! I love you!” And he did. Because she was going to make him his favourite dessert. Nothing more... At least that was what he told himself.

They made their way to the fresh fruit section, Sophie laughing at a joke Jackson was telling. She was well aware of the fact that they looked very much like a couple, but that didn't bother her one bit. She was comfortable with him, and she wasn’t going to hide that. She loved how he always managed to put a smile on her face, to brighten up her day when things didn't go according to plan. But she never thought romantically of him. And besides, she had always wanted a little brother...

“Isn’t that JB?” He asked, startling her out of thought.

Her hand stopped midway from reaching for the bright green apple, and she looked up so quickly that she was sure her neck almost snapped. Sure enough, it was JB, with another girl, one that he seemed to enjoy the company of. Who was that?

“I don't know who that is, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Jackson said as if reading her thoughts.

She tore her eyes away, trying not to reveal how upset she actually felt. “Yeah. Me neither. C’mon let’s go.”

“Go where? I have to go greet him.”

“What? Why?”

“Sophie I can’t just pretend I didn't see him. He’s my friend.”

Sophie huffed. “Fine. You go. I’m going to continue shopping.”

In truth, she just wanted to run and hide. Quickly, she pushed the trolley out of sight and hid in a nearby aisle. She took in a shaky breath and closed her eyes. What the hell was she feeling? Why was she so upset? It wasn’t as if JB was exclusively hers. He could date whoever he wanted, and it didn't necessarily have to be her. But then again, didn't he tell her a few weeks ago that he was glad she was still single?

Feeling confused, she shook her head again. Not a moment later, she heard Jackson’s voice getting louder, and he was not alone. She glanced around and cursed under her breath. She was standing right in the middle of candy aisle, the one aisle Jackson would not miss every time they come to the store. She tried to scramble but Jackson was already fast approaching, JB and the girl in tow.

Jackson raised his eyebrow at her. How was he supposed to know she would be hiding in this aisle out of all places? “I thought you said no junk food.”

She merely smiled at him before her eyes caught JB. He waved as he smiled at her and her cheeks reddened maddeningly.

“Annyeong nuna.”

The girl behind him greeted as well, and gave a polite bow. Jackson grinned as he placed his favourite snack into the trolley, grabbing the opportunity that had been given to him on a silver platter.   

“Uhh hi.” Sophie said awkwardly. “I’m sorry. Jackson and I have to go. We have a lot more shopping to do.” She continued before grabbing his arm. “C’mon, let’s go.”

“Sophie, you are so incredibly jealous you know that?” Jackson asked when they were far enough.

“Shut up. I don't want to talk about it.” Sophie said as she scanned her checklist.

“You should really hear what he has to say.”

“Jackson, I told you I don't want to talk about it.”

“Ok fine. Let’s talk about something else. What do you see in him?” Jackson asked, crossing his arms.

She stopped pushing her trolley and peered at him. “What?”

“Yeah yeah. I mean, ok he has a great smile and all but other than that, he’s pretty normal. And have you seen his eyes? They’re like practically not there!” Jackson said loudly.

“Are you saying he has small eyes? Isn’t that like a Korean thing? Besides, I like it. It suits him. But it doesn’t matter anyway. He has a girlfriend.” Sophie said, ending her sentence somewhat sadly. Maybe that was who the girl was. His girlfriend...

“Nuna!” JB suddenly called her from behind. She turned just as he approached them. He looked at Jackson and placed a hand on his arm.

“Can you keep her company? I need to talk to nuna for a while.” He said. Not giving Jackson the chance to reply, he shoved him away, leaving the two of them alone.


“Nuna, will you go out with me this Saturday?” He asked abruptly.

Sophie’s jaw dropped in surprise and all of a sudden, she forgot how to breathe. She wasn’t expecting that to come out of his mouth at all. She rapidly blinked, wondering if she was dreaming it all.

But he remained standing in front of her, his beautiful smile intact.

She looked away, the small little voice in her head reminding her that too much excitement might freak him out. So she grinned as widely as she could before a certain thought crept in.

“But that girl...”

“Was my cousin. That girl was my cousin.” He interrupted her.

She almost shouted in joy but managed to swallow her scream just in time. She nodded her head, letting out a small, giddy laugh. She was going on a date with JB! 

“Erm... okay then. I’ll see you Saturday.” She said. She wished he would hurry up and walk away, so she could do her happy dance and scream like a little girl.

