That girl

When He Smiles...

Jackson sipped his black coffee, the bitter taste jolting him awake. His eyes were puffy, as if he had been crying the whole night. His skin was much in the same state, and he knew without a doubt that stylist nuna would scold him for not having enough sleep. His shoulder rose into a shrug and he lowered his gaze from the beautiful sunrise, his eyes eyeing the coffee cup sadly. It had been 6 weeks since he heard Sophie’s confession at the hospital, 6 long agonizing weeks. Yet, even though his heart shattered at the mere sight of JB and Sophie holding hands, his face would always lit up into a smile. The fake facade fooled everyone, even himself. He was starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, he could be happy for the both of them. He scoffed and shook his head. If only it was that easy...

“Jackson hyung! C’mon! We have to go now!” Yugyeom shouted from the living room, beckoning him to hurriedly grab his bag and make his way to their van.

“Coming!” He said as he made his way indoors. Grabbing his bag, he followed the rest of the members out the door and into their van, already dreading their holiday weekend.

Their schedules for the past few weeks had been so hectic that when the manager finally told them they had the weekend off, they couldn't be any happier. Junior suggested that they hit the slopes and since no one else had any other idea, they would be spending their holiday weekend at a ski resort. Jackson wasn’t very keen with the idea considering he had no idea how to ski, but he hoped there was something else he could do.

The car halted to a stop and he peered out the window. A sigh escaped his lips when his old apartment came to view. JB had insisted that they bring Sophie along, and no one had objected. Not only was Jackson not fond of the idea of skiing, he also hated the idea of Sophie coming along. He had been avoiding her since the hospital and to meet her now would just be awkward. He wasn’t sure how to act around her. Should he pretend like nothing happened? Or should he tell her he heard everything? Regardless, the awkwardness would still be there.

“Nuna!” A chorus of voices shouted when the door to the van opened and in walked Sophie. He glanced at her like she was just another tree along the street before returning to staring out the window, fearing that she might start a conversation with him. That, and the fact that he couldn't bear the sight of JB and Sophie together. He could see how much Sophie wanted to talk to him so he quickly pulled his cap down and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Sophie knew she should talk to him. The others might not have noticed it, but she had. Jackson was avoiding her and she had absolutely no idea why. Though she did have an inkling that he might have perhaps heard her confession to JB in the hospital. As she stared at his sleeping form, she wondered what she should do. What could she do? She had already chosen JB. Yes, her love for him might have faltered in that moment that they were separated but now she couldn't be more sure. She wanted JB. Her heart wanted JB. But what was she supposed to do with Jackson? How could she heal a broken heart?

“Nuna, what’s wrong?” Mark whispered from beside her. The rest of the boys were fast asleep, JB’s head weighing her right shoulder down as she turned to look at Mark.

“Is everything ok? With everyone?” She asked quietly.

He didn't miss the subtle glance she threw at Jackson’s direction and knew immediately what she was talking about.

“If you mean Jackson, then no. Everything is not ok. I’m sure he thinks he fooled everyone with that stupid smile he always wear but trust me nuna, I know better. I’m his best friend for God’s sake.”

“I don't know what to do Mark.” Sophie breathed, a pained expression on her face. “I love JB but if Jackson’s gonna be like that then-“

“He’ll be fine. He just needs to learn to let go.” Mark replied firmly. “Maybe you can help.”

“How?” Sophie frowned. “He’s been avoiding me and the whole thing is just so awkward.”

Mark shrugged. “I don't know nuna. I don't know what else to do.” He replied before focusing his attention back onto his Ipad, leaving Sophie alone with her thoughts.

When they finally reached the resort, she headed straight to her room. She knew the boys would hit the slopes immediately but all she wanted to do was figure out a way for Jackson to let go. Deciding that talking to him was the only thing she could do, she made her way to the room he shared with Mark, knowing that he would be inside considering his lack of skiing skills. She knocked on the door and tapped her foot impatiently. This was getting way out of hand. She knew he was not one to wallow in self-pity, and she had no idea why he decided to act up and worry her and his other members.

The door finally opened, revealing Jackson in his sleepwear. She glanced at his pitiful face, feeling suddenly angry and annoyed. The Jackson standing before her was not the Jackson she knew. Emitting a low growl she pushed past him, roughly shoving his shoulder in the process. When she heard the door closed, she turned to look at him, her eyes blazing with irritation. She made her way closer to him and continuously jabbed his chest with her long pointy finger, releasing all her anger.

“Ow! What the hell Sophie!” Jackson exclaimed in annoyance. “What the hell happened?!”

