

School has ended and Joanne was still frowning at the paper which Mrs. Lee handed to her. Painting? How on Earth will she handle that? She never loved painting. Well, maybe she can paint. Stick men are easy to handle but the complicated ones? Screw that! Art ! And when she says "Art !", she really mean it! Joanne never liked arts and arts didn't like her back. Not even the slightest!

"You got ballet?" Jennifer gasped, pointing at Jesel's paper with wide eyes as they walked side by side. "Why?"

Jesel smiled but a moment later, her head dropped in disappointment. "I don't know. I prefer drawing or painting. You all know that."

"Take mine!" Joanne blurted, throwing her paper at Jesel's direction. David caught it then he frowned at Joanne before he turned to Jesel and patted the latter's shoulder. "That's alright. Maybe because you're already good at painting, designing and so on that's why you were put to ballet. You can do it!" He cheered.

"Yeah, he's right. You're already good in those fields. Why not try ballet?" Mylene suggested. Jesel thought for a while. Of course! They have a point. She smiled and nodded her head. "What about you? What did you get?" she turned to all of them, walking backwards.

David and Raymon smiled and pointed for all the girls to answer first. Rischia and Jennifer smiled at each other. "We got singing!" the latter squealed excitedly while Rischia pouted. "I don't sing Jen."

"Singing?" David repeated. Then, he turned to Christine. "You didn't get singing? You're the lead vocalist of PiLlow. How come?"

"I was put to Theater." The latter answered in a bored manner. "My, Chill, what about you guys?"

"Orchestra." Mylene and Edchill answered in chorus. "WHAT?" They all yelled in unison.

"That's… wow!" Raymon commented breathlessly. He was speechless. Being a part of the orchestra is what everybody wanted. It's cool! And SAU has the most famous orchestra among the schools in Seoul.

"I'll be playing the piano." Mylene continued. They all nodded. Mylene really wants to become a master of piano. She can play few simple pieces but she can't handle the complicated ones. That's what she wants to improve at. However, seeing that she'll be playing the piano, Mylene will only appear in piano recitals. But that's alright. More than alright to be exact.

After that, everyone's attention turned to Edchill. The latter the back of her neck shyly.

"Violin." She whispered. They all heard but their faces were begging for some explanation so she continued. "Well, for a student to be transferred in SAU, they have to perform a talent first. Then, I performed that."

"So, you're a genius in violin? Wow!" Raymon couldn't help but praise her. Edchill said thanks to all of them. It isn't really a big deal. Edchill learned playing the violin when she was ten. It was somewhat a part of her soul and she's thankful that she'll be a part of the orchestra.

All the girls have revealed their assignments. Now, they all want to know David's and Raymon's.

"Dancing." Raymon answered. He's not bad in dancing but he's not that good either. "Well, think of it as training." Christine said. Now, they all looked at David. All of a sudden, he cracked up a big smile on his face. Obviously, he liked where he was assigned.

"Hey! What's yours?" Joanne asked impatiently. David grinned even more and squealed like a school girl. There's only one explanation when he's like this: Joanna. Joanna is his ultimate crush. He likes her a lot and he confessed so many times. Unfortunately, he got rejected in all those times but he never gave up even if she already has someone by her side.

"I got Literature and I'll be with-"

"Joanna." Mylene butted. "Come on, David. Snap out of it! She's already in a relationship." Mylene almost snarled. No one blames her. They all feel the same for David. He may be smiling but they all know he's hurting deep inside.


"David, she'll never look at you. You, or any other men out there." Jennifer added. "Please wake up."

"Why do you care? I like her! No, I love her! I still have a chance. I know I do. I just have to-"

"You'll never win her heart and she'll never feel anything for you because you're a man!" Mylene finally exploded. "She's not into men, okay? She's a lesbian. She's in a relationship with the same gender as hers. Got it?"

They all fell silent, especially Edchill who had no idea about what's going on. Raymon came to her side and explained everything so she won't panic much, not knowing what to do.

David stormed away. He couldn't handle it. They're his friends, they're supposed to understand him and give him courage but instead, here they are again, pulling him away from the woman he likes. So what if she's a lesbian? He'll change her. He'll be able to.


Mylene sighed and squatted by the corner of the street which leads to their first stop, Christine's house. They stayed for a while.

"I didn't mean to be harsh." She sighed. Jennifer went to her and patted her back. "We know."

Rischia frowned sadly. "Joanna's a very pretty girl. It's really a waste. She and David would be a great match if only she's not a lesbian." Jesel nodded in agreement. Christine frowned. She turned to Raymon.

"You!" She pointed. "Don't ever fall in love on the wrong person. It'll only give you heartache."

"Wow, Tin… Based on experience, huh? But nah! Don't worry! Raymon's not interested in love." Jennifer laughed. Joanne chuckled and high-fived her.

They all continued talking about love and so on for minutes and only Raymon couldn't connect to them. Maybe because he has no experience. Well, Jennifer's the same but the only difference is she had a crush so she can relate. Him on the other hand, he never experienced such thing. No crush, no love, no girl friend, none.


