Chapter 3;


         Chapter 3;


''Yes, she said yes! And then... we've kissed!'' as I said this, I could feel my heart beating fast. Yes, I was in love.

''Um, sorry Bambam, I need to hang up now, My mom's calling! See ya' tomorrow.''

''But I can't hear your mom ca-''

~~Beep beep beep ~~ ''-lling.''

What was that?

I really didn't know what just happened but I felt that something was wrong. I started to feel tired so I got myself ready for bed. As I laid in my bed I thought about that phone call again. Maybe I was wrong, so I came to the resolution to visit her. To see, if really everything was ok. 

It was already moring - a new day, a new start. I did my ordinary morning routine and thought about what to do, when I'm at her house. Oh, there was this game, which I bought two weeks ago and she loved it. I took it and went out. So I walked and walked and walked down the street. As I saw her house, being not so far away, I ran up to it. I pressed the doorbell and waited for her to open the door.
The door opened and I could see her reaction to my appearance. She looked kind of surprised and sad.

''Bambam? What are you doing here?''

''Whats wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?''

''No, no it's not that. I mean, you really surprised me.''

''Well, surprise surprise little lady!'', I chuckled.

''So, can I come in?'' I even have to ask for it..

''Yeah, yeah.''

I got in and went to her room. I the middle of the room, there was a king-sized bed and I really loved it because I felt so comfortable in it. She sat beside- We both were quiet - it felt really awkward. I wanted to break that silence, so I started to talk about Yoona. She didn't look at me at all and when she finally did, I saw happiness and disappointment in her eyes. It was confusing, but I realized that I should stop talking bout her. I came to see her, not to talk about Yoona. 

We began to play that ego-shooter game and it was really fun playing against her, even when she always won. 
It was the fourth round - she won again. I couldn't take it anymore, losing to her again. She had to get a punishment. Slowly, I placed the controler on the floor, jumped on her and started to tickle her. I really loved her laugh, it always made me happy. This is your punishment. 
She whined that I should stop, but I enjoyed it. I really did. 
But then, I heard something coming out of .

''I love you!''

''Ne- What?! You what?!'' , I was shocked as I heard her confession. This shouldn't be happening. Really, I didn't want her to fall in love with me, I didn't want to get things messed up again. With a blank face I left her and it didn't feel good. Leaving her without any answer, when she finally confessed. When she finally told me, she loved me. 

I locked myself into my room and laid on my bed. The bed wasn't as comfortable as hers and I tried to sleep. But then, I thought about the situation at her house again and I felt guilty, not giving her any answers. I took my phone, to write her a message. I typed and deleted, typed and deleted, typed and deleted. I couldn't find any words to say.

We need to take a break.
It's Yoona I love, not you.
It's better. I don't want things
to be messed up.

This was the result and I sent it. There was no way, to get that message back. I was harsh, but I had to. I didn't want things to get messed up again. The truth was, I loved her. Ever since we met.


Nine months have passed by, since I've last talked to Bambam. It was hard and I thought I wouldn't make it, but I did. And there was someone, who helped me going through all this. It was him, Im Jaebum. I met him a month after I have confessed to Bambam and received that message. It was really relieving having someone beside you. We started to date and I slowly fell in love. He made me happy, like Yoona made Bambam happy.


''Jinyooooung you idiot!'' I whined and punshed him, as he showed Jaebum my babyphotos. 

''Don't be like that! I find them very cute.'' Jaebum said and kissed my forehead. I started to blush.

''You see! He likes it!'' my dumb brother said.


''Give that picture to me!'' Jaebum said, as he pointed at the photo, where I was showering and covered with foam, looking like santa clause. I saw him smiling at it and I felt happy. Bambam loved that photo too but I never saw him loving it as much as Jae does. 

I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt his hand patting my head and it felt good. Yes, I started to fall in love and I won't regret it. 
I fell asleep.

Later I woke up in my bed. I heard him snoring quietly beside me and I smiled like an idiot when I heard it. He must have carry me all the way up and then fell asleep on my bed. Well, I had enough space for the two of us. He looked like an agel. 
As I laid there, I started to thing about Bambam again. It has bin almost a year and it's still hurting. We've been friends for such a long time, but then I made this mistake. I even tried to fix it before I met Jaebum, but he was stubborn. He always repeated ''I don't want it to be messed up (again)''. After a while he started to ignore my messages and calls and then I gave up trying. We still attend the same school, but we have different classes, so we never meet. He avoided me at break time and when it happened that we accidently met, he looked away and pretended not to know me. Bambam was strange this way. He never was like this, he was alwas kind and he even hated people who were acting like this. I wanted to ask him why he is the way he is now, but he won't answer me. Like he always did ever since I confessed. Ever since he decided to avoid me and treat me like a complete stranger. It really hurted and that pain never went away. It was just covered by Jaebum's love. I really miss him and I tried everything to get him back, but I gave up. I gave up that ten years on friendship. I gave up on our memories. I gave up to love him.
Sometimes I wondered if he was thinking about me, but probably not. I was sure he wasn't. Well, I had found someone, like Bambam found Yoona and I will fight for this!


A new day of school has stared.
Jaebum always picked me up and brought me to school. We both went to different schools but he loved to see my smile at the morning, whenever I went into school and said goodbye. He never had the time to pick me up from school, so I always walked alone. In the past, I walked home with Bambam but that wasn't possible anymore. I got used to it, walking alone home. Bambam never knew about my boyfriend. How could he? I was at school very early and after school it wouldn't go either, because Jaebum never was there. 

In only a few minutes the lesson ended and I was done with school for that day. As I walked out the schooldoor, I saw someone familiar standing infront of the gate. I couldn't recognize who he was, but when he waved at me and smiled, I knew who this pretty smile belonged to. It was his smile. I was confused but happy at the same time. I ran to the gate and jumped on him. We both fell on the floor and laughed.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked with joy.

''Don't you see? I'm picking you up.'' 

''But, you never had time for that.'' 

''My boss gave ne two weeks free! I can bring you and pick you up for two weeks now.''

''Really?!'' He must be joking.

''Yes.'', he smiled and I melted inside. I loved his smile as much as I loved him

''You're beautiful.'' he said and touched my cheek with his soft fingertips. I leaned forward to kiss him.
His kisses were magic and I always felt butterflies in my tummy, whenever he kissed me. It was like an endless first-kiss-feeling. His lips against mine, feeling the warmth of his lips going over mine. I loved it, when he grabbed me and pulled me on the wall, floor, bed etc. to kiss me with passion.

We still laid on the floor and I slowly got up. Something inside me said, that I should turn around, and I did. I saw Bambam staring at us. I could see his hands balling up to a fist and his gaze slowly turned from shocked to angry. Immediately I turned around, grabbed Jaebums hands and dragged him out the school ground. We held hands and walked away. I wasn't sure, if Bambam was still looking, but I was afraid to turn around. I couldn't forget the looks in his face when he saw us.

''Whats wrong?'' Jaebum asked worrying.

''Nothing.'' only that I just can't forget his expression.

A/N : So, finally I updated! ^-^ I tried to get that chapter long, but
well you can see, I failed hahaha 
Well, it was my birthday yesterday and I felt like updating
my story. I hope this chapter is ok. I try my best.
Sorry for that late update ..


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choijane916 #1
Chapter 3: Good chapter ;D
choijane916 #2
Chapter 3: Belated happy birthday!!!!! :)