“You happened, that’s why!” She yelled in his face. “I don't understand this act of self pity you’ve got going on Jackson! So you get rejected by your first love, boo freaking hoo! You put it behind you and move on! What’s the point of even thinking about it? Did the world stop because she doesn’t love you back? Did the sun not rise because she doesn’t return your feelings? No right? Why do you have to be so caught up in this small little crush when you have your whole career in front of you? Why would you do this to yourself Jackson? You need to let go...” She ended her little speech quietly, feeling suddenly sorry for her sudden outburst.


She grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him to a seat on the bed. Her hold on his hand tightened as she gazed into his eyes.

“Jackson, you’re a wonderful guy. I’m sure someday you’ll find someone and she’ll be really special but that girl is not me Jackson. It’s someone else. There’s someone else out there for you. She’ll be perfect, and she’ll be just the way you want her to be. She’ll love you unconditionally, and you’ll have her undivided attention. She will be wholly yours, and you don't have to share her with anyone. She’s the one you’re looking for.”

“Can’t it be you?” Jackson murmured as he focused his eyes on their intertwined hands.

“Oh Jackson.” Sophie breathed just as she pulled him in for a hug. “It’s not me Jackson. It’ll never be me. But there is someone else out there for you, I promise.”

“How sure are you?” He asked her again.

Sophie let out a small giggle and forced him to look into the mirror. “Err hello, have you seen that guy?” She asked him as she pointed at his reflection. “He’s like the hottest piece of meat ever. I don't think finding a girl would be difficult for him.”

For the first time in a long while, Jackson’s face cracked into a smile, a genuine smile. He had never felt more relieved than that moment and he looked gratefully at Sophie for knocking some sense into him. He knew she was right. There was someone else out there for him. He might never stop loving her, that he knew for sure, but she was not his to keep. He missed joking around with her, he missed her cooking. The many weeks he spent avoiding her didn't sit quite well with him and he realised that he wanted her to be a part of his life, no matter how small that was. So how could she be there for him when he kept running away from her?

“For the record, you are not my first love.” He said after a while.

Sophie raised her eyebrow at him, relief washing over her as she detected his light tone. Did that mean he finally let go? Would they go back to how they used to be? A little scolding was all it took? Really? Why didn't she think of that earlier?

“Oh? But I’m definitely the prettiest one.” Sophie replied surely.

Jackson shook his head, a smirk on his face. “Nope. Far from it. My prettiest crush was my gym partner in elementary school.”

Sophie threw his shirt at him and rolled her eyes. “Whatever Jackson, put some clothes on will you? Let’s go down and find that girl.”

“So hey, when will you and JB get married? He did tell us once that he won’t get married until he’s 50 or something.” Jackson said as he followed her to the elevator, wearing a playful grin.

“Really?” Sophie asked, a little flustered. “Oh God, let’s hope I still have all my teeth then.”

And just like that, the gap between them disappeared and they returned to how they used to be. This time, Jackson convinced himself, this time it was for real. As his eyes caught sight of a beautiful girl in a pink beanie, he promised himself that if the girl was to be his, he would treat her well, and give her all the love he has to offer. The crush he had for Sophie would remain a bittersweet memory, along with the sweet taste of her lips that he would always remember for years to come. Sophie taught him many things, and that was why she would always have a special place in his heart.

As for Sophie and JB, they went public with their relationship after ‘We Got Married’ finished airing, with him finally proposing to her 4 years later. She remembered briefly checking her teeth on their wedding day, making sure all her teeth were still there before walking down the aisle to the beautiful handsome man that was JB. They were married in 10 minutes, and had their first child 2 years later. Life couldn't be more perfect for everyone and she thanked the heavens for sending JB into her life. There were complications along the way, but JB was always in her heart.

Because when he smiled, the world would stop spinning and her heartbeat would skip a beat, every freaking time.

*Some years later*

“Omo! Yobo! Look at this!” JB said, waving an envelope in front of his wife’s face excitedly.

“What’s that?” She asked, not bothering to take a look.

“It’s Jackson’s wedding invitation! He’s finally getting married!” He said with a grin.

Quickly, Sophie grabbed the envelope and scanned through the contents inside. Her eyes welled with tears when they focused on her husband’s face.

“He’s really getting married.” She whispered to him, her voice barely audible.

“Waeyo? Why do you look sad? Are you upset that he won’t be having a crush on you anymore?” JB raised his eyebrow.

“Pabo yah. He stopped having a crush on me years ago. I’m just really happy for him, that’s all.”

