Confiding in Someone

Affection that Grows

When he first realized that he had different feelings towards the elder, Jackson had become confused and worried. That didn't show on his face though however they shined through his actions, he had started to make mistakes and sometimes Mark found himself training alone, since his partner wasn't around.

"Jackson " Mark's voice rang through the dormitory, the others jumped because it was rare to hear the oldest raise his voice like that, some had yet to hear it and they were even more startled. "Where is he?" Mark asked when he noticed that the younger male was not there. Jaebum raised his hand and pointed towards the door. Mark let out a frustrated grunt before he headed back into try he sad shared bedroom.

Jackson knew he couldn't keep doing this, avoiding the elder was starting to become as bad habit but he knew and that was why he'd grabbed Jinyoung earlier. Jinyoung also knew why, but he couldn't say anything before his friend opened his mouth to say anything, for now he all he did was stare at Jackson as try he male buried his face into his hands and let out a heavy sigh.

A few minutes went by without either saying anything; it wasn't until the cold beverages were served that Jackson had opened his mouth. "Jinyoung" he whispered into his hands but after that it took another five minutes before he once again opened his mouth, "What should I do Jinyoung?" Now Jackson looked up from his hands, his gaze fixed on the male with genuine brown orbs as his eyes shot down at the glass in front of him.

With a sigh Jinyoung try thought about how to advice him but at the same time he knew that it was important that Jackson figured this out himself, also Housing wanted to make sure that he understood the situation before he said to much. "About what?" he asked after thinking it through and with that Jackson finally looked straight at him but his face was in distress something that told Jinyoung that his friend was probably still not at ease with these feelings he found himself having for Mark.
"My feelings" Jackson started before glancing up at the male with a careful gaze and Jinyoung raised his brows, mentally telling him to go on "For Mark hyung" A slight smile grew on the younger male's face as his friend confessed his thoughts to him, though he knew that there was someone else that would be happier to hear these thoughts but Jackson was dense when it came to these kinds of things, "Jackson— you know," Jinyoung started but stopped himself in the middle of his sentence as he decided not to pick his next words without thinking but the older amongst the two started talking, "Isn't it disgusting? Won't he hate me?" Automatically Jinyoung reached out his hand to ruffle Jackson's hair with his bright signature grin, "It isn't and I'm sure he won't hate you."
In the corner of his eyes, Jinyoung spotted two people standing outside the cafe staring at the two through the glass. Jackson didn't know because he was to immersed with his own thoughts and worries that he hadn't noticed but there they stood. Mark with jealousy emitting through his eyes as he stared hard and long at the hand that was in Jackson's hair, next to him was Jaebum, with a cheeky grin on his face Jaebum pointed to the door entrance and with hurried steps Mark walked over to it and Jinyoung made sure that Jackson hadn't noticed anything before standing up, "Just gonna grab something to eat" Jackson buried his face into his hands as Jinyoung stepped away from their table; not aware at all of the presence of the oldest.
The chair was pushed and Jackson thought it was Jinyoung who had sat back down but when he looked up, it wasn't Jinyoung's face he was looking at. No, he was staring at an all to familiar face, "" nothing came out of Jackson's mouth as his mind caught up with what his eyes were seeing. "Jackson" Mark voiced in his low voice but it was sterner than normal, which made him pull back a little, "Wha" Jackson started but he was cut off mid sentence as Mark raised his hand up and placed his index finger in front of his own lips and Jackson was shushed. Something not many could do but Mark had been able to do so effortlessly and without many words exchanged between them. "We are the same Jackson," Mark's sentence was short but it caught Jackson's attention like there wasn't anything else in this world.
For the rest of the evening those words kept on being replayed inside Jackson's mind. The older hadn't been spesific about it but when he thought about it and what it meant his heart beat picked up speed and he had caught himself smiling from ear to ear ever so often. Mark had noticed this and kept wondering where all that sudden courage to admit his feelings and basically throw a confession at the younger male had come from, but seeing the younger smile like that hadn't made him regret it.


This here became a longer chapter— Did it turn out well? Are you all still around to read? ;A;

Another thing— I kinda feel like having nice ship art on the front page ;u; of Mark and Jackson ofc, but because I cannot edit for the life of me I am asking if any of you would be like angels to make one for me??? ;A; sobs is that too much to ask? i cry

ohoho— remember you all that a comment or upvote is very very inspiring for me as a writer to write more ;A; happy reading~

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KimBeLy #1
Chapter 10: ohhh unnie fighting !!! 'll wait forward to the update :D omo I really love this fic ;)
KimBeLy #2
Chapter 1: mmm ... a good start :)
thelillcat #3
Chapter 10: good luck with everything in your life, we will be here waiting for you
Chapter 9: aww take care unnie!! ur health is the no.1 priority!
n i feel like u didnt fail at all! this chapter really shows a lot of improvements in their relatiinship as they r getting less awkward n more romantic KYAAA~!!!

please do update soon, but please dont rush! im worried abt ur health as well >,<
FIGHTING unnie¡ <3 <3
Spaghettisoda #5
Chapter 9: They're so sweet!!!! The story 's so cute and real ....I can imagine them from ur story
And the kiss under the full moon!! How's sweet!!! ❤❤❤can't wait until next chapter
Thanks so much
Chapter 9: Awww ain't that cute?!!! Romantic kiss under full moon and two hot boys making out asdfghjkl update soon ♡♡♡
suzysugus #7
Chapter 8: I can totally imagine them like that and it's amazing T__T Please update soon! it's great <3
Chapter 8: Aah soo sweet!!! This chapter made my day better even after studying math all day long haha~
love the fact that Mark is maving the first move n "threatens" Jackson with hus deep voice (*0*)

N i think u did great on writing the kissing scene heheh <3 n i think the length of the chapter is fine ;)

Please do update soon again!! Hwaiting author-unnie! <3