
Something's Wrong With Us

"Hongbin, wake up." a soft voice called out.

His eyes opened slowly and was greeted by Hana's calm face, as if nothing happened. He examined her carefully and noticed that her eyes held no anger, she didn't have that twisted smile on her face.

She looks... okay.

He moved his wrists around only to find out that his wrists were untied, so were his legs. He checked for his arm that was previously stabbed and mutilated mercilessly by her, and was surprised to see that his wound was now covered with bandages, the pain now barely felt. Hongbin was beyond confused, what was the reason for the sudden kindness? Was this to prepare him for another round of torture? He switched his gaze from his now bandaged arm to Hana, her long, black hair framing her face.

"I... I untied your arms and legs today." She said quietly, not a trace of anger or craziness in her tone.

Hana looked at Hongbin expectantly, as if waiting for him to say something.

She hates being ignored... He thought.

"Thank you." He replied quietly, unsure of what to say. He slowly stood up, looking at her as if asking permission silently if it was okay. He didn't want to go through another round of so much pain, so he had to make sure.

Hana laughed softly and nodded.

This is the first time I've ever seen her laugh... genuinely. Her laugh is beautiful.

He stood up slowly and walked towards Hana. When she was now right in front of him, Hongbin was scared. He saw a brief flash of confusion in her eyes before returning to her calm manner, looking at Hongbin as if wondering what he was about to do.

He tucked her hair behind her ear with his finger and looked at her gently. They stayed like that for a few seconds, just staring at each other, but it felt longer. Disbelief was shown on Hana's face, but Hongbin wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing. He sent her a small smile, but his eyes held a trace of uncertainty, hoping something good would come out of this.

The silence continued for about 10 seconds, when Hana spoke up.

"You're really not leaving, aren't you?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. 

"Your arms and legs are untied, you can run away, you can escape if you want to." She said, her voice becoming firm this time.

Hongbin hesitated at her words.

I can run away right now, if I wanted to. Hongbin thought to himself.

Why am I still standing here, in front of her, tucking her hair behind her ear?

Hana saw the flash of hesitation in Hongbin's eyes, and felt slightly disappointed.

Maybe he does want to run away. Maybe this was just to get me distracted. He can never really escape anyway. She mentally scoffed.

But Hongbin would never leave. No matter how much she hurts him, he will always be there for her. Even when the pain gets unbearable, and he could feel his tears streaming down his face, even if he sees blood spurting out of his skin, he will never want to leave her. He wants to be with her, he wants to fix her.

Hongbin saw Hana's face change, showing an unreadable emotion.

Is she disappointed? Does she care for me?

Hana was about to walk away, when Hongbin's voice broke the silence.

"I'm not leaving you." He told her softly, before grabbing her hand and pulling her into his arms, embracing her.

Hana let out a barely heard gasp of surprise, but Hongbin was able to catch it. 

She didn't say anything, she just stayed in Hongbin's arms, enjoying the feeling of his warmth, the silence. She wanted time to stop and just stay in this moment. But she knew things don't go that way. She knew all things come to an end. Reality really was despicable, but she learned to accept the truth about this a long time ago.

I guess I should just enjoy this while it lasts.

Hongbin didn't say anything, too. He was shocked by his sudden gesture to embrace Hana, but he doesn't regret doing it.

Hongbin wants to say a lot of things. He wants to ask her why. Why does she make him feel this way? He wants to tell her that even through all of the torture he receives from Hana, he can't bring himself to hate her. He always comes back to her. He wants to tell her that she mesmerizes him. That he's willing to do anything for her. But he stays silent, he enjoys the silence, anyway. If he says something, he's afraid that he might screw up this once-in-a-lifetime moment they're having right now.

Hana broke away from the embrace and looked up at Hongbin briefly, before grabbing onto his hair and kissing him. She tugged at his hair causing his head to lean down. At first Hongbin was unresponsive due to his shock but after a few seconds, their lips moved in sync. She ran her tongue on his lower lip before biting it softly, making Hongbin let out a small gasp, taking this as the opportunity to slip her tongue into his mouth, meeting Hongbin's. Their tongues fought, but in the end, it was Hana who was dominating the kiss. They kissed for a few more seconds, enjoying the feeling of each other's lips. Hana then broke the kiss and moved her lips onto his neck, her hands still grabbing his hair, latching her lips on a small patch of skin just above his collarbone, on it, leaving a red mark that will surely stay there for at least a week. She bit on it slightly, drawing a small amount of blood, then it away and continued to kiss and on Hongbin's neck. He threw his head back from the pleasure and pain, and let out a breathy moan, snaking his hands under Hana's dress, earning a y drawn-out moan from her. 

Hongbin was disappointed when he no longer felt her lips on his neck.

"What are we doing, Hongbin-ah?" She whispered, looking at him.

Hongbin didn't reply, he just smirked at her before pulling her into a kiss, with him dominating this time.

Hongbin wanted a sweet, gentle kiss, but he's okay with this too, as long as it's with Hana.


hey guys omg im back!! i was supposed to update last week but i had to do so much stuff for school wah im sorry! thank you to those who commented i appreciate it!! this is my longest chapter so far with 1k+ words!!! haha please give your feedback for this story!!! how do you think the story should go??? yay ok i have to sleep now!!

pls comment wah


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JiminSnowshine #1
Chapter 5: Please update! I can't wait to see the rest! This story is awesome!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️??????????????????????
Anyang_Devil17 #2
Chapter 5: this story is awesome! please update more!
nice story^^
Chapter 5: I really like your story and I am looking forward to knowing what will happen next..
I like How you express things
Chapter 5: I know that comments motivate the author so yeah, I'm here. Hehe. Anyway, I love this story so much. And I think I coud help you about getting more attentions. I'm an author, too.(KiSeob) I suggest you should run every chapter with atleast 1'5K words. And I think more braintwists:) Wish you all the best & update soon cause I and 11 friends of mine are assuming much^^ God bless~
s-senpai #6
ara_kt #7
Chapter 4: Sorry for commenting a little late. I actually really like the story so far. It's really interesting how Hongbin is putting his life on the line for her even though she cause him pain. I'm excited for more, fighting!! And happy birthday. (^-^)