chapter 1

Remember me?

“You should at least go out in your room, you’re going to be sick” kyungsoo pulled chanyeol. “soo , leave me alone.. I don’t have … any place to go now.. just leave-” chanyeol cut off by kyungsoo “don’t have? Phss.. I have! You know I leave you alone for 1 year already. You should get hold to yourself and forget-“  chanyeol get up and glared to kyungsoo “ stop. Don’t continue I don’t want to hear any about that issue.” The two of them stayed silenced. After a few minutes chanyeol spoke up to change the mood. “where are you going soo? Are you buying some ingredients?” chanyeol looked up and wait for his brother response . “nae. I’m going to cook a lot today because we’re going to have a get together party. For you to cheer up and they said they missed you they didn’t see the derp creepy smile for 1 year.” Kyungsoo chuckles. “Shut up hyung !” chanyeol rolled his eyes. “I change my mind I won’t go with you!” he lay in his bed and cover his body with the blanket. “yah.. I’m kidding chanyeol. Don’t be so childish you’re not even a grade-schooler aren’t you? So stop acting one “ kyungsoo laugh trying to annoy chanyeol. “ yeah yeah . call me whatever you want.”

“were here! Wake up chanyeol! “ kyungsoo shaking chanyeol. “yeah yeah.. I’m awake. So just go in first  give me 5 minutes”chanyeol face the other side and sleep. Kyungsoo drag chanyeol out of the car. “I let you come to accompany me while buying things I need not by waiting in the car sleeping.” Chanyeol just sigh . “arraseo boss.. what do you need? Let’s finish it fast so I can sleep.” Kyungsoo glare “you lazy derp. You even like sleep for one year. It’s not enough? You should start working if you don’t want to get fat you won’t get any girlfriend or boyfriend.” Kyungsoo chuckles and he’s smile fade when he saw  Chanyeol smile weakly “ I don’t care since the one I like won’t be here.” The two of them are silenced for 5 minutes. “hyung.. we should hurry up and go home I don’t feel well “ kyungsoo nodded. “chanyeol can you get this.. and this.” While pointing to the list and chanyeol nodded and headed to the section where the ingredients he needed. While walking the he saw someone who are wearing santa claus suit. He smiled weakly as the flashback keep repeating to his mind and it hurt him. This is the reason why he don’t want to go out to his room, he can see him everywhere he goes, he’s haunted with his presence. Chanyeol bite his lips I shouldn’t cry it’s been a year chanyeol forget about him. Chanyeol looks up and focus what’s he’s looking for when he found it he grab it and when he’s about to leave he bump to the person behind him. Chanyeol was about to apologized when he saw the person he bumped to, the sugar he’s holding fell on the floor and scatter on the floor his eyes became wider and couldn’t say anything. He have a brown hair, white skin, wearing a knitted sweater and looking at me with a big eyes. Chanyeol began to open his mouth slowly saying” byun…baek..hyun..”

“where did that brat go? I thought he wants to go home early ,why he’s taking so long just to get sugar and.. oh there he is. Why is he standing shockingly? And the sugar… aishh this kid maybe he didn’t know what to do since he create a big mess.. aisshh.. “ kyung rashly grab chanyeol arm “ yah. Why took you so long and why the sugar-“ kyungsoo stop when he saw baekhyun in front of him. “ baekhyun? “ kyungsoo said while looking to chanyeol he’s worried how will chanyeol react after a year he saw the guy he thinks that he will never ever saw him. And the reason for his sudden change , happy virus ---> lonely, and leave me alone virus. Kyungsoo sighed and waited to either of them talk. Baekhyun start to open his mouth “ who are you? And how did you knew my name?” 


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Chapter 4: who the bicth ?? is that you, kai ?? oh no !!! btw you know, im crying while reading your story and it make me wont sleep yet -.- cant wait for next chapter ~!!
Chapter 3: What is this? ?? Baek why did you hate Channie??
DO_squishy_SOO94 #3
Chapter 3: Mmm... Idk who's side should i choose to support them.
DO_squishy_SOO94 #4
Chapter 2: Oh..thats the reason why baek hate chanyeol. Love and hate situation~
DO_squishy_SOO94 #5
Chapter 1: What happen exactly? I'm so curious now! Update soon! ^^