
Don't Give Up On Us
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Some mornings, it's hard to get out of the bed. Sleep lures you like a stranger with a piece of candy. Follow me. It will be alright, i promise. You know better, but still you follow, because you really do love candy. When you finally open your eyes, late for everything and your whole day screwed, you curse that bastard.

It happened to Tasha hundred times. But not today. Today was different. Anticipation is the best alarm there is, and it shook her awake before her phone even had the chance. She got up, a huge grin plastered across her face while moving around her room with her iPod on and earbuds in. The day she had been anticipating for.

Dance Festival 2014

Every year, her school would run such events, showing off their students hidden talent. Tasha dreamt of performing once but never had she ever had the guts to do so. But it's her final year, she couldn't waste it no more. As she head towards her walk-in closet, her eyes gleamed in joy at the sight before her. This outfit, took her a week to plan this outfit. Letting out a soft squeal, she skipped happily to the bathroom and wasted no more time.

Tasha had always dreamt of being a dancer. Maybe it runs in the blood considering how her mother is a ceritfied professional ballerina, and her father was a chereographer. Yes, was. He now owned his very own company, passed on by his late father. Anyways, her older brother, Oh Sehun is an incredible dancer, but unlike herself, he never dreamt of being a dancer. Instead, he dreamt of being a successful rapper one day.

"Tasha-ah! Breakfast's ready!"

Glancing at her reflection for the last time, she grabbed her essential before running down to catch on her breakfast. As usual, she would plant soft kisses onto her mother's cheek, before tackling her brother with a tight embrace. Sadly though, she barely meet her father in the mornings, well what do you expect from a busy man? Regardless, their relationship was great, so far.

"So i heard from your brother you're finally attending the dance competition"

Tasha glared at her brother, who happened to be grinning mischievously at her. He was suppose to keep it a secret, especially from their mother. They both knew how Mrs. Oh can be so strict (and annoying) sometimes, especially when it comes to dance, her true passion. She set very high expectations for both Tasha and Sehun, and if they both can't reach it, who knows what she'll do.

"Uh yeah"

"Great! You better bring the trophy home! Our cabinet needs something new to shine besides my old awards"

Mm-hmm, i told you so.



"I hate you, oppa"

Tasha muttered, striding pass Sehun in the hallw

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Decided to merge with 0N35H07 cos i'm lazy


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