
Don't Give Up On Us
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Tasha let her eyes wandered around as she inhaled a huge amount of air while she's at it. It's time, years of hiding under a rock, it's finally time. Her gaze fell onto her brother. Her eyes begged for help, but Sehun couldn't do anything. He could only let out a chuckle and lift his fist up, mouthing a huge 'fighting'. She can't help, but felt a whole lot better. Flashing him a small genuine smile, she finally gathered her courage and took a step towards the stage when her name was announced. Taking a second to calm herself and analyzed everything, she felt her heart stopped when her eyes fell upon a familiar tanned male figure by the back, standing beside her brother. It was no other than Kim Jongin.

'What is he doing here? He's not suppose to be here'

Then again, this is the only chance to show off her dancing skills, and that her love for dancing, isn't just a game. Its stronger than anything than anything in the world to her, and she wanted to show him that, show everyone that. The lights in the auditorium dimmed out, and as she stood in the middle of the stage, she felt her heartbeat thumping against her chest again, as the music started filling the whole room.

'You can do it, bring that trophy back home'

Her mother'a voice rang through her mind, and with that said, her lips curled into a small smile and she began counting the beat of the music. 

'Follow the rhythm, hit the beat. Use your body, as a way to show your emotions, your concealed feelings. Don't be afraid anymore.'

The lights shone at her, but the only thing in her mind, was him. Her body moving in rhythm with the slow music, not missing any steps. Jumping, swaying, turning so flawlessly. The crowd began to cheer for her, and she knew that her dreams, are finally fulfilled. And the only person who popped into her mind, was no other than Sehun. Sehun who always motivated her, cheered for her to go on, always catching her back. Swaying to the rhythm, she slowly, beautifully end the dance, the smile never leaving her face. The room was filled with cheers and applause, but the only thing she saw at the moment was Jongin. He was cheering with the crowd as well. Bowing for the last time, she ran backstage, looking for that certain someone, and when she finally spot him, she ran towards him crashing him with a tight-bear hug. 

"Woah, slow down tiger."

"I did it Oppa!"

Sehun's eyes soften at the sight of tears streaming down her face. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ears, he pecked his little sister's forehead lovingly, tightening the embrace. He loved his sister more than anything, and seeing her happiness, made him happy as well. 

"I knew you can do it"

Tasha couldn't help but teared up more at her brother's touching words. She snuggled closer to his chest, soaking his blouse as Sehun chuckled at his baby sister, rubbing her back to calm her down.


Both their heads turned to the male pushing his way through the busy people. Jongin jogged towards them, flashing her his killer smile. Her heart fluttered at the sight, as she slowly pulled away from her brother. 

"You were awesome Tasha!"

"Thank you, Oppa"

It was hard, standing before two male she both loved. Still, she succeeded in faking a smile. She watched as the two male talked about dancing, and she couldn't help but to feel slightly hurt. Would they ever have a chance to be together? Guess not. Jongin deserved better than her. A sigh left her lips, an action she wished she hadn't do. Two pair of eyes were staring at hers, as she swallowed a lump forming in .

"Whats wrong Tash?"

Just when she was about to make some excuse, the teacher called out for her. It's time, they're gonna announce the winner.

Only god knows how she felt at that moment. Sh

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Decided to merge with 0N35H07 cos i'm lazy


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