Midnight came and Raymon was still thinking about love. He was already lying on the bed beside his little brother who was snoring. He turned to his side and faced the moonlight which shone through the window. Then, he thought of the feelings that his friends talk about constantly. Like, butterflies in their stomach when they talk to the one they like, seeing sparkles around their crush, fast beating of the heart, blushing, the abnormal breathing and so on. He looked back and searched his memories. He never experienced that. He thought of all the girls, including his friends. They're all pretty enough but he didn't feel like that with any of them. Is there something wrong with me?

"Ooh la la! I feel hot!"

Raymon jolted up. Why did he remember that line by David? David said that when PiLlow had a movie marathon at Christine's old residence and it was a scene where a woman was stripping off her clothes. He can hear their giggles come back to life. That time, Joanne kicked David for being so malicious while Raymon was just laughing with them. If David felt hot, why didn't he feel the same? From what he remembers, the woman in that movie was really y. She had this S-line. Why wasn't he ? Is that normal?

Raymon stood up and went to open the window. He leaned on his elbow and studied the moon. He thought deeply for explanations. Girls… Well, no matter how pretty the girls he had encountered, there was no one who caught his attention yet. The woman… He's not a maniac like David so it's understandable that he wasn't . Feelings…  This one is a bit complicated. Feelings. He's pretty sure he didn't feel that way before. Then, he remembered something. He remembered the feeling of his heart skipping a beat when he was watching a TV series. He's sure it was a kissing scene though he couldn't remember the actor and actress. But certainly, it was a kissing scene.

"I'm normal." He smiled to himself and went back to bed.


Three days later, the new assignments of art classes commenced. They all went to their assigned classes except for Joanne who found out that she wants to be in Calligraphy. She has a good penmanship and everyone is aware of it so they didn't stop her from chasing her desires.

Since Raymon was assigned to be in the Dance Department, he went straight to the dance studio but somehow, he got lost on his way. He never went to the dance studio before. SAU is really big and that didn't help his situation. He frowned as he ran and look for signs of the studio. Nothing. It was hopeless. He's running late on the very first day. This isn't good. He'll be punished!

After a while, Raymon saw a huge door which looked like the description of the door to the dance studio. Not thinking twice, he barged in. His jaw dropped when he saw it was a bit dark inside and there was a huge red curtain at the stage. It was a wrong room. All of the students stared at him questioningly. He bowed in apology when someone called him. He turned and saw Christine running his way.

"What are you doing here? You need something?" She asked.

"I'm lost." Raymon said, plastering a nervous smile on his face. Christine's eyes widened but she didn't scold him. "Hurry up!" She pushed him out. Then, she slightly closed the door and poked her head out before she pointed down the hallway. "Turn left, then right, then another right and lastly, left. Enter the second door. That's the dance studio."

It was confusing but Raymon managed to get it. "Left, right, right, left, second door." He mumbled. "Got it!" With that, Christine closed the door to the theater.

Raymon ran as fast as he can, following Christine's direction. He mumbled left and right as he ran. After the second right turn, Raymon smiled. This is exciting! He grabbed his bag tightly and ran even faster. When he was about to turn left by the corner, he bumped onto someone, causing them both to fall down with him on top. His eyes widened when he realized that his lips touched something smooth. It was a cheek. Luckily it wasn't the lips. But Raymon lost his breath. His heart almost jumped out and his stomach… Gosh, there were butterflies in his stomach! He froze.

"I'm so sorry."

Raymon couldn't answer. Those feelings… those were the feelings his friends had been telling him. But something's wrong.

"Uhhm, hello?"

Raymon still couldn't answer. What the hell is this? Why is he feeling this… with a man? This isn't normal. He looked at the eyes of the man under him. He recognized them. The man then smiled seeing that Raymon was so shocked. Dimple.

He stood up in a lightning speed and straightened himself up. His cheeks were burning. Raymon looked up to the man who was dusting off his shirt. It was the transfer student with the dimple. The one in Class B. Raymon sighed silently and forced his mouth to open.

"I-I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Raymon stuttered. He lowered his head down from the embarrassment he felt after asking.

"It's alright. I'm fine." The man answered. He patted Raymon's shoulder before he went to his way. When Raymon was all alone again, he heaved a sigh. His brows were furrowed. Why is this happening? What is this?

"No, this won't do." He slapped his face for him to wake up then he walked slowly to the second door. Just as he opened it, the kissing scene in the TV series came back to him. This time, it was clear. He remembered the actors, he remembered the plot. He gasped and froze at the same time.

The kissing scene that made his heart skip a beat before… was an accidental kiss between two men.

I'm… I'm gay?


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iloveluhan15 #1
Chapter 2: Eonni!!!!! Update please! Nyahahahhaa.. xDDD ELLIE! NO OTHERS. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.. XD <3
iloveluhan15 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh!!!! HAhahahhahahaaha... I was laughing while reading this.hahahaaaaha kkaeb song~~ xD but this is great! Good job Eonni! :* xD Joanne Eonni's character is DAEBAK. XD
icedteabear #3
Chapter 2: lots of characters.
I think they exist in real life. Am I right, author-nim?
Your friends perhaps? ^^