Miracles in December (Part 1)

Christmas Presents

A/N: Thoughts are in italics and light gray.




Ring ring~ Ring ring~


“Hello?”, Jun wen answered after glancing at the caller ID. It was her uncle who had recently returned from Korea; His boss had paid him for the 3 weeks holiday with his family for his never-ending contributions to the company.


“Hello, Jun wen. I’m sure you know we just returned from Korea right?”, her uncle asked and she answer with “Yes, I heard from my mom yesterday.”, before he continued, “Well, I have presents for you. Can you come over tomorrow at around 4PM?  They should have arrived by then.”


“They?”, she asked as her uncle chuckled and replied with, “Just come and you’ll know. It’s a late present from me since I missed your birthday.” Jun wen smiled and thanked her uncle before agreeing to meet them tomorrow at their place.


After they ended the call, Jun wen went back to what she was doing; Looking through Facebook for EXO facts and what they’ve done recently, and if they were truly interesting, she would share them with her best friend, Juliana.


They had been friends since College and Juliana was older than her by a year. However, Jun wen acts as the older one when they’re together as the older acts childishly most of the time. There was even a time when the younger had to drag the older away from a rilakkuma shop!


“Oh! Finally the English sub is out!”, Jun wen exclaimed as she shared the link on Juliana’s Facebook page before watching the video.




The next day


It was about 2PM when she left the house. Jun wen had already told her parents beforehand that her uncle had asked her to visit them. She walked to the bus stop and scrolled through her Facebook page on her iPhone as she waited for the bus. She found some interesting facts and posted them to her best friend’s page; a usual routine.


Soon, the bus arrived and she immediately sat at a seat at the back of the bus after paying for the ride. It was a long ride to her uncle’s place so she had plenty of time to watch videos and find facts. “Juliana will definitely like this.”, she thought to herself as she shared the picture of Luhan in a suit; Juliana always had a of guys in suits; Specifically Luhan.


cr as tagged. LUHAN in tux and his pink hair !!


Jun wen waited a few seconds before a notification popped up saying that her friend had replied. Laughing to herself, she opened the post and giggled at her friend’s comment.


“HE’S FREAKING HOT! I LOVE HIM!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3”


She continued to giggle at her friend’s silliness before liking her comment and replying her, “I’d thought you would. ;D You always liked guys in suits.” After replying, she continued scrolling through her timeline and a few minutes later, Juliana replied to her earlier comment. “Of course! Any guy would look freakishly handsome in a suit!”


Jun wen laughed silently and shook her head before liking her friend’s comment. She then went to youtube and browsed through her subscribed channels for videos to watch. After about 40 minutes later, she finally reached her stop and got off the bus. “3.35PM. I still have time.”, she thought as she walked down the road.


Her uncle, being financially stable, stayed in a 5 storey house. His house was the last one on the road and this allowed them to have more privacy and land. Her uncle is the only one on that road that has a house with both a garden and swimming pool; The other houses only had either one of them.


Ding Dong~


It took a minute for her aunt to open the door and welcome her in. As she entered, she noticed 3 cars in the driveway; two of them were huge, at least 7 seater car, while the other she had known belonged to her uncle. “Are you having guests?”, she asked her aunt as the elder smiled at her in reply without answering her.


After entering the house, her aunt led her to the living room and there stood her uncle with a smile on his face. “Hello! How have you been?”, her uncle greeted her  with a hug as she smiled replied truthfully. “Good, but school is pretty stressful.”


“Hahahahaha! Well, it’s good that I got you presents!”, he said as she asked what the presents were. “They’re at the playroom- second room to the right on the second floor.”, he said as Jun wen nodded before going to the playroom.


“I wonder what the presents are.”, she asked herself as she went up the stairs. Just outside the door, she could hear multiple voices and laughter from inside, however that’s not what intrigued Jun wen. The fact that the voices were familiar intrigued her! “Where have I heard these laughter and voices before?”, she asked herself before knocking the door and opening it.


Once the door opened, Jun wen’s mind blanked out. Standing in front of her, stood twelve perfectly gorgeous guys, in their casual attire, she had thought she would never ever meet in her life. All of them noticed her presence and immediately stood in a line before introducing themselves. “We are one! Hello, we’re EXO!”


Immediately, her hand pulled out her phone in her pocket and dialled her best friend’s number with her eyes still locked on them. The phoned ringed a few times before Juliana finally picked up. “Hello?”


“Where are you?”, Jun wen asked as her friend replied that she was at home. “What if I tell you that EXO is right in front of me? And I mean the real life EXO, not the pictures on my computers or phone.”, she asked monotonously as her friend replied, unconvinced, “uh huh.”


