

Edchill made a good start with her new classmates. She was lucky to be assigned to Class A because the students in this section were the ones who don't care about the newcomers. They often neglect them like they don't even exist. What matters most to them are their grades and nothing else.

Except for David and Mylene, of course. This is what the both of them hated the most with their class. That's why when they learned Edchill would be with them, they befriended her right away so she wouldn't feel like an outcast.

Mylene and David were seated right next to each other and there was an empty chair in front of David. They let Edchill occupy it and the three of them talk to each other when there's no teacher around.


On the other hand, in Class B…


"My name's Kim Jongin." The first student, who had a darker skin than the other, introduced himself when their teacher told them to give their names. Christine rolled her eyes at how arrogant he felt to her. He stood there with his hands in his pockets and he had his poker face on like he wasn't happy to say his name. Then, he bowed in a bored manner before he flipped his hair away.

"Uggh~ Another one." She grunted. Rischia heard and faced the latter who was glancing at the far end corner where a dark-skinned guy was sitting and looking out the window.
Christine suddenly shifted her gaze away. Rischia twisted her body sideward and saw that the guy her friend was looking at was flirting with the girl next to him. She sighed.

"You can sit next to Ms. Moon." The teacher pointed at the empty seat at the left side of Christine. The latter's eyes widened. Before Jongin could head to the seat, Jennifer, who was seated to the right of Christine, stubbornly stood up and shouted, "Sir! Can he exchange seats with Rischia?"

"And why should I do that?" the teacher asked her. Jennifer looked for answers at the ceiling and constantly bites down on her lip until a light bulb in her head.

"Aha!" She snapped her finger. "I got a perfect score in the last exam and you told me that I have one wish that you'll grant."

The teacher snapped his finger, remembering. "Yes, right. Okay then, Rischia, you take the empty seat next to your friend."

The three of them heaved a sigh of relief. Rischia then took her things and transferred it all to her new seat before Jongin settled at the seat she left which was in front of Christine. The latter gulped in realization. Rischia smacked her head and Jennifer did the same. They thought everything would be fine but it seems like it got worse. Rischia looked over Christine and onto Jennifer.
"Wrong move!" She mouthed. Jennifer scratched her head.



"SEONSAENGNIM!!!" Joanne roared. She stood up and hit her notebook violently on her desk. "Transfer this giant elsewhere!"

The teacher ignored her and continued on writing their lessons on the board. Joanne began stomping her feet in annoyance before she finally stopped and slumped back down on her chair with a frown and crossed arms.

Chanyeol, their new classmate, turned around to face her. He had his goofy smile on and Joanne shrugged in disgust. She never liked super tall guys and she especially hates this one for being weird. He has this happy virus in him that irritates her and his voice is so deep that it scares her.

"Shoo! Don't look at me!" She shooed him. Chanyeol only grinned more. "You're funny." He commented.

"Uggh!! I give up!" She shut her eyes close and massaged her temples. Chanyeol laughed before he turned back around to face the board. After a while, Joanne opened her eyes and saw nothing but navy blue. She blinked a few times. What's with navy blue?

She looked up and saw Chanyeol's milky nape. That's when she realized that the navy blue she's seeing was actually the back of his uniform. She groaned then she balled her hands into fists. "ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!" she growled out loud, not minding the teacher at all.


"God, I'm hungry!" Joanne complained, running instantly to the cafeteria after the last morning subject. She was too irritated and she wanted to get out so bad that she didn't bother to wait for Jesel and Raymon. The two were stomping their feet as they followed. The rest of the gang was already in their usual spot at the corner, combining the two tables and joining it together.

"Hahaha! Look at Jesel and Raymon's faces!" David guffawed, pointing his finger when the three of them entered. Jennifer who was beside him slapped his arm in amusement and giggled in her high-pitched voice. "Joanne never fails to make us laugh!" she commented.

"And you never fail to hurt us when you laugh." David snorted and the part of his arm which was hit by Jennifer. The latter pouted and hit him again, gentler.

"Lucky it wasn't me." Rischia chortled. She was seated opposite to Jennifer and beside her was Christine who had her chin resting on her palm and her fingers tapping on the table. She was also in a daze until Mylene waved a hand in front of her face.

"Are you alright?" She asked. Christine looked at her with round eyes before she nodded her head. "I'm fine."

"No, she's not." Jennifer answered making them look at her in curiosity. She then told them about what happened earlier.

"YOU, TOO?!" Joanne's voice echoed around the cafeteria. "Yah! Lower your voice!" Jesel scolded before she sat down on the other side of Christine and Raymon sat beside Jesel. Then, Joanne sat like a queen in the middle.

"Who irritates you? Uggh~ There's this Chanyal guy in us. He's really tall! He blocks my view!" Joanne continued with her complaints. Raymon stuffed a toffee in his mouth. "It's Chanyeol." He corrected. Joanne rolled her eyes.

"Chanyeol or whatever, I don't like him." She said.

"How are you going to like him if he's not your type?" Jesel asked before chewing on a drumstick. David had laid their lunch that they packed earlier in the morning and everyone started to dig in. Joanne ignored her and slapped Raymon's hand with her chopstick when he went for the other drumstick. The latter winced and glared at her. She took the drumstick quickly and stuck her tongue at Raymon.

Just as they were having a good flow of conversation, the bell rang.
"Let's hurry!" Jennifer jumped and helped the others pack up their lunch boxes as Joanne whistled in her chair, patting her bulging tummy.

"Hey, lazy !" Jennifer called, pertaining to Joanne. "Help us!"

"You guys can handle that just fine." The latter answered naturally and whistled back.



Joanne stretched her arms and yawned in her seat. Their next teacher was unusually late and she loved it. Chanyeol wasn't in his seat yet so she decided to rest her feet on it before she started dozing off.

Jesel scooted to the end of her desk and signaled Raymon to bring his chair and sit with her. The latter nodded and followed. When he sat down, Jesel pulled out her phone from her pocket. She plugged her earphones in it and offered one to Raymon.

"Should we wake her up?" Jesel asked, pointing to Joanne who had wide open and snoring. Raymon shrugged. "Maybe later?" he answered.

"I'm just worried that Chanyeol might sit on her feet." Jesel added. Raymon chuckled. "That would be great!"

Just then, Chanyeol came in. He scratched his head when he saw that Joanne was fast asleep in an awfully hilarious position. He wanted to push her feet off his seat but instead, he started laughing hard that he clutched onto his stomach. Joanne jolted up.

"Mom, don't make me do the laundry! I beg you!" She exclaimed. The whole class erupted to laughter, joining Chanyeol. Joanne glanced around and cussed under her breath when she realized she was dreaming again.

"Shut up." She glared at them before she crossed her arms and pulled her feet away. Then, Chanyeol sat down, still chortling.

The teacher came in just in time. It was Mrs. Lee, their arts teacher. She was holding a bunch of papers in her arms before she dropped it on her table with a thud. "Wondering why I'm late?" She asked, dusting off her hands. The students nodded. She's not the kind of teacher who goes to class late.

She pulled one piece from the papers and held it up. "See this?" She pointed. "This is our University's ingenious idea."

"That paper's an ingenious idea?" Joanne sneered and Mrs. Lee frowned at her. "Child, don't underestimate this piece of paper. This is your future."

"Future?" Joanne repeated. "Nah~ I already know my future." She answered surely. Mrs. Lee tilted a brow at her. A student next to Joanne tapped her and asked, "Really? What's your future?"

Joanne smirked. "Simple! I'd get married and I'll have lots of kids!"

Jesel and Raymon guffawed. "I'm telling you. You'll never get married." Raymon said, laughing. Jesel high-fived him and Joanne kicked both of their feet. "Hell, yes! I'll get married someday! I had five boyfriends already, FYI."

"No, really! I'm betting all my Infinite albums on it." Raymon fought back. Jesel chuckled. "I'm betting my wardrobe!"

Mrs. Lee shushed them all. "Alright. Stop that now." She was holding in her laugh. She didn’t want to humiliate her student even more but she admits it was funny. She cleared then called for Joanne to come over.

"Here. If ever you don't get a husband, consider that as your future." She handed Joanne the paper she was holding earlier. The latter took it and read with her eyes before they rounded in shock with what's written. She looked up to Mrs. Lee then back to the paper then back to Mrs. Lee again.

"P-p…. P-PAINTING????!!" She exclaimed.


author's notes

I wonder what's with painting.. XD
Let's find out in the next chapters. For now, let's all wonder. LOL
I'm having a lot of fun writing the character of Joanne ^^
It's so her.. wahahaha



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iloveluhan15 #1
Chapter 2: Eonni!!!!! Update please! Nyahahahhaa.. xDDD ELLIE! NO OTHERS. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.. XD <3
iloveluhan15 #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh!!!! HAhahahhahahaaha... I was laughing while reading this.hahahaaaaha kkaeb song~~ xD but this is great! Good job Eonni! :* xD Joanne Eonni's character is DAEBAK. XD
icedteabear #3
Chapter 2: lots of characters.
I think they exist in real life. Am I right, author-nim?
Your friends perhaps? ^^