10 Years

~Happiness Is An Illusion~


The familiar chill that ran up each of the twelve's spines come back again as they remember the story of Thirteen. They each don't know what to think about such a sensation, as it's the closest to feeling any of them have come to on Exoplanet, and they don't know what it is. They remember the strange light in Kris and Suho's eyes as the boy died before them. They've never seen the death of a person before, and knew they wouldn't forget it in a thousand years. 


"So..." says Lay a little awkwardly. "It's been ten years..."

The murderous looks on Suho and Kris's face tell him that right now is a good time to shut up.

Xiumin and Chanyeol start to clear the table where they all sit, and everyone looks at each other in silence. Finally, Kris speaks up.


"Suho and I should've told you this a long time ago..." Everyone's eyes are glued to their leaders as they both look at each other pointedly, communicating through their expressions. Only Suho and Kris can communicate like that. 


"Yeah...Something is going to happen to us tonight, and it's going to be like nothing you've ever experienced," explains Suho carefully.


"What do you mean?" Chanyeol asks, staring down his leaders.


"We mean that this world isn't our world," says Kris slowly.


"What?" the whole table asks, in unison. 


"When Thirteen mentioned 'Earth' to us, Suho and I remembered," says Kris. 


"Remembered what?" Xiumin demands, face scrunched up.


"We're from Earth," Suho tells them simply.


"What's going to happen, then?" Chen asks, with a dead voice.


"We might go back..." says Suho lamely. 


"Will water come out of our eyes and will we feel sad?" Kai asks, eyes wide.


"We don't know much, guys. All we know is something might happen. Best get to bed and wait." Kris dismisses them, and they scurry to their own rooms. 





Your POV:


Ugh, not this again, you think noticing a gang rounding the corner. You look down and try to walk by, but one calls out to you.


"Hey sweet lady," says a gangster, as he eyes you up and down. You keep walking, but they corner you. 

"Leave me alone," you say quietly. 

"We will. Just we have to be done with you first," says the evil man before you.






On Exoplanet


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" All the boys of Exoplanet rush into Sehun's room as they see him writhing on the ground in pain. 

"What is this?" he screams. "I can't describe it..." He shouts out again in pain, and look around at them. "Guys, help me," he pleads, looking into each of their eyes, truly seeing them for the first time. The light leaves Sehun's eyes, and his companions stare at him. 


"Did Sehun just die?" asks Chen curiously.

"I think he did," says Luhan regretfully. "He was a good hunting partner, now we have to change the schedules and--"

Luhan falls to the floor, and tears begin to come out of his eyes. 

"What's happening????" 


Three hours later, only Suho and Kris are left after this happens to the eight others. 


"Well this is it," says Suho quietly.

"I guess it is." 

"See you on Earth."

"See ya."


Both the leaders stalk into their respective rooms, and wait for the pain to overcome them.






Luhan's POV:

Luhan finds himself in a narrow alley, Sehun and Kai on either side of him. 

"G...guys?" he says, scared for the first time in his life.

"Luhan-hyung," says Sehun softly. "I...feel." 

"Me too," says Kai, lip quivering. "It feels like water is going to come out of my eyes like they did with Thirteen." 


The boys look around the alley, and feel cold and confused.


"Is this Earth?" Sehun asks, shivering. "I don't know how to describe how I feel." 

They notice the rest of Exo lying on the ground at the end of the alley. 






They all start talking at once, crying, and shivering.

"I feel like...night. Night when there's no sun and the stars aren't lighting anything up," says Chanyeol, trying to figure out how to tell them he's sad. 


"I like having you all here," says Xiumin trying to express his friendship with them. 


Kris and Suho stride up, looking kind of more composed than the rest of them. 

"Now we wait," says Kris gently to his terrified friends.


"For what?" asks Baekhyun, tearfully. "I'm going to lose too much water if it comes out of my eyes."


"We're gonna wait for a sign. We're here for a reason," Suho says firmly. 






Your POV:


The men come closer to you, and snarl. There's pure malice in their eyes, and you know this isn't a situation you can get out of on your own. You scream, and one of them whacks you hard over the head.








The Exo members' heads snap up as a scream rings through the alley followed by a loud thud. 

"Is that our sign?" asks D.O, wide eyed.


"I think so," says Kris, breaking into a fast run towards the sound. Chen trips on something and falls to the ground. He freezes as he sees a little blood trickle out of a cut on his leg.


"G...guys!?" He panics, never seeing the sight of his own blood or feeling the stinging of the cut previously. "Am I going to die?" 

"I don't think so. No." Lay shakes his head, kneeling down next to Chen. "It's not a lot. What does it feel like?" 

Chen doesn't know how to explain it. "Sharp?" 

Lay helps him to his feet and he bounds after their friends. 


Kris finally reaches the scene of the scream, and sees a large group of men surrounding a woman, evil smirks on their faces. 

He can tell the woman shouldn't be there, and the men didn't have good intentions. The rest of Exo arrives quickly.


"Hey!!!!" Kris shouts. "Leave her alone!" 


The gang turns around and laughs. "Or what?" 

Kris doesn't know what. A sudden instinct fills him, and he runs over to the leader, punching him in the face. His hand throbs, and he is surprised. Adrenaline overcomes his pain though, and he begins to fight off the gang while the rest of Exo rushes in to defend their leader and the unconcious girl. 


Kai kicks one of the men and recieves a punch in the stomach. Kai is strong and athletic, but not being familiar with pain slows him down. He fights hard though, and knocks out as many gang members as he can, and quickly rushes over to the girl who looks as if she's sleeping. He sees that she's breathing, and nods towards D.O who helps him pick up the girl and drag her to a safer place. 


Exo fights hard, and soon defeat all of the gang members, their hundreds of years of strength outweighing their fight experience. They scamper after Kai, D.O, and the girl.






Your POV:


Your eyes flutter open, and you jump seeing a group of boys surrounding you. They aren't malicious, you can tell. 

"W...what happened?" you ask them. They look shocked to see you, and you can't help but notice they're all very handsome.


"Well you were in an alley and---" one of them begins. 

"I know, but I mean what happened after I was knocked out?" you ask, impatiently.

"Knocked out?" a tall one asks, confused.


"Sleeping?" an innocent looking one asks.

"No..." You stare at them, confused at their weird lack of understanding. 

"Well there were some bad people who were bothering you, so we...beat em up," says a man with an air of authority.

"Who are you?" you wonder outloud.


"Oh, we're Exo and we're not from here," says the same man with authority. 


"Where are you from then?" You're weirded out to the max.






"What the hell is that?"

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Chapter 3: nice story !!! update soon~
Chapter 2: Wah, nice story!
Hope you will update again soon~ hwaiting!