Where We Learn Deer Like Shopping

Little Deer

Dibidibidibidibidibibidib.......... Not cool. Here's the update that took months and months. Enjoy!

Now never did Sehun think that he’d bring home a deer, nearly have a best friend kill the animal, and then become aroused by one. Now Sehun wasn’t a guy that was able to control his ual urges but he also couldn’t help them. For Christ sake! He was a man, and getting boners over a boy…man…deer, wasn’t much of an excitement for Sehun. After spending time in the bathroom, Sehun slowly opened the door and peered around the corner, making sure Luhan wouldn’t pounce on him and kiss his face for doing what he did. Relieved to find Luhan to be in sight, Sehun slid into the bed and threw the covers over his head.

Sehunahh~ you know you feel bad. Luhan missed you, you worried about Luhan. Come on Sehunnie.

Sehun grumbled and thrashed underneath the covers, flailing his arms and feet about wishing to rip the thoughts out of his head. He wiped his eyes and buried his face into the pillow, muffling his cries and filling the pillow with his sorrows.  He stuck his face out of the covers and blinked open his eyes slowly, tears still gushing down his cheeks. Sehun grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and blew his nose in it violently, Luhan crawled over and peered at Sehun “Luhannie is sorry” Luhan bowed his head and hit Sehun with one of his antlers. “Ow! Watch it!” Sehun shouted rubbing his forehead where Luhan had nudged him. Luhan laughed lightly and kissed Sehun’s flushed cheeks.  Sehun smirked and wiped his cheeks with the tissue, “Oh I can’t stay mad at you Luhannie” Sehun chuckled, patting the boy’s head.

“Sehunnie, Sehunnie, Sehunnie, Sehunnie!’ Luhan called from the bathroom. Sehun scrunched his nose and threw his head back under the bed sheets, “Not now” Sehun shouted “But Luhan is curious” Sehun threw the pillow off of his head and onto the ground, throwing the covers off of himself and stomped his way into the bathroom. “What” Sehun sneered, his arms crossed an angry annoyed look splayed on his face “What do this do?” Luhan was standing in the tub, towel wrapped around his waist and pointing at the showerhead plastered into the tile. “Oh, you want to shower,” Sehun chuckled “That is a showerhead, you just turn the water on,” Sehun the faucet and turned to Luhan “id move if I were you” Sehun laughed and motioned for Luhan to step out of the tub. “Then pull this up and…” The water shot out through the showerhead “Tah Dah!” Sehun sang. Luhan furrowed his brows “then I just wash like that?” Luhan cocked his head and Sehun nodded “Pull this back though” Sehun pulled back the shower curtain “so water doesn’t go…” Sehun made the spraying hand motions and kissed Luhan’s head “wash up then we’ll go clothes shopping” Luhan nodded and took off his towel, stepping into the shower.

Now Sehun was proud of Luhan for being able to bathe himself for once, or so he thought… Sehun walked into the bathroom and puff! Cologne cloud right to the face “Luhan” Sehun said between his coughs “how much cologne…” cough “did you use?” Luhan laughed and held up Sehun’s cologne bottle “HALF!” Sehun’s jaw dropped, “No! You only use 2 sprays! NOT DUMP THE BOTTLE ON YOUR-“Sehun stopped and rubbed his eyes “Just…” Sehun thought to himself “Change your shirt, put one of mine on and then we’ll leave” Luhan nodded and hesitantly went to Sehun’s closet, threw a hoodie on and put his shoes on. Luhan walked over to Sehun, who was tying his own shoes, Sehun looked up at Luhan “Hmm? What is it darling?” Luhan put his shoe on Sehun’s leg “Lu no know how to tie” Sehun laughed and took the laces and went through step by step with Luhan. “Now can we shop?” Luhan cocked his head to the side, Sehun laughed and took his keys, “yes”


“What about this one?” Sehun held up a shirt “Stripes, you like stripes” Luhan nodded and held it up to his body “Won’t fit lu…” Luhan sighed and put it back on the rack. Sehun laughed and handed the shirt back to him “try it on silly” Luhan frowned but relentlessly walked into the changing room. Sehun looked around at other shirts until a little voice was heard “Sehunnie…” Luhan poked his head out from the curtain “Sehunnie, how does it fit?” Luhan stepped out from the changing room and spun around, presenting every angle to Sehun. “Luhan like it” Luhan smiled and hugged Sehun “Oof! Not too hard” Sehun pat Luhan’s back “Well it’s a start” “Luhan wants more” Luhan pulled away laughing, a huge smile spread across his face.

Well, that was a start, to clothing. Sehun walked past a toy shop without thinking and now they were spending time in there.

“Sehunnie look!” Luhan ran up to Sehun, a giant teddy bear in his hand “Can we get it?” Luhan looked at Sehun with his tiny deer eyes, pleadingly trying to persuade Sehun into buying it. Sehun ruffled Luhan’s hair and picked up a little shark chomper, trying to bite Luhan’s face “no silly” Luhan turned away rubbing his cheek “Meany” he pouted.

Sehun laughed and picked up the shopping bags, “shall we go?”  Sehun turned to Luhan whom was still playing with the teddy “Luhannie, come on” Luhan frowned and kissed the teddy bears head “OK…”

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chapter 11 will be very angsty


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41 streak #1
Chapter 11: Wait! What? Is it the end? Or Is there the sequel for this? Plz tell me there is because you can't just end it like that T_T
41 streak #2
Chapter 9: Omg!!!!! Why so cute Luhan! !! Agdgdgavtzvjzybzrg I'm dying!!!!!!!
41 streak #3
Chapter 6: People are so mean to Lulu, cute and innocent Lulu, poor Lulu but I'm glad that Sehunnie 's there for him.
the-orphan #4
Chapter 10: This was so freaking cute!!!
and so weird!!!!
but yes HunHan deer love
CandyJar #5
Chapter 1: Spent hours to read it .. Love it =]
yeoluhan25 #6
Chapter 10: so cute Lulu deer <3 and what a nice lover Thehunnie <3 fluffy xD
XxExoticBabyAngelxX #7
Cute story ~Lu Han so cute~
afiercesong #8
This is nice. I like it!
Wafflez #9
Chapter 5: Aww layhan~ Hwaiting!

Update soon <3
Wafflez #10
Chapter 4: Flappy Satan lol xDD