
Something's Wrong With Us

"It's about time you woke up." The girl jeered.

Hongbin fluttered his eyes open, and saw a tray of food in front of him. He noticed that his arms were untied, too, the ropes were now under his chair. He looked at his arm and saw his huge open wound, he can actually see some of the flesh if he looked close enough.

So this wasn't just a nightmare. Hongbin thought.

He tried to discreetly look at the girl and saw her sitting in a chair at the other side of the warehouse, still wearing that black dress from yesterday looking at him intently, as if observing him. He quickly looked away when their eyes met.

"Are you going to eat or what?" The girl asked.

She seems to be in a good mood today. She looks absolutely beautiful. Even though she's psychotic, I can't bring myself to stop looking at her. He thought.

He only stared at her wide-eyed and gulped, his adam's apple bobbing up and down.

What am I supposed to say? 

He slowly reached for the tray when the girl suddenly stood up from her seat and walked towards him, the familiar look in her eyes coming back.

"I asked you a question.She said venomously, sending waves of fear down Hongbin's spine. She grabbed Hongbin's arms strongly and pushed them down so he couldn't move. She reached for the ropes under the chair and tied them up again.

She then grabbed Hongbin by his jaw and slowly the shell of his ear.

"I hate it when people ignore me, Hongbin." She breathily whispered to his ear, before biting hard, a small amount of blood coming out. She the blood and on his earlobe.

Hongbin let out a breathy moan, his breathing turning into short and ragged breaths.

I'm not supposed to feel this way! Hongbin thought frantically to himself.

"I-I-I'm not ignoring you... I wanted to eat..." He said nervously, his heart still beating erratically from what just happened.

"You're taking advantage of my kindness, Hongbin. I guess you're going to have to pay for it, huh?" She told him, getting a jack-knife from the table of blades beside his chair, flipping it open and drawing lines on his chest but not yet wounding him.

"P-please don't hurt me... I'm begging you... please... I'm sorry... please don't hurt me." He whispered to her, his face clearly terrified.

"That's all I wanted to hear, Hongbin-ah! Hana forgives you! Enjoy your food!" The girl chirped happily, before putting the jack-knife back, untying the ropes from his hands, then placing the tray on his lap.

He breathed a sigh of relief when she walked away from him but before she could leave the warehouse, she looked back at him and smiled.

"Don't try anything funny while I'm gone, because if you do, I can assure you that you're going to regret it." She told him, before slamming the door close.

So her name is Hana. Hongbin thought.

What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like her.

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JiminSnowshine #1
Chapter 5: Please update! I can't wait to see the rest! This story is awesome!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️??????????????????????
Anyang_Devil17 #2
Chapter 5: this story is awesome! please update more!
nice story^^
Chapter 5: I really like your story and I am looking forward to knowing what will happen next..
I like How you express things
Chapter 5: I know that comments motivate the author so yeah, I'm here. Hehe. Anyway, I love this story so much. And I think I coud help you about getting more attentions. I'm an author, too.(KiSeob) I suggest you should run every chapter with atleast 1'5K words. And I think more braintwists:) Wish you all the best & update soon cause I and 11 friends of mine are assuming much^^ God bless~
s-senpai #6
ara_kt #7
Chapter 4: Sorry for commenting a little late. I actually really like the story so far. It's really interesting how Hongbin is putting his life on the line for her even though she cause him pain. I'm excited for more, fighting!! And happy birthday. (^-^)