Yes, she was happy. But that was nothing compared to the relief she felt. A part of her had always wondered if he ever stopped loving her. But the wedding invitation proved that he had finally let go, and she could barely keep her excitement down. She looked at her husband, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

“Should I bring an apple pie?” 

Chapter posted on: Apr. 16. 2014

OMG! I left this story for a month plus just to give you guys the final chapter. And yes, it is the final chapter because I have no idea how else to continue! So sorry guys! I can't see where this story is going. =( I'm not quite sure about the ending but I hope you guys like it! Lots of love to everyone who subscribed and commented! I love each and everyone of you! =D Sorry if the ending is y. >.<

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otakueden1 #1
Chapter 18: I don't care if u are a nuna or a leader.. Even though my fav is Bambam ..I feel bad for Jackson..I READ A FANFIC LAST TIME AND BAMBAM LOVED THE OC BUT THE OC JB WERE TOGETHER.BAMBAM WAS LIKE "Hyung,why cant she be mine"..Wats wrong with these OCs ㅠ.ㅠ anywas lov ur story i will keep on imagining JB is Jackson and Jackson is jb
I wanna stab that poster (~_~メ)
Uwaaaa T^T I want Jackson to be with Sophie .. huhu. That's the only part I'm not satisfied with. Hahaha. Can I kill JB so those two can be together ? Definitely not. This is not my story. Lol. Anyway, I thank you for the nice end for my Jackson ;) great story. Filled my lonely day :)
watgirl200 #4
Chapter 19: You're a fantastic writer!!! The characters were well developed and the story was more detailed than the characters just doing romantic things and being superficial. Thanks for the great read.
Tigerlilylilyy #5
Chapter 19: When I saw the 'updated' sign, I was surprised, but then when I saw how it was complete, that made me even more surprised, hahaha. I didn't expect this story to be this short, but I can understand why you made it this length. It was a really enjoyable read, and I'm actually really happy for who Sophie ended up with! ^^ I mean, the poster is a dead giveaway, but I was just curious as to how you would turn the tables, hehe. By the way, her mentioning about bringing some apple pie to his wedding is just...I don't exactly know how to word it, but it's sweet--like as though that thing will always be something to tie the two together, and that they'll continue to be the best of friends, for as long as possible :'D

I don't exactly know if that makes any sense LOL so in other words, I liked the ending, hahaha.

Anyway, thank you for writing this, because I had a great time reading it! <3
2481 streak #6
Chapter 19: I really liked this story, especially since there aren't that as many JB-centric stories as I'd like there to be. :P You did an amazing job capturing and conveying all of the characters' feelings, and I really love how realistic it seemed. ^-^ Sophie didn't just ditch Jackson and it really warmed my heart to see their friendship overcome his crush on her. JB and Sophie are such a sweet couple, even with their ups and downs, and I'm so happy they had their happily ever after! :D Kudos to you for a fantastic story! :)
Chapter 19: Haha I liked it up till the epilogue. I think you ended it well, you had me waiting almost a month for this last chapter. I'm glad she went with JB actually, I think other readers are used to the cliche of her going for another guy halfway through the story.

Your story inspired mine so I hope you check out mine :) I hope you write more GOT7 stories in the future, your writing style is lovely.

Oh about the epilogue? I just think we can imagine what happens after in the near future. Just my opinion.
Tigerlilylilyy #8
Chapter 18: Do you hear that?

I'm sure you did, because my heart just kind of bROKE??????? ;__;

Anyways! Oh my goodness, I feel so bad for Jackson right now, and yet at the same time, I also feel a little surprised at Sophie's realisation? As in, the way you wrote it out, had me sitting here and thinking "Oh?" like how she was probably feeling, so I think you captured that suddenness quite well! ^^

And although I'm feeling really sad for Jackson, I'm still happy with her choice with JB--I mean, I just have a really soft spot for the 'other guy' in stories/dramas/movies/etc, so yeah :'D

I can't wait for the next update!!!! <3
Chapter 18: If she's happy with JB, then she should stay with him but poor Jackson, his heart is breaking and he feels like he has no choice.
Chapter 18: ㅠ.ㅠ its okay jackson you can lean on this nuna .. ill make you all the apple pies you want :/ ill even learn to make all the jjigae and dimsum you want .. just dont be sad

Ottokeeeeeee~ but *sigh* twas expected since your wallpic is jb not jackson :/ .. i hope youll give jackson someone tho *coughmecough* x3

Anywho ... thanks for the update authornim :)