“Great, I’ll come by around 11 to pick you up.” He said, happiness evident on his face. He leaned in then, whispering softly in her ear. “I can’t wait.”

And she screamed just a little bit. 

Chapter Posted on: Feb. 9. 2014

Yeay! Another chapter! And OMG! My subscribers doubled over 1 chapter! Thank you thank you to everyone who subscribed! I love you guys! I hope you all like this chapter! Don't forget to tell me what you think! ^^ 

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otakueden1 #1
Chapter 18: I don't care if u are a nuna or a leader.. Even though my fav is Bambam ..I feel bad for Jackson..I READ A FANFIC LAST TIME AND BAMBAM LOVED THE OC BUT THE OC JB WERE TOGETHER.BAMBAM WAS LIKE "Hyung,why cant she be mine"..Wats wrong with these OCs ㅠ.ㅠ anywas lov ur story i will keep on imagining JB is Jackson and Jackson is jb
I wanna stab that poster (~_~メ)
Uwaaaa T^T I want Jackson to be with Sophie .. huhu. That's the only part I'm not satisfied with. Hahaha. Can I kill JB so those two can be together ? Definitely not. This is not my story. Lol. Anyway, I thank you for the nice end for my Jackson ;) great story. Filled my lonely day :)
watgirl200 #4
Chapter 19: You're a fantastic writer!!! The characters were well developed and the story was more detailed than the characters just doing romantic things and being superficial. Thanks for the great read.
Tigerlilylilyy #5
Chapter 19: When I saw the 'updated' sign, I was surprised, but then when I saw how it was complete, that made me even more surprised, hahaha. I didn't expect this story to be this short, but I can understand why you made it this length. It was a really enjoyable read, and I'm actually really happy for who Sophie ended up with! ^^ I mean, the poster is a dead giveaway, but I was just curious as to how you would turn the tables, hehe. By the way, her mentioning about bringing some apple pie to his wedding is just...I don't exactly know how to word it, but it's sweet--like as though that thing will always be something to tie the two together, and that they'll continue to be the best of friends, for as long as possible :'D

I don't exactly know if that makes any sense LOL so in other words, I liked the ending, hahaha.

Anyway, thank you for writing this, because I had a great time reading it! <3
2480 streak #6
Chapter 19: I really liked this story, especially since there aren't that as many JB-centric stories as I'd like there to be. :P You did an amazing job capturing and conveying all of the characters' feelings, and I really love how realistic it seemed. ^-^ Sophie didn't just ditch Jackson and it really warmed my heart to see their friendship overcome his crush on her. JB and Sophie are such a sweet couple, even with their ups and downs, and I'm so happy they had their happily ever after! :D Kudos to you for a fantastic story! :)
Chapter 19: Haha I liked it up till the epilogue. I think you ended it well, you had me waiting almost a month for this last chapter. I'm glad she went with JB actually, I think other readers are used to the cliche of her going for another guy halfway through the story.

Your story inspired mine so I hope you check out mine :) I hope you write more GOT7 stories in the future, your writing style is lovely.

Oh about the epilogue? I just think we can imagine what happens after in the near future. Just my opinion.
Tigerlilylilyy #8
Chapter 18: Do you hear that?

I'm sure you did, because my heart just kind of bROKE??????? ;__;

Anyways! Oh my goodness, I feel so bad for Jackson right now, and yet at the same time, I also feel a little surprised at Sophie's realisation? As in, the way you wrote it out, had me sitting here and thinking "Oh?" like how she was probably feeling, so I think you captured that suddenness quite well! ^^

And although I'm feeling really sad for Jackson, I'm still happy with her choice with JB--I mean, I just have a really soft spot for the 'other guy' in stories/dramas/movies/etc, so yeah :'D

I can't wait for the next update!!!! <3
Chapter 18: If she's happy with JB, then she should stay with him but poor Jackson, his heart is breaking and he feels like he has no choice.
Chapter 18: ㅠ.ㅠ its okay jackson you can lean on this nuna .. ill make you all the apple pies you want :/ ill even learn to make all the jjigae and dimsum you want .. just dont be sad

Ottokeeeeeee~ but *sigh* twas expected since your wallpic is jb not jackson :/ .. i hope youll give jackson someone tho *coughmecough* x3

Anywho ... thanks for the update authornim :)