Frustrated with her friend’s response she ended the call and video called her instead. “Why are you video calling me? Do you know how expensive it is?”, Juliana asked, her face clear on Jun wen’s phone. Jun wen immediately turned, her back faced EXO, and lifted her phone up, and making sure the camera captured both her and the members on the screen.


“Do you believe me now?”, she asked with a smirk while the members waved their hands at the camera. Jun wen could see Juliana’s eyes widened before a thump sound could be heard and all she saw was the ceiling. “I think my friend fainted.”, she said and ended the call before introducing herself to EXO.


All the members were surprised, and relieved, that she was very calm and didn’t go into a crazy fangirl when she saw them. They were chatting; Kris interpreting some things into English when she didn’t understand them –Jun wen has knowledge in both Chinese and Korean but weren’t perfect.-.


After half an hour, her phone rang and it was a call from her friend. “Yes, Juli-”, she started but was cut off by Juliana, “Where the hell are you?!” Jun wen blinked for a while before saying she was at her uncle’s place and told her the address. “I think my friend’s coming.”, she mumbled as she excused herself and told her uncle the news.


“Oh ok. I take it that you like the presents?”, her uncle asked as she smiled and said she loved it. She quickly made her way up and told them her best friend was going to visit. “By the way, my friend is a huge fan of you Luhan oppa. I mean, she likes everyone but you are her number one bias.”, Jun wen explained as he blushed slightly before smiling.


As soon as she finished her sentence, her uncle came back and asked whether they would prefer to hang at the lounge near the pool. Everyone agreed and started to make their way to the designated area. Not even a minute after they have arrived at the pool, Jun Wen got a call from her one and only guest.


“Where are you?”, Juliana asked.

Where are you?”, Jun wen asked emphasizing the word ‘where’ and ‘you’.

“I’m reaching in 5 minutes.”

“Ok….. You should ask the driver to stop you at the main gate. Do you want me to bring you in?”

“Alright! I’ll text again when I reach.”, Juliana said before ending the call.


Turning around, Jun wen was slightly stunned by 12 pairs of eyes staring at her. “Erm… My friend is going to reach in 5 mins. I’m going to guide her in. Would you prefer to stay here or guide her with me?”, she asked as the 12 of them nodded their heads at the latter suggestion.


Since Juliana was reaching in 5 minutes, the group started making their way and, when the main gate was in sight, a cab could be seen there with someone getting out.


“That was fast!”, she thought as she walked ahead of them and made her way up to her best friend with a flushed face. “WhattheheckdoyoumeanEXOishere?WhyiOhere?Whataretheydoinghere?Aren’ttheysupposed tobeinKorea?Wherearethey?Howdidtheycome?Whendidtheycome?asdfghjlasdqwerthbehjlkhgfs?!”, Juliana asked, in a breath as she shook her best friend by the collar of her shirt, the second Jun wen was within arm’s reach.


Jun wen rocked back and forth as she tried to calm her friend down. Unknown to Juliana, EXO were standing behind her friend, watching her amusingly as the pair continued to ignore their presence. “Ju-Julia-Juliana”


The sight was too hilarious and Luhan, Chanyeol and a few others ended up giggling softly. Suho felt that it was better for Juliana to notice their presence, so he cleared his throat loud enough for them to hear.


However when neither of them stopped, the members glanced at each other before Luhan started to make his way over, successfully seizing the girls’ interaction with a tap on her friend’s arm.


Since Juliana was taller than Jun wen, one look up and she could see all the members of EXO. But she didn’t look up. Instead, she continued to stare at Jun wen blankly as her grip tightened on her friend’s collar while her heart was running a marathon in her chest. “Juliana! Let go!”, she hissed and smacked Juliana’s hands as her grip was getting too tight on her collar.


After realizing that her friend was not going to let her go anytime soon, Jun wen proceeded to poke Juliana’s side, resulting in her jolting from shock.


After managing to loosen her friend’s grip on her –Juliana was holding onto her collar in fear and embarrassment of her doing a similar stunt- while Jun wen simply stared into her eyes. Just by looking at her friend’s frozen state, Jun wen knew exactly what was going on in her head; Juliana was having an extreme mental breakdown.


“Ermm.. Is everything ok?”





A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like the first chapter~ Some of you might notice that the writing style is somewhat similar to my co-author's stories. This is because she's the one typing it out while I'm telling her my daydream. (Ju_huggable: I insisted on publishing this as hers since it was her idea and I'm going to be brain dead soon just by the mere thought of it.)


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Chapter 2: So have you gotten your friend back to the right state of mind yet?
Chapter 2: When updating dude?
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