First Meeting

No Gravity for Falling in Love

Yifan lifted both hands forward and formed “T”, “Wuoke, time out.” He pushed his chair backward and stood up. “I’m going to make coffee. Do you need anything?” He asked the man who sat accross him.

The man shook his head. “I can’t drink coffee.”

“You can’t?” Yifan raised his eyebrows, but didn’t say anything. Yifan turned around and walked to kitchen. He took out the clean filter basket from the cabinet and put it back into the coffee maker. Yifan spooned the coffee while peeking to the man he ditched sat at dining table.

Fifteen minutes ago, Yifan opened his eyes, thanks to the noise made of stupid one man conversation in his room. The sight of the most beautiful man he ever saw, kneeling next to his bed with worried look on his face, successfully waking Yifan up (and crashed his bum to the floor with loud sound). His head (and bum) hurt and the absurd story the man later told making his headached getting worse.

After Yifan moved their location to dining room, the stranger once again introduced himself as Zhang Yixing, angel in trainee, a guardian angel more precisely. He was flying out the heaven, having an outside praxis by himself without a mentor and because of his clumsiness; he dropped his guide book on area around Yifan’s house. And thanks to his daydream habit, Yixing just realized it when the time to go back to heaven almost arrived. Yixing searched the guide book, passed the curfew and finally success found the whereabouts of his guide book after Yifan touched it.

And now Yifan need caffeine to force his brain to absorb that illogical story.

Yifan brought the mug filled with fresh coffee (from coffee maker) to dining table and sat across Yixing. With eyes glued to the latter, Yifan sipped his coffee. “You know it’s really hard to believe your story,” he said after putting back the mug on the table.

“I know.”

Yifan sighed, confused what he should say in this matter. His head hurt. He was also hungry. Still feeling so sleepy, but couldn’t go back to bed because he had schedule this morning. And apparently he only had fifteen minutes left to get ready for work.

“Okay, assuming that you are an angel in training—"I AM REALLY an angel"—well, assuming that I believe you’re an angel, what are you doing here? You could just take your book and flew out here without showing yourself to me.”

“You’ve helped me, so I have to reciprocate it—“

“No, you don’t.” Yifan cut him off.

“No, I have to!” Flurry, Yixing rose from his chair. “I have to repay for your kindness.”

Yifan chortled. “Thank you, but I don’t need anything in the moment.”


“Look, I have work today, so I need to get ready.” Yifan pushed the guide book that already been taken out from his suit before toward Yixing and smiled. “Now that you already have your book, you can go back to heaven and study more so that next time you can be more carefully. And if you really insist, consider this as my wish—“ Yifan walked around the dining table and took a chance to shuffle Yixing’s hair playfully. “Keep up your good work and try your best not to lose things anymore, so that one day after you finish your training, you can be a great angel. Because from your eyes, I can see that you are honest, innocent and sincere and you will be a great angel.” And Yifan thought, whoever human guarded by him would be the luckiest people in earth.Yifan closed the garage door and sighed. His body felt so tired, but his head couldn’t stop thinking about the event that occurred this morning. Luckily their three hours surgery went so well, even though based on Yifan’s opinion that was the only thing he managed to do well today.

“CRAP!” Yifan startled when he opened his front door and found the man that today successfully occupied his mind stood there at entrance way. “You surprised me!”

“I’m sorry.” Yixing smiled, flashing his dimple and beautiful innocent smile. “Welcome home!”

Yifan frowned. This morning when he went out his room in a state ready for work, he couldn’t find him. Yifan searched for the shorter but couldn’t found him. He also couldn’t find the guide book. So, Yifan thought this angel certainly had gone back to heaven. Well, he didn’t. Or he did, but then he came back down here again.

“What are you doing here?” With knitting eyebrows, Yifan took off his shoes and walked pass Yixing.

“Can we talk?” Yixing trailed behind the tall giant.

Yifan threw his bag on couch and flopped there. He took of his suit and tie, then put them on his working bag. Leaning back to couch, Yifan resting his head and closed his eyes. Luckily tomorrow ws Sunday, because he could use long sleep. A very very veeeryyyy long sleep.


Yifan jolted, completely forgot the existence of the angel. “I’m sorry. You want to talk? Let’s talk!” Yifan opened his head, lifted his head and stared at the angel who tensely stood in front of him.

Yixing nodded.

“You can sit!” Yifan said gently while pointed his hand to couch in front of him. After Yixing followed his words, Yifan straightened his body. “Now talk!”

Yixing fidgeted and his head ducked down, avoiding Yifan’s eyes. “At—At first, I want to say I—I’m so—sorry,” He apologized hesitantly.

Yifan didn’t say a word. He couldn’t understand the reason behind his apology.

“You—You are angry, right?”

“Angry? For what?”

“For me interference in your day life? For everything? Because you have—“ Yixing pointed on wrinkling on his own forehead, implying the frowning on Yifan’s face.

Yifan chuckled. “I’m not. It’s the face.” Luhan always told him about this since the first time they met. How Yifan always presented himself as a cold guy. How people always misunderstood about his face. How he always frowned in—this was Luhan’s word—90% of his day life. Not that Yifan put frowning face intentionally, but it was just his habit. And he couldn’t help it. “I didn’t say I hate or dislike you, right? I just felt so tired because I couldn’t sleep well lately.”

“Then we can talk later,” Yixing suggested, “After you woke up. After you feel refreshed.”

“No, now is fine.” Yifan objected. “Tomorrow is my day off; I can sleep all day tomorrow. Now, tell me what you want to talk about!”

“About your wish—“

“Like I said this morning, I don’t need anything right now. I’m contented with the way I am right now.”

“I know.” Yixing fiddled with his fingers. “But you helped me and I still owe you, so I came back to heaven and talked to joonma-ssi about this condition. He—“


Yixing lifted his head and looked at Yifan with fond smile on his face. “He’s our leader, the mother. His name is actually Joonmyeon-ssi. He’s so kind, caring and always look after us, such mother. And that’s why Tao always called him Joonma, so—“


Yixing grinned. “Tao is my fellow trainee. You should meet him. He has this frightening face, but opposed to that, he also has this high pitch vocal and always giggles like school girl. He is very cute and—“ Yixing paused talking. “Sorry, I’m talking too much?”

Yifan chuckled. “That’s fine. But, is it alright to reveal their name to me? I mean, you came from heaven and I’m only a small human being.”

“You are not small human being. There is no small or big human being. Every human is worth the same.” Yixing shrugged. “But, I don’t know about that matter, I’ll ask Minseok-hyung later,” Yixing continued with soft voice, making Yifan’s laugh getting louder.

“I won’t tattle.”

“Thank you and sorry for babbling.” Yixing smiled. Once again his trademark dimple showed up and the smile, the eyes, the whole Yixing successfully dumbfounded Yifan with awestruck. “So, I talked to Joonmyeon-ssi and he agreed to let me stay on earth until I fulfill your wish.”

“Like I’ve told you for so many times—“

“I will wait for it.”

“You will what?” Yifan confused.

“I will wait until you have a wish for me to fulfil.” Yixing grinned. “I asked Joonmyeon-ssi to let me stay in earth until you have a wish for me. And he said yes.”

“How about my wish from this morning.”

“Which one?” Yixing widened his eyes, surprised that he couldn’t catch Yifan’s wish from their conversation this morning. “You already told me your wish?”

“That I wished you to become great angel?” Yifan reminded him.

“Ah~” Yixing smiled sheepishly. “Even though I am grateful for your wish—Yixing scratched his head uncomfortably—but I couldn’t count it as your wish.”

Yifan stared at the angel and took deep breath. “You’ll gonna stay on earth, with me, here, until I have a wish for you to fulfill?”

“I can do cleaning,” Yixing insisted. “And laundry. And I don’t eat much. I only drink water or milk, and I can absorb energy from sunlight or I can ask heaven to send me manna every day. I will try my best not to burden you, so, please, let me stay here until I make your wish came true. Please! Please! Please?”

“How about your training?” Yifan asked further.

“Actually we had this fieldwork practice as one of the subject matters. And despite I will learn it next year, Joonmyeon-ssi allowed me to experience it now. I also already talked to Minseok-hyung, asking him to switch place with me—“

“Wait!” Yifan cut him off, “Switch place? What do you mean?”

“Switch place as your guardian angel,” Yixing answered, “I asked Minseok-hyung, your guardian angel, to let me be your guardian angel, because one human can only guard by a guardian angel.”

“OH, LORD!” Bottle up, Yifan pulled his hair backward. “Too much information in one day. My brain hurts.”

Yixing rose from his seat and approached Yifan. He knelt in front of Yifan and looked at the giant worriedly. “Are you okay? I’m sorry if I gave you—“

“No, it’s not your fault. This is the first time I heard guardian angel. Also the first time I know I had guardian angel. It’s not easy to believe it, you know! Tell me, why I can see you, but I can’t see my guardian angel?”

“Because you touch my guide book,” Yixing reached into his toga and pulled out the black book into his palm. “And obviously Minseok-hyung is better angel than me because you haven’t had the chance to see him.”

“Indeed.” Yifan shrugged. “How does he look like?”

“He is a good man. Very quiet and he always stood next to you. He told me also that you never caused him anything bad. He likes you.”

Yifan turned around, seeing if he could catch any glimpse of his guardian existence. “Is he here?”

“Right now?” Yixing bobbed his head to Yifan’s right side. “He is here.”

“He can hear me?” Yifan turned his face to his right side, but cannot see anything.

Yixing lifted his eyes to the Yifan’s right side and stared away. “Hyung, you can hear him, right?”—Yixing laughed—“I haven’t finished the book.”—“I don’t know, Hyung.”—“Tell him?”—“Okay!” One minute later, Yixing opened his mouth and answered Yifan’s question. “He can hear you if you purposely talking to him.”

“Purposely talking to him?”

“Just talk like he is standing there.”

Yifan stared at the space next to him, but once again, he couldn’t feel or see anything there. He could feel slowly but sure his cheeks getting red because internally he felt what he would do was stupid. But he believed in Yixing’s words. “Ummm~ wait, who is his name before?”


“Okay—hmm—Minseok-ssi, I just found out that I have a guardian angel. So, I’m sorry if I complicated your—hmmm—responsible when you were watching over me. And thank you for staying with me as my guardian angel.”

Yifan didn’t get the reply from his side, but from his front.

“He thanked you too. He said he loved guarding you. He said he wished for loving and happier future for you.”

Yifan chuckled. He cupped his own cheeks and from the warmness, he knew his cheeks were red from the blush. “If anyone saw what we were doing right now, he must think we escaped patients from mental hospital. And I don’t need a housemaid, because I can do my own chores by myself. But—“ Yifan paused for a while, then, “You can stay here.” Yifan leaned back to sofa and smiled. “You can stay here as long as you want to. Because apparently it felt good having someone welcomed you home after long day work.”




A/N : thank you for every subscribers, especially moonfairy (how the hell you tag username!!!!!!) for loving me~
kekekekekekke~ (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

picture credit goes to y3het@tumblr

and once again I remind you, un-beta-ed, English is not my first language, beware of the misused vocabs and bad grammars~ I love you and ja~

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Chapter 3: dkjfkldjgsdkf OH GOSH!!! THAT PICTURE!! >.< I've been staring that pic on tumblr before hahahaha... <3 <3 <3 and I'm still not sure if I would prefer Yixing to be for-Yifan's-eyes-only or everybody could see him :)) soooooo I want to know which is which.... and I'll patiently wait for the answer hohoho :3 and you know it's my pleasure to help bb <3 *wink* *wink*
bizzyMe #2
Chapter 3: awwwwww~ yixing and his dimple ^^
Chapter 2: so cute ; _ ;
Chapter 2: aaaa...
Chapter 2: ahhhh~~
so cute!!
Chapter 2: I would love to have Yixing as my guardian angel too *_*
bizzyMe #7
Chapter 2: great story. wait for the update. =)
Chapter 1: Hahaha :)) Kris passed out? That would be really funny if happens in real life though XD