
I'll show you talent

Jina's POV;

I was listening to After School's Shampoo and mouthed the words to myself, I suddenly became thirsty and took off my earphones. *How do I get his attention??!?! I can't just poke him!!!!* After a nice 10 minutes of arguing with myself i finally decided to talk, "Um... e-excuse me, Byunghun-ssi", I said quietly, He and 5 others turned towards me *Oh apparently they're all Byunghun-* I thought sarcastically, "Um Wheres the kitchen?" I asked, still speaking quietly. "Down the hall, to your left, turn at the corner go, through the double doors, walk straight, and then you're at the kitchen", Byunghun said, I looked at him with a blank expression *I suppose this place has no shortcuts* i thought and got up, Then suddenly one of the guys stood up "Obviously she caught none of that...Come on i'll take you" The guy said and started walking off, I quickly ran up to him so i wont get lost, I dont know about you, but i dont carry GPS's in my pocket. "Um... So are you new around here?" The guy asked, "Oh- uh- Somewhat, i lived here when i was younger but then my family moved to California" I exlained, "Ohh California, so you're fluent in english?" He asked, I nodded. He just puffed out his cheeks, "Here we are- The kitchen" He said, "Oh Thank you" I said quickly and bowed. He nodded and walked away, *I didn't catch his name-* I thought while walking into the kitchen, Once I entered I saw my mom and auntie, "Oh Jina!! What brings you here? Are you hungry??" Auntie asked, I smiled "Aniyo~ Just a bit thirsty" I said, Auntie nodded "What would you like sweetie? Milk? Juice? Oh how about a smoothie?? Oh I have energy drinks! Oh! Are you the Soda type of girl? Oh I could make you some coffee!!" Auntie said, I shook my head "Aniyo! Water is fine" I said trying to hide my smile. "Oh... Well that's good, water is good for you!" Auntie said while getting me a glass of h2o, "Here you are Hun" Auntie said with a smile, I bowed "Kamsahamnida Auntie~" I said and started to walk away, once I was far from the kitchen I suddenly face palmed myself *Aisshhhh~~!!! Which way is the living room?!?* I thought with a sigh, "I'll just walk around and maybe I'll run into the living room" I told myself, "Lee Jina, Quit talking to yourself!!", I said to myself... Again *I really need a life* I thought and started walking up a staircase, thinking there'd be another staircase on the other side, but wow was I wrong. Once I got up there all I saw were rooms- BEDROOMS "Now I really wish I carried around a GPS" I said, well as long as I'm up here, might as well look around. Auntie did tell me to make myself at home~ 

Every door was wide open, except for one room. *Is it a guest room?* I thought to myself, Slowly I twisted the doorknob and when I opened the door I saw a neat and tidy room with books and papers on the desk, "Ahh~ It's probably someone's room" I told myself, as I was about to leave, something caught my eye. *A guitar?* I thought to myself while slowly approaching it, I picked it up and gave the strings a quick strum. It came out sounding like a dying sea lion- REPEAT DYING. SEA. LION. *The guitar isn't tuned properly* I thought and began tuning it correctly. 

As I was about to finish with the guitar I heard the door opening, "YAH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!?" I heard someone yell, I turned to see who yelled, and it was Byunghun- Startled to death I stood up and bowed "Mianhe, I didn't know" I said with a shaking voice, "Aish Pabo, Dont you know you shouldn't mess with people's things without asking??" He said with an annoyed tone, "YAH! I said sorry already! Chill..." I said also with an annoyed tone. He just stood there and glared at me, "Looks don't kill, ..." I blurted, Next thing i knew I was pinned against the wall between two somewhat-muscular arms. "Yah- W-What are you doing", I said trying not to so nervous, I saw him smirk and he began to come closer *NoNoNoNo He's not gonna kiss me.........right?* I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting to feel his lips on mine, but i felt nothing... Hesitantly, I opened my eyes and saw... nothing. *What the-- Where'd he go?* I Thought, I exited the room and saw another staircase, "When did this get here?" I asked myself, I began walking down the stairs and when i reached the bottom, I was in the living room! "Jina! There you are! Where have you been??" My mom asked, "I kinda got lost--" I said, looking down in embarassment. I heard a chuckle "Aigoo, Jina dear. Next time you come i'll give you a mini tour" Auntie said with a grin, *A map would be useful..* I thought. "Okayyyyyy!!!!!!! I guess we'll be going now, It was great seeing you again!" My dad said to Auntie and uncle, They nodded back "You too, We should meet up again!" Uncle said. "Oh how about dinner! I Heard tomorrow night a new restaurant is opening in... Hongdae, Was it?" Auntie said, "Ohh Neh, We'll be there! Around 7? If That's okay with you two" My mom said with a smile, Auntie and uncle nodded in agreement "Sounds great!", *Umma.... if you mention me-* "How about we bring the kids too?? They could use some fresh air instead of staying in all day!" My dad said, *Oh nope- appa did it this time*. "Great idea! So its settled, tomorrow night at 7" Uncle said, Everyone nodded. Well everyone except for me... I'd rather be home playing flappy bird .____.

We soon left auntie's house, "Aishh Umma! Can I stay home tomorrow night instead?" I asked with a pout, "Ani, You need to get out more often." She said, "Plus that Byunghun kid seems to be a nice boy, Don't you girls think?" She added, *Pft... Nice my * I thought, "Fine..." I said, I looked over at Minah, Jaemi, And Mihee. They were still listening to music! It's usually like this, we always have our headphones on, music is like our life. I then remembered that we get to see our new house, AHHHH!! I hope it's nice~! "Girls, Headphones off. You're about to see your new house!" Dad said, Oh and Jaemi's, Mihee's, And Minah's Parents are still in America, They have to take care of the American branch of the company. They took their earphones off at the same time, I sometimes think we really are robots... But who knows. "Okay girls, We're here. What do you think?" Umma said with that sparkle in her eye.

"OMO! Fancier Fancier~!!!", Jaemi said which made me chuckle, *Hopefully I won't get lost* I Thought. "You each get you own room, unless you'd like to share?" Dad said, I shook my head "ANII~! IM NOT SHARING!" I yelled "Well geez, No need to yell" Mihee said, I scrunched up my nose, *Oh well~* I thought. "Okay, enough chit chat. You 4 are starting school tomorrow, so go grab a snack or something. Then get ready for bed, Unpack in the morning", Umma said. We nodded and ran towards the door, when i opened the door i couldn't believe my eyes, THIS HOUSE IS LARGER THAN THE ONE WE HAD IN L.A! Okay, now i'm really scared of getting lost- I hope this place has labels. I walked up upstairs and saw labels on every room. *Wow, they must've known--* I looked for the room that said my name and found it at the very end of the hall, I reached for the handle and twisted it. When the door was wide open, I mentally screamed! I CAN FAINT RIGHT NOW!

My favorite colors~! There was another part of the room, Which just had a T.V and a couch.... and a mini fridge! HOW DID THEY KNOW I DON'T LIKE WALKING FAR TO GET MY FOOD???? Awww I'm touched...Kinda.


I'll check out everything else later.... Right now I'm just gonna take a nice long shower and then go to bed.


{A/N: Hai der! I was kind of rushing through this chapter so it's a bit... eh and boring, But~! I Think i can double update- maybe triple im not sure, but yeah. Oh and  Sorry for the typos and stuff- no silent readers~! Comments are loved!!}


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update soon author :3
nielsgirl #2
Chapter 3: Keep up the good work, update soon please
Chapter 3: Update soon!! I wanna see her beating his with her talent!!
nielsgirl #4
Chapter 2: Lol " pft...nice my " lol
Chapter 3: daebakkkkkkkk update moreeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@!!!!!!!!!!!!!
girls_exo #6
Chapter 3: keep it up plz update soon
Chapter 1: 아니요~ Its not boring! Update soon!! ^.^
girls_exo #8
Chapter 1: update plz xD
Seem interesting!! Update soon